Friday, April 13, 2012


Hello gingers! I am really super tired but I'm going to make a super awesome Friday blog, hopefully!

First of all, I'd like to wish a happy birthday to Audrae! You should do the same!

Second, I'm almost caught up. Almost is used loosely I this situation. But I mean I've been catching up on videos, my life is getting back in order somewhat, and my homeowrk is alright. I still got to do it but I have more important matters to attend to.

We did a workout in gym class and my arms are just going to be dead tomorrow. Hopefully I can still use reddit!

I'm slowly but surely winning the race. My feet just need to stop itching.

Seriously. Like my feet are itchy and I don't know why. Somebody help me and my itchy feet.

Am I allergic to the material in the socks or something?

It's weird.

My feet will be under control tomorrow when I see you again.

Keep On Itching,
Rachael The Ginger

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