Friday, March 16, 2012

Movies And Friends

Hello gingers! I love movies, and friends!

Today I've been hanging out with my best friend Arianna today! We went on an awesome hike and we got amazing pictures and amazing memories from it. The project is still on track and it's getting even more exciting! Here we go!

We are going to watch movies and have a party! We will be indulging in Napolean Dynamite, Easy A, and possibly the Princess Bride! We are going to Have just. Freaking rad time and nothing will stop us!

Filler words, filler words, filler words.

I don't think there is going to be a main channel video today. I'm such a dirty liar. But you love me right?

I don't even know. I don't really want to blog. Well, it's that I'm not really doing anything worth blogging about. I'm excited about some other blogs though.

Friends are awesome. They are just there for you. And they will be crazy with you. And they will love it with you.

Who's your best friend? Tell me.

I dare you.

I also dare you to lick a baby duckling.

Autocorrect can be terrible sometimes.

Keep On Licking,
Rachael The Ginger

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