Saturday, March 24, 2012

It Is Very Early In The Morning

Hello gingers! I even get better reception at the airport! Who woulda thunk?

I lied to you. This is called phone blogging and it sucks! But I don't know what to tell you. Let's all just send our combined internet strength to wish for wifi at the hotel. Please.

Now I'm in the airport terminal. Got my sunscreen I forgot about confiscated. I'm such a noob.

 We are flying Frontier. But I have a question? When did TSA become so strict?

It's getting very, very exciting. Just the thought of being is Washington in 4 hours is amazing. This is a new frontier for gingers. The east coast!

We are about to board the plane now! See ya tomorrow!

Keep On Moving,
Rachael The Ginger

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