Thursday, August 23, 2012

Art Class

Hello gingers! So I thought art class was going to be difficult and apparently it is.

You know everyone says that they aren't artists and their art is terrible. But they all end up being like amazing pieces of art and stuff. But I'm seriously going to fail.

It's not that my art is bad. It's that I am so detail oriented and perfect that I will never finish my work. I've done two 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 cards in 3+ hours. Because I'm just that amazing.

Just kidding.

But seriously, I was supposed to have 12 by today. But I'm not alone so that's good. It's mixed media and apparently this is just supposed to practice our skills before we do a big name collage later. So that should be equally not done as this thing. So that should be fun.

But the thing that just drives me crazy is that we have to swap the cards with each other. I worked so hard on my cards and I just want to keep them forever. Because I love them like that.

I did a happiness is a choice card, and quotes from "As A Man Thinketh" which I've talked about before in great detail. So I don't need to go further with that.

But I really love the work I've done. Which is good. Love yourself.

Keep On Making Art,
Rachael The Ginger

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