Friday, August 17, 2012

The Weekend

Hello gingers! It's not until school starts that you realize how much you love and appreciate weekends.

Basically all day I was saying to myself that I was so happy it was Friday. It is going to be awesome to have days to do homework, and sleep.

I'm pretty sure that sleep is highly underestimated. It's so important. And it's so bad when you don't get enough. I get it. I'm making obvious statements. But I need some sleep for myself right now.

It's crazy guys. The first week of high school is over. Completely. Over.

We have survived every single day of this week and it was a long week, let me tell you. And this is the first week of many, and many more will I be so excited for the weekend.

So that's a thing. I finally feel like a freshman in high school now. Which is good.

But I do in fact need some sleep though. I'm super tired.

But have a great weekend everybody!

Keep On TGIF,
Rachael The Ginger

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