Now, this is a shaycarl video (of course) and you know how I feel about him and his family and such. He just gave me a huge push that I needed.
Here's the video.
This just seriously blew me away. I cannot explain in words what this video meant to me.
Every step he took, I was with him. In this video and his over 100 pound weight loss journey he took. And every step I took on my run, he was with me. He was with me by inspiring me to push a little bit harder, to take one more step, to go a little faster. He gave me this incredible motivation and confidence that I never knew I had.
And every word he said in that video will inspire me tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.
When he talks about the real supermen, I really stuck with me. You don't have to have special abilities, or this incredible advantage to be good at something. You can take little steps, and you will get closer every time. You can achieve one goal at a time, and you can make it to the finish line.
And when he talked about how someday is never going to happen. It's just today. Every day is the first day of the rest of your life, but you should treat it like your last. Don't wait until next week, or when you get the time. Do it right now.
When he talks about not finding out who you are but creating who you are was just amazing. You are not born with an identity. You are born with a name, a size and a weight. That's it. You have to create who you are from the bottom up, because no one can choose who you are.
And when he talked about choosing who you want to be. I want to be someone who helps others and someone who is determined to do their best. I want to be a hard worker. I want to be the best person I can be.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't. You're right. Happiness is a choice. You can choose how the stimulus around you affects you, and how it changes your outlook on the world and what is around you. You have the power of thought, and it is the most powerful thing in the world. Your thoughts control your actions, and your actions control who you are. You are the master of your own mind.
He is the most inspiring man I know, and he motivates me to do what I do every day.
I just want to thank him for all he's done for me over these past 2 years. He has been the person I count on. My mentor I like to think. He has saved me from the pessimism I used to subject myself to. He has helped me be the best person I can be. All in the nick of time.
And in 20 minutes, it will be 2 years since the very first time I watched a SHAYTARDS vlog, and when my life took a huge turn for the best.
Thank you ShayCarl. Thank you, so very much.
Thank you for making these two years the best two years of my life, and with many more years to come. Thank you for giving me something.
Thank you for the motivation, and the confidence to be myself and not care what other people think. And choose happiness over anything. Thank you for helping me realize that my thoughts are so important, and that being a good person is what I want to be.
Thank you for making me want to inspire others, just like you and your family do so well. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you for making me want to be the change I want in others. And that you for making my life what it is today.
You inspired me to do things today, not someday. I started a youtube channel, I started a blog, I started my confident life again. Thank you.
And thank you for inspiring everyone around you. I know I'm not the only one so touched by you. So thank you for being such a huge influence in my life.
I know my journey is just beginning. But it has been an amazing start. 2 years. 2 years watching the SHAYTARDS every day. 2 years of untouched confidence.
And hopefully many more years to come.
Thank you ShayCarl for all you do, and thank you to all of the SHAYTARDS who all make it possible.
Thank you Sontard, Babytard, Princesstard, Rocktard, Colette, Shay, and the entire Butler family. Thank you for spreading happiness.
And I was thinking of all of you when I wore my SHAYTARDS shirt on the farthest run I've ever ran.
Never lose your smile guys :)
Happy Shayaversary :)
-Rachael Robinson
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