Sunday, March 4, 2012

Did You Know I Enjoy Telling You Things?

Hello gingers! This is me blogging! It's fun isn't it!

This blog is going to be boring. Or maybe not. It's always really in the eye ofthe beholder, but that's beside the point. I'm feeling a little bit ADHD right now. Just a fare warning. Here's another one. This blog is basically going to be me talking about upcoming things on he blog or outside. Ready, set, go.

Someone is testing me. Which is ridiculous because no one texts me this late. Jeepers.

Tomorrow is my biggest idol and who got me into YouTube's birthday. ShayCarl is turning 32 years old and it also commemorates 3 years of consecutive vlogging. On both my channels I will be addressing this and being really gushy and stuff. I will also blog about it. Be prepared. He's also selling these one-time only shirts and it would be really cool to have but there really expensive. I don't know if I can get one. I really wish I could but I don't know. A broke teenager can only hope for the grace of their parents.

I really want it though.

By the way! I got a new channel today! I was finally able to get it to work. I will be able to upload through my phone. It will be good enough. For now.

I'm so excited for this channel. It makes me really happy.

I am now obsessed with a couple songs now. Some of which may be released in cover form. Wink. I learned how to play one of them on guitar.

I'm finally feeling like myself again. Music is powerful. One song changed everything.

This week is standardized testing. This actually makes me really excited though. One reason. You'll find out soon. Wink.

Blog. Blog. Blog.

Oh yeah, this week I definitely have to try mobile blogging. Let's say, Wednesday? I'll do a blog at school! That will be exciting!

More stuff I have forgotten about. But I'll see you guys tomorrow anyway.

Stay Informed,
Rachael The Ginger

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