Monday, January 9, 2012

Racist Science Teachers And The Petition To End The Seating Crisis Of Period 5

Hello gingers! Best title ever right? But before we talk about that, its time for another edition of Quickie News!

This person started a blog!

She also has a new blog for anonymous advice! More info on her page!:

Also today I uploaded a new video! I sang and play guitar, so you better go support it!

This song is about my neighbors, and my disliking for them!

Now, to talk about my plans for a new camera. I can't film on my webcam forever. It's just not going to work. So these are the 2 cameras I'm looking at. Please tell me in the comments below which one I should go with!



If I do end up deciding on a camera sometime soon, I need to do some kind of fundraiser or SOMETHING to raise the money. Broke teenager here. I think I'm going to charge like $1 for a video suggestion. Something like that.

And the last part of Quickie News, SMRT BLOGS! If you don't know what that is, go check out some of my earlier blogs, or go to the SMRT BLOGS page! The first one is tomorrow! Who's excited?!

BAM! Gettin' things done.

So, you wanted a blog?

So, imagine me a little ginger, in Language Arts. Its completely silent in the classroom because we're doing a thing called, "snapshots." So, all of the sudden we hear our science teacher screaming in the team area! (we are in "teams" in school, and its like a pod of classrooms) She was staying stuff like, "THAT IS THE MOST OFFENSIVE THING I'VE EVER HEARD!" and, "STAY OUT OF MY CLASSROOM, AND YOU CAN MAYBE COME BACK TOMORROW, IF I CALM DOWN!" and, my personal favorite, "I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!" Classic Mrs. D. Classic. So, my friend Matt goes out to get his "math homework" and he figures out what happened. I was just thinking that someone called her a female dog. That wouldn't surprise me in 8th grade. But Matt comes back saying it was a guy named Mac. That doesn't surprise me too much, because he's a little bit of a smart aleck.  But then what really took me, was that he called her a racist. My first thought was "is that really that bad?", "did she really get that angry over that!" 

I got the full story on the bus. Apparently, she said she was going to play in the Harlem Wizards game, (Harlem Wizards are basketball players that do tricks and stuff) and she said, "I'm going to be playing against a bunch of tall, black men so I won't have much of a chance." And then, Mac called her a racist, and Mrs. D flipped out. That's ridiculous. Mac calls everybody a racist. It's just a thing he does!

So, in conclusion, our science teacher is a big fat racist!

Now, for part 2 of the title. Recently, in history, our teacher, Mr. J moved our seats into an assigned seating chart. Our class is very opinionated, so this didn't go over very well. It started with us just standing in front of the door as a way to protest. But we were shot down. Then I was defending some students and my friend Shelby and I came up with "Ground-breaking Logic," which was the fact that its a lot louder for us to shout to talk to each other than it is the whisper when we are sitting together. Ground-breaking huh? Today, I was defending some students, and everybody jumped on the fact that i would make a fantastic lawyer. What can I say? I'm good at arguing. But we are learning about the Declaration of Independence. This tied in HUGELY into what we are doing now. That's right people, we created a petition. Some of us in the class are getting pretty riled up. I'm kind of excited to see where this is going to go. I created the petition and I'm pretty proud of it. There's a quote that I started out the document with and it's pretty awesome.

"As the people rally, the chants are cried. Freedom of seat is near."
-Rachael Robinson

Awesome, right?! I am ready for this. 

So, now you know about the great seating debacle of Period 5. I'll check in with you tomorrow!

Keep Protesting Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger

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