Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hello gingers! Today I have been doing SHAYTARDS things and such.

Because it's my Shayaversary. That's right. I watched my very first shaytards vlog 2 years ago at about this time. Which is so amazing.

This was the first SHAYTARDS video I ever saw.

Don't you see that beautiful face? So I made this video.
It's very long and boring I know, but I wanted to say what I wanted to say. Considering this is a very special day for me. And I won't bore you like I did yesterday with all the reasons why the SHAYTARDS and ShayCarl are amazing and how they have changed my life and made me the person I am today. Because you can just watch the video for that as well.

It's just crazy to think that I have watched about 730 videos, plus all the videos on their other channels. And I have tuned in for every single one of them because I am so weirdly loyal to a family that is not my own.

And it's crazy to think about the fact that these people are the reason that I'm doing this. I would not be blogging if I hadn't been watching them. I would not be making youtube videos if I hadn't been watching them. I have no clue where I would be if I didn't watch them.

And they have showed me that it doesn't matter what other people think. And that's why I'm so outgoing. Because of them.

And I am so excited to for many more Shayaversary's to come. Because this is seriously the best feeling ever. And I'm so excited to watch the first year vlog of today, the vlog above, and today's vlog. That is going to be so cool. And I'm going to listen to their podcasts, and I'm going to do everything SHAYTARDS.

And I will do it all wearing my shirt, and just loving this community that I belong to. I will write lengthy comments about how I care about them so much, and what they mean to me.

And I will enjoy this day, because I know it's an important one.

And I will think about how much they have helped through these past 2 years. And how crazy it is that I first started watching at the beginning of middle school, and now it's the beginning of high school.

So I will enjoy this. And next year, I will enjoy it even more.

-Rachael Robinson

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