Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's A Status Thing

Hello gingers! My dad got an iPhone today, so now I feel even crappier with my crappy freaking blackberry.

How petty am I? SO petty that an Apple fangirl like me has a blackberry when my dad is floating around with an iPhone 4S? That's right. That's how petty.

I bet he doesn't even know how to use it. My parents were discussing how to say "incorrect number" in Spanish and he didn't even use Siri! He hasn't even really touched his super pretty, super amazing iPhone that I've seen him. I just think that my family doesn't really understand the joys of Apple products. They will never use the full capacity that they can offer.

I'm just really hoping for that MacBook. It's my only hope and dream. Just hold on.

I know I'm complaining again but c'mon. Apple is serious business.

Mainpoint: Apple is a status thing.

We are doing poetry in English class and I wrote an entire poem on what a witch's classroom would be like. I wonder who I was suggesting too. I wonder.

I really do hate her. With a freaking passion.

We've confirmed the witch thing too. In class she laughed so much like a witch it scared the living hell out of me. We also found a broomstick in her room. She used it in a demo and when she asked us how something would happen, we were convinced and we kept saying it was magic. We are calling witchcraft.

At the end of the year we really want to throw water at her and run away singing "DING, DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD!" That would be absolutely amazing. I would be laughing the entire time.

Or we can just leave a bucket of water in the office and just leave a note or something. That would be funny as well.

We have to plot our revenge against this villain who has made a lot of our time in school not a fun thing. But we will get even. Mark my words.

Mainpoint: Being a witchy science teacher, is a status thing.

*Did you see what I did there?*

That's it for today guys. I almost kept my goal of being caught up by tomorrow. I've still got a little stuff to do. Just a little. I mean a lot.

But I will see you guys tomorrow!

Keep On Witching,
Rachael The Ginger

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