Friday, March 23, 2012

6 Hours

Hello gingers! In about 6 hours I will be up and officially getting read for the East Coast Tour!

This is basically going to be a recap and preparation blog for the next 5 days! Here we go!

I'd like to remind everybody that I will be blogging from my phone if there is no wifi atthe hotel. Blogging from my phone is terribly slow and inefficient so don't be expecting much. I do think that reception will be better on the east coast though.

The minute I wake up I will be vlogging with a real camera. Those clips and things will go o a montage video on my main channel not next Tuesday, but the Tuesday after that. There will also be a picture montage.

But next Tuesday I will be posting a one take video from my phone on the main channel. But throughout the week I will be posting one takers and updates on my second channel. Go subscribe to see those. Very exciting.

And you can always follow my social networking sites like twitter to see instant stuff as well. This is going to be an experience of a lifetime and I can wait to share it with you guys to. Get ready. Gingers Take East Coast.

There might be an early morning blog tomorrow. I want to preven as much phone blogging as possible.

Keep On Getting Excited,
Rachael The Ginger

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