Saturday, April 21, 2012

Drugs Are Bad

Hello gingers! I know National Weed Day was yesterday, but I feel the need to talk about drugs today.

I'm really late to catch on with trends and all. It's just me, the Ginger, being a socially awkward penguin again. Dot worry about it at all.

So you may have heard but National Weed Day was in fact yesterday. It's because the police code for weed is 420 so on 4/20 its national weed day. Ground breaking stuff?

Well I'm only a teenager but I don't and I never will partake in act of using drugs. It disgusts me at my core really. But I know some "cool" kids do drugs right? Well I've found another alternative.

It's really lame, and it just makes me feel like a little child again when you would like sip soda out of the cap or you would mix a bunch of drinks together and you would pretend you were drinking alcohol. Well I've come down with an illness again and I have a humidifier right? Yeah well it makes me feel like I'm smoking and it's so weird and lame I know but it's true.

I will forever be a child my friends. Forever.

Like I'm pretty sure I will always use carts at the grocery store as traveling devices, and when I have toothpicks I'll act like some kind of mafia member. It's who I am. Never grow up kids. And don't do drugs.

There's the moral of the story.

That will be all. I'll see you tomorrow.

Keep On NOT Using Drugs,
Rachael The Ginger

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