Sunday, August 5, 2012

Choosing Science Over Sports

Hello gingers! So the mars landing is tonight, and Usain Bolt is also going to be the fatest man in the world tonight.


That's why I'm so grateful I have a laptop. I can basically watch the pre-game show for the landing, and glance at the TV when they cross the finish line. I love the Olympics as you can tell from some of the earlier blogs this past week, and I love historic moments in history/science. They just purposefully put these sporty nerds in this situation. Curse you mars rover.

But I'm going to witness history in all walks of life. No matter what it takes. Nerdy, sporty, runny, or not. History is what matters, haha.

But that's it. All I have to complain about today. I will be posting on ION right after the landing happens just letting everybody know the situation if they couldn't watch it live, or something. So just to let you know. Go look at that.

Keep Witnessing History,
Rachael The Ginger

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