Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Key To Life

Hello gingers! I am going to tell you one of my keys to a successful life.

It has been around for ages. It's for the cluttered, it's for the organized, it's for the extra cautious. And it's called: a check list.

I have recently re-discovered how amazing they are. I used to use them all the time but then during the summer there was really no need for them. But now that I have started school again it's seriously a life-saver.

And I'm a type of person where you have to remind me of everything for it to get done. I need that constant little message that reminds me of little things. So check-lists are really neat for me.

And I'm not kidding when I say I need to be reminded of everything. I have to remind myself to do homework, to shower, to write these blogs. It's terrible how much I forget stuff. And I also get lazy. But check-lists are also good for that because I feel bad when only half my list is done because I just didn't feel like getting it done.

So. Secret to life. Check-lists. Start making them. They help out a lot for me. And everyone is definitely just the same person so it will work for you, obviously. Just kidding. But seriously. Try it.

Keep On Making Check Lists,
Rachael The Ginger

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