Tuesday, January 3, 2012

School Again...

Hello gingers! It is Day 3 of my mission! You might call it a "blogathon" Speaking of "Blogathons" go check out Team Blogathon!!!! It's our new callab blog! For more info check out either the "Shameless Promotion" page or the "Stuff I Forget To Say" page! Now, as expected, its time for Quickie News!

I have touched on it before on some of my other pages, but I want to talk about a little page called "What Should I Do Next?" This is a page I made a long time ago but I want address completely what this page is. This page is basically a forum. You can go there and comment about changes to the look of the site. There is more info over there about what specifically I want the conversation to be about, but right here I'd like to tell you that you can comment about new projects I should take on. So tell me guys, what should I do next?

Just a little side note, if your interested in seeing me playing guitar and singing a song about how I hate my neighbors, then tune in to my YouTube channel on Monday, January 9th.


So? Are you asleep? Well I hope this will wake you up:




So, today was the first day of school after break. As I expected there would be a lot more commotion in the morning. Meeting my new Home Ec teacher was interesting. She pronounced my name Rachelle. I was like, really? Is Rachael really that hard to see? She gained her cool points later by singing. When she said 'um' she would sing it like, UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM. It was amazing. Your officially cool in my book Mrs. V. I'm sure that means a lot coming from a 13 year old girl.

Then P.E. Now, if you know me, you know that I am not athletic. AT ALL. So, yeah. I'm nervous about it. Especially with my goal being to get a 3.8 GPA. We'll see how that goes. My teacher is pretty awesome. Very sarcastic. My kind of teacher.

But none of my other classes changed, so the rest of the day was pretty normal. Not much going on. That's been like the story of my life. Never much happening. Someday that will change. Someday my life will finally be what I want it to be. Exciting. Someday...

But nonetheless, school has started once again. Homework has started again. Despising my science teacher to the very core, again. Mrs. D. Because I can't really be accountable for this, and its on the internet, and you will probably never find it, and because I feel like it, I would like to personally tell you that you make almost 2 hours of my day awful. I'm glad I don't have you next year.

So, on that note, I'm going to sign off! I love you guys for consistently reading, and caring about these silly blogs! I'll see you, bright and early, tomorrow!

Happy Schooling,
Rachael The Ginger

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