Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Quick Post

Hello gingers! It might be cheating but it's not so yeah.

I feel kind of bad because it's after midnight in my time but this blog wont be. This blog will be an hour before because it's in different time zones. But what about daylight savings? It's all very complicated but I do feel kind of bad. It was lazy too. I'm really sorry guys. ShayCarl missed a couple days too. But no more! This is the last time something like this will happen. I should be getting into habit but it's not sticking yet. There's ADD for you. Always freaking changing.

Change is good though. If I've learned anything, it's that.

Some exciting things are happening. It's getting nearer. You guys will know soon. We have to work out some of the kinks and get details sorted out. We also have to crank out a LOT of preparation in one day. This project just some thing that I'm going to do. This is going to be a 4-5 YEAR long thing we are doing. We are going to be deciding on some things, and making some decisions very very soon. Stay with me and you will know by Sunday. Maybe just a little bit later than that. But just keep in mind that it is going to be big. Bigger than anything I've ever done before. Get excited.

Oh and I'm a derp. It was also hair day yesterday because in the CTFxC vlog, Charles shaved his head because his hair looked all goofy from the surgery. They shaved a bunch of stuff into his head. Hair day!

That's it. No more weird cheaty blogs. I love you guys and I'm doing this for you!

Stay Focused,
Rachael The Ginger

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