Saturday, August 4, 2012

Birthday Simmer Down

Hello gingers! I just hate the couple days after your birthday where your birthday starts to fade.

But everything has to end in time, because good things that last forever are secretly not good. Wrap your head around that why don't you.

My birthday party was yesterday and I just do not understand how I got so lucky with my friends that surround me. They are just truly amazing people and I want to stay close with them in the upcoming years.

Whether it's having scaring wars, cracking up at movie theatre's late at night, or going on sunrise hikes at 6 in the morning, we are always having fun, and I hope we never stop.

These girls are just absolutely fantastic, and I could be with them forever.

We saw The Amazing Spiderman by the way. It was very fun. I got really inspired to be spiderman. I think I can pull it off though.

Anyways, I am truly lucky and blessed or whatever you want to call it for the people in my life. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I am so happy that I did.

That's it for today, have a fantastic weekend.

Keep On Having Birthdays,
Rachael The Ginger

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