Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day And GMM

Hello gingers! I've got some news for you today, and to just have a good kind of day!

I know I said I was going to talk about the holocaust thing, and I might do that eventually but today I'm just not feeling it.

Happy Leap Day! I was actually thinking about that because I'm blogging everyday this year. It's actually 366 days! You guys are lucky you get another day of my presence!

What did you do with your extra day that almost coming to a close? I hoped you spent your leap day well because it only comes every 4 years!

A lot of things are really happening this year! I mean, we got a leap year, presidential elections, the olympics. Just another reason why 2012 is going to be absoltely ground breaking.

I'm excited that I get another day with you guys! Well I mean it's not like I'm not going to blog after this year but still. This was my mission from the beggining and now I realize that I have an extra day! It's so special guys!

And 500 freaking hits. You guys are awesome and amazing and I don't even have the erode to describe how absolutely incredible you guys are. You guys who have somehow incorporated reading my silly blogs every day into your routine. I know some of you out there are like extremely loyal. That's crazy. Just more members for the Ginger Rebellion. Yu guys will be in the command room with me.

Speaking of loyal fans and routines, I'd like to share with you something that is part of my routine.

When I get home from school, the first YouTube video I watch is called Good Mythical Morning with Rhett and Link. It's a morning talk show with 2 hilarious dudes just having a great time. Tomorrow just happens to be, bring a friend to G Double M.

The premise is that you tell one of your friends to check it out and then you can talk about it and so on. Well I thought, why not share it with the Internet? So I am!

Come join me at Good Mythical Morning at They upload the show at 5 am eastern standard time. Come join me!

If not, I'll still see you tomorrow!

Stay Mythical,
Rachael The Ginger

P.S. If you do come, write "Rachael The Ginger from The Ginger Rebellion sent me here!"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Paper Pillows

Hello gingers! Today has been super busy but I'm glad to be talking to you guys!

You guys do really brighten my day up. It's the only time I can just sit and write whatever I want knowing that you guys will be reading it!

Today I went to go see a speaker who was a survivor of the holacaust. I will definitely be talking about that tomorrow. It was very powerful.

My computer has also been acting weird lately. I don't know what it is. I can be on skype and I can type and send messages and stuff but I can't see the conversation! What's wrong with my computer!

I'm pretty sure it's just Steve Jobs conspiring against us with god. I'm almost absolutely positive.

So, for the book fair at my brothers school my brother bought a prank book. So I come into my room to get some of the many a-work I had and I notice my pillow looks weird and it was in a different position than it usually is.

I'm very particular about things like that. I have 5 pillows on my bed that are arranged in a very specific and organized way. One may call it OCD.

Back to the story. I basically ignored it utility later I just touched it. It's all crumply and I realize it's full of paper. My brothers prank book. Well, I decided to one-up him in this game he was playing. I retrieved his temperpedic pillow out of his room, and very secretly I put a bunch of books in his pillow. I brought it back to his bed. Arranged all the books so they looked normal and I snuck away. I also put the pillow that I took out of his, into my pillow case. It was time to show my little brother who's boss in this house.

He discovered the books shortly after we went to bed. Fun times with me and my brother.

Have fun times with your sibling or just your family if you don't have any!

I love you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Stay Soft,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, February 27, 2012

Does Anybody Even Read These This Late?

Hello gingers! Seriously though. Does anybody read these when I actually post them? I don't even know.

I figure out what we are going to do to celebrate for 500 views. Let's make it a surprise though! That will be fun. I'm pretty sure you guys will like it!

Today we talked about debt, and credit and stuff in social studies today. I felt find of stressed because I don't have money for college. I'm hoping for some scholarships and some help from my parents but you never know. After Washinton (where all my saved money is going) I'm going to get serious about saving. And we are starting adsense. I don't think I want it on the blog though. I want it on the YouTube videos. We'll see.

I think I might have ADD. I try to watch this "SciShow" thing but I ways zone out. Like unless it's a 3 or 4 minute video then I'm not going to be able to pay attention at all.

We have chair tryouts in orchestra this Thursday and that may be a cause for some of the lacking of blogginess. Sorry guys but I think you know I love you.

Your absolutely amazing and you blow me away. Every single day. I'm trying and I'll never stop. But you just keep me going.

Wait! I just realized something. We are almost done with our second year together! That's exciting too! I love leap years!

2012 is going to be amazing and it's proving to be so already. Cannot wait for Washington!

See you guys tomorrow!

Stay Gold Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Should Eat Some Activia Or Something.

Hello gingers! I know, another late blog from my iPod. I'm sorry.

I've been a little bit backed up on the work aspect of my life lately. It sucks because then I feel like I'm being held back and that just gets super confusing. I want to do more if I'm not doing enough already. I want to produce funnier content or something. I want a sound room where I can start producing real music and real podcasts. I want a MacBook so I can work and do school stuff without being bothered. If you didn't realize I already I am basically on the computer when I get home from school til I go to bed. It's pretty cray cray. I want a camera so I can step out of my comfort zone and do more. I have some pretty good ideas but I just need the resources.

It all leads in to you guys. Today I found out I hit 500 hits on my blog. This is absolutely amazing and you guys are probably the best people in the entire world. I love you my gingers. But only you guys can help me get all this stuff. You guys can help me. All you have to do is comment, or share this stuff. That's all it takes.

I feel backed up. I want to get ahead in the game. I'm trying guys. I even have some exciting news for you. Possibly. If 500 views wasn't exciting enough.

I need to start writing all this stuff down. I'm getting ahead of myself. Sometimes I'm like the biggest dreamer in the world. I believe that nothing stands in my way. But other times it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and it makes me such a realist.

Life is good though.

I believe in myself.

By the way, if you didn't hear from yesterday, Charles Trippy and the CTFxC community alike found out that he has a tumor in his brain. From what we've heard it's not too agressive and he's okay for now but please keep him in your thoughts and in your prayers. He is one of my biggest idols in this world so it's importanttgat we help him and the CTFxC community stay strong.

I love you guys with all my heart, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Keep On Praying,
Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rock Climbing Can Be Metaphor For Anything

Hello gingers! I think this will be the last of the deep blogs for a while! Were almost at 500 views!

Thats really exciting. I guess that's going to be a gushy blog too! But we need to do somethig fun! What do you want to do for it!? We have comments for a reason you know.

I guess first of I would like to ask you all to send your thoughts and prayers out to Charles Trippy and friends and family of his and of course the CTFxC community as well. He recently had a seizure and they found a tumor they need to remove in his brain. Please, please, please help in the cause to get #GetWellCharles trending on twitter. He is one of my biggest inspirations and one of the only reasons I started this whole Internet thing. He means a lot to me so I'll be thinking of him and the CTFxC and I hope you do too!

Now on to the title of the blog. Recently, we've been rock climbing in P.E. This is really exciting and I love rock climbing. But I didn't at first. I was terrible at it at first. It was really, really bad. But one day I just kept going and trying harder and I made it to the top! This was. Big moment of just awesome self-confidence though. I felt really awesome and I realized that rock climbing is the most cheesy but most true metaphors of life.

First you've got your harness and ropes which is your basic security of safety in life.

Especially your safety knot which will protect you if your first knot failed.

Then you actually have to go up the wall. It's hard and it's really a struggle but if you take your time and think of the right footholds you can make it to the top.

You also have to make decisions. You have to decide what holds to take, if your going to jump, or anything else like that. When you make the right decision for you, you can make it higher up the wall. If you don't you will fall. But you have a belayer on the ground who you can communicate to and they will catch you when you fall. You can get right back on the wall.

But, if your belayer fails, you have a back up belayer who can catch you.

And slowly, but steadily, you can make it to the top of the wall. Then you have to be lowered. Sometimes if you have the right belayer it can be smooth. But if you don't have a good belayer it can be rough.

Then when you get to the bottom, you realize how much you hurt your forearms or how many cuts you got. But if you reached your goal, it doesn't matter. Your self accomplishment made up for all of that.

Rock climbing. Effective metaphors.

I'm going to le you figure out how that could be applied in your life. It's a little self-reflection for you.

Thats it for today! I love you guys so much! See ya tomorrow!

Get Better Trippy,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Landshark Day!

Hello gingers! Happy Landshark day!

I hope you celebrated plentifully with your awkward fins, and awkward quotes from the video!

I just got done with a grueling 3 hour session making a video. That was not pleasant. It's not really the making of the video that is fun for me. It's the reactions and support and positivity I get from you guys saying that you really liked it. That's what makes me happy about the content-creator process.

I've had a lot of stuff in my noggin lately. Not even like very important stuff, just random stuff that doesn't really matter. Like the stuff you think about when your in the shower, or trying to get to sleep. Pointless stuff like what I will have for dinner, or what I'm going to do this weekend. Stupid brain.

What are you doing this weekend?

Well, I mean I guess some of it is important. I have been thinking of a lot of school stuff mainly. A lot is going on there. We have parent teacher conferences, end of the quarter grades, challenges in orchestra, rock climbing and I'm going to talk about that tomorrow.

I might possibly have a C in math. That's the first C I will have ever gotten but I'm sure there are plenty more to come. Keep in mind that I am in an advanced math class and tests (which I get all panicky on) are like 60% of our grades. Heavy stuff.

My mom was always horrible in math so I usually get excuse for bad grades in it. Also, I rarely get bad grades.

So that's a thing.

I've bee slow on the video watching lately. It's not even because I'm busy. How I Met Your Mother is more important than possibly my future job.

By the way, I was going to ask you guys. How would you feel if I started adsense? It's basically where there would be an ad somewhere on the page and if more people see it, and can get money. Would an ad bother you? Getting money would help me supply my needs in the video making thing like cameras and microphones etc.

It would help me a lot to actually earn income, but I wanted to take what you have to say into consideration because you guys are why I do this. Your my inspiration. Your my sunshine. My only sunshine.

Ive also been thinking about the end of 8th grade. Like graduation and filming I and stuff. It was weird when I ended up thinking about it.

Well, I guess I'm done weirding you out with randomness for one day! See you tomorrow!

Happy Landshark Day,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh Lord Were Getting Personal Again

Hello gingers! I'm really sorry lately has been all mushy-gushy but I need to get this across to my audience. It's important for me to clear out my thoughts on here.

I know this isn't necessarily your favorite thing in the world but we gotta talk about it!

We are so close to 500 hits! That's going to be a pretty gushy blog as well.

As my friend Arianna was saying on her blog, it's SO much easier to be hateful and mean to be nice. I learned that these past couple of weeks and it just feels so good to recognize that and fix the problem for myself. My personal respect, knowledge, and self-worth is very important to me. Just learning everything I can.

It is really easy to be mean. I was mean. It was awful and I hated it. But when you just think about your actions, and what you have done to the other person, the answer is right there. When you just talk gently, and considering the respect that normal people need, you will find that closure and relationships are so much easier to handle.

Closure day. I'm almost done with the entire situation. You just need to get up the courage and do it. Close it up. Close threads. Close connections.

I gave back something that meant a lot to me that this person had given to me. It didn't mean anything to me anymore, but when I gave it back the whole thing finally felt final. There was no going back from it. I was done with it.

This person is still treating me badly though. She is still spreading secrets about me. But now that I know I'm the better person and I always will be, it doesn't even matter anymore. I have true, real friends now that I won't lose. I'm finally figuring out who my real friends are. It's really what I've been striving for in 8th grade. Year of champions.

I'm stronger. I'm better. She's worse. She's weaker.

But I will not treat her differently because of it. I will treat her with respect. Like all people should.

Closure. It's coming completely and with full effect soon.

Stay Strong,
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jacob And Landsharks

Hello gingers! I have a request today so stuff is going to be exciting!!

This blog is for Jacob Wolf. (Spelling error intended) He is a really awesome blonde who is super cool! He is one of the best actors ever. Like seriously. He got a lead role when he was in 7th grade. Pretty intense right? He's really tall as well. He's going to Washington and he's definitely I'm guessing you will see a lot of him in the stuff I will film over there! Watch out. The Wolf is coming.

He definitely should've told me what else to say. What do you want me to say Jacob?

He plays the cello in our orchestra. He is the only 8th grade cello in the section. Pretty cool, right?

He is currently working on some YouTube videos! Maybe he'll have a YouTube channel soon! If he does you can bet your biscuits that I will talk about his videos. So rad.

I hoped you liked your segment Jacob! See you at school!

But now for some more pressing matters. Landsharks.

Jenna Marbles is freaking amazing, and here is just some more proof.

She is just the best person in the universe.

We are now obsessed with landsharks and all their glory. We landshark run. We landshark jump. We landshark away from awkward conversations. We are landsharks.

It's just so glorious and amazing. I don't know what I would do without landsharks. They give me hope in this world.

Some quotes from today:





LANDSHARK OVER THE WATER! But not for too long, or then you'll be a water shark.

Our lives our average.

We (I) started a public landshark party on facebook. If you feel the need, you know you do, you can look it up (Landshark Party) and join us! Let's all be glorious this friday! Landshark party FTW!

Landsharks are amazing. Don't just landshark. Landshark with passion.

Keep On Landsharking,
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life, Friendships, And Another Deep Blog

Hello gingers! Today is going to be another deep blog but there have been a lot of deep things on my mind.

I have fantastic friends. They are the legitimately most amazing people on this planet. (Besides you guys of course) But they are just awesome.

I realized today that the feeling of friendship is one of the best feelings in the entire world. To know that there is someone you can talk to, someone that is there, without fail and without judgement. It's powerful and moving. I am getting high off of friendship.

High on life. My crazy, beautiful life.

I also realized today that you do rub off on your friends. Your behavior and what you do, will effect them. You say like "Oh, it's just a friend." but you are actually changing who they are, at least a little bit.

I'm always preaching about how we only have so many seconds in a day, and your only on this Earth so long so you better start trying to leave your mark today. It's just a thing I truly believe and will follow for the rest of my life.

Living life to the fullest is very important to me.

Anyway, my friend wrote a blog and she used a lot of the stuff I have always been preaching about in it. I realized that it's one of the best feelings in the world to rub off on someone in a positive way. It makes you feel like you have really done something good for the world. You have changed someone's life so they are a better person.

I've always kind of wanted to be that person. Be the person who preaches to others about life. The importance. The gift that it is. I've always wanted to be the person who is doing good for the world silently, and not needing any kind of reward for it.

That is what people should always be striving to do in life. But in this crazy world we sometimes forget that.

So, it's challenge time. Take this challenge or not but know that if you do, I guarantee you will feel enriched as a human being.

I challenge you to either:
1) Talk to someone new
2) Do good somehow and don't tell anybody about it
3) Write an anonymous note to an anonymous person and hide it somewhere (make it special like "your beautiful" or "you shine the way other people don't see it")

Take it or leave it!

I'd love to hear about your good to the world! Tell me!

See you guys tomorrow!

Keep On Helping,
Rachael The Ginger

P.S. Jacob your blog will come soon!

Monday, February 20, 2012

No Freaking School!

Hello gingers! I don't have school and I still manage to have a late blog!

I've been way too busy with rage comics to blog. Pfft, blogging. It's so out of style.

That was a joke. I would never think that. It's ridiculous.

You know what's not a joke? Fried pie. Yeah, it exists. And I eat it. Be freaking jealous.

I found another meme I like! It's pretty funny and amazing though.

It's called "Annoying Facebook Girl" Look it up because I'm way too lazy to get pictures on here!

I'm feeling really lazy today even though Lazy Sunday was yesterday. I haven't done my math homework yet either. Rage comics keep me from doing anything. There the best things in the world though. No freaking joke.

Lots of jokes today. I was basically in a pun war with my friend about things involving oceans and chickens. I know she's my best friend because from that, we have an inside joke. It's one of those where the joke sounds really cheesy, but it's absolutely hilarious to us. It's just one of those things you know?

No you don't. Because your forever alone.

Just kidding, if you don't have any real friends you can have me though! I love you all! We can be internet buddies! *cyber hug*

Drugs, not hugs.

But seriously, don't do drugs.

Is it bad that when I say certain things, I totally picture a picture of the character from rage comics that suits it perfectly? I think it's bad. I'm going on strike from rage comics.

Just kidding. Haha, like that would ever happen.

Hey. I have a question. If I did some kind of podcast or like live broadcasting would you guys listen to it? Please leave your input in the comments. I'm scouting out sites and programs right now that might work.

Right now I'm thinking of:

This site called Mixlr (which looks pretty good if all else fails)
BlogTV (if I wanted to do live video broadcasting)
And just plain old iTunes podcasts (if I can figure it out)

Please tell me what you think. Seriously. Or I will cut you.

It will just be me (or maybe a guest) talking. Do you guys even want that?

For just a follow up of yesterday, I am moving on. It's for the best. The last of it is (hopefully) going to be dealt with tomorrow and then I'm done with the whole situation. I need closure and I think I'm getting it tomorrow. I will hope for the best.

So yeah. I didn't have school today. I love our president's!!!! They get us day's off from school so we can blog and make videos! Yay!

I basically just danced around in my pajamas and watched videos. That's all I strive for in this world.

Oh, and I watched Easy A last night. That always helps me clear my mind, and help me make decisions. It sounds stupid but it's true. You have a favorite movie that you watch when your depressed, right? Okay, so don't judge me. :)

That's it for today! Hopefully tomorrow I will have more to share! I gotta get to my rage comics!

Keep On Raging,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Being A Little Off Can Change A Lot

Hello gingers! This just might be the most complicated, and most topic covering blog in the history of The Ginger Rebellion.

I'm going to have to like write down everything I want to say. Shiz is getting serious.

I'd like to talk about yesterday a little bit. I believe in miracles right now. Something greater than just myself   helped me with that blog. I know it seems stupid but I just can't seem to grasp how it happened. If I had hit "publish post" a second later, my ipod would have died and I wouldn't be able to get the blog on time. Right when I hit "view post" my ipod died. It was the scariest thing since Dumbledore died.

It seems so stupid but it was really nerve-racking. I mean my whole mission is to blog every day for a year and I almost failed the second month. I really have been off, but that almost cost my pride and what I've been working hard for.

Speaking of working hard, I mentioned earlier that we are really close to 500 hits on this blog. Well I looked and we are exactly 46 views away from that. Please tell us what we should do! Should we do a spectacular something! I need to know! Oh, and I'm almost at 1,500 total views on my YouTube channel. It's really exciting for me to watch. Like, is this how every YouTuber felt when they were growing up? I get an email and I get super excited to check if I got a new subscriber, or someone commented on my video, or I got a new Twitter follower. I get really excited! You guys make me feel special inside when you comment and stuff. Like, I'm doing all of it for a reason.

Am I really going to become semi-famous? It's a big question, but it's just my dream. Can I really make it on YouTube? What is going to be the ultimate testament of that? We will just have to wait.

You may have noticed but I think I'm going to stop the SMRT blogs and the Morally Wrong blogs. I wasn't having fun with them. I'm just going to stick with what I like doing. I like the freedom to talk about whatever I want on these blogs. I've been looking back on some blogs and I realized my mission. These blogs are meant for me to document my beautiful teenage life. Not to act like I'm smart. I'm supposed to have fun. These are the best times of my life right now, and I need to have fun with it or I'm going to lose it. It won't be worth it. If you really care about those blogs, please let me know and I'll reconsider.

I'm just going to do those types of blogs when I feel like it. Like the "Letter To The President" blog. That's what I want to do. I want to do what I want. This is my blog.

I'm so demanding.

Im not even like half-way done. If your still here, you are a very loyal ginger.

I just have a lot of stuff on my mind, concerning being a teenager. I never pictured myself as being the sappy teenager with all these problems, and drama. But, I think it happens to everyone. Emotions are strong right now. But that's the thing. Everything is RIGHT NOW. The future doesn't matter. These feelings are right now.

I've been learning a lot about friendships. It's a lesson everybody needs to learn but it's harsh. Friends are kind of weird. You have to learn who they really are. You can make them look beautiful to other people, but you may be blind to who they really are. You get glimpses of what they really are, but they rarely ever register. It's usually a tri-force. You know I had to make the situation nerdy. Your "beautiful" friend can stab your REAL friend in the back but you don't realize that the knife is coming toward you.

One of the worst things that came out of this situation is my trust was broken. I'm not going to trust this "beautiful" person anymore. Ever. But I'm having a hard time trusting anybody else either. I have one person I can go to. She's a real friend, I will never let go of.

I'm always second guessing now.

I've also been thinking about this day and age. It was so easy to send a text message. So incredibly easy. But I knew it wasn't going to be real unless I confronted this person in person.

So the next day, every time I thought about confronting that person, I thought I was going to throw up. That's how nervous I was. But, I mustered up as much courage as I could and I did it. To her face I told her the truth. I fought with her in person. That's really crazy to me. How are my kids going to be?

But she didn't confront me. That's how I knew I came out of this situation stronger than she did. I told her to her face that our friendship is ending. Our friendship is done.

And I know I'm the better person. I could've done so much more. But I didn't. Rachael The Ginger=Better Person.

But I have a true friendship. I'm finding out who my real friends are.

This picture is amazing for the situation.

It's perfect. I love you Arianna!

So, because I've been a little depressed about what the "beautiful" person did to me. I'm a little off. But as the title implies, being a little off can change a lot. I'm forgetting about videos, and blogs. It's ridiculous. I need to get back to myself. I need to be the ginger that I am. Choosing happiness is really my ultimate goal in life. But sometimes it feels like the choice is not even there. But then I just remember. I just remember what my idols have taught me. I MAKE the choice come to me. It's hard sometimes but I know I have the choice. I just need to take it. Life always gives you that choice. Sometimes it's a hard choice to make. It seems like it's not a hard choice to be happy but it is. It is so much easier to feel bad about your life. Just sit there and regret everything you've ever done. It's easy to do that. But if you look through the clouds and work your hardest to get true happiness, it's so much better. That's what I think about at times like this. I get caught up in the whole thing and I take the easy way and just hate myself and my life. I smack myself up a little but and realize that the choice is right in front of me. Take that choice.

How do I get myself to be happy? I do the things I love. I get around people I love, and I talk it out with them. They make me happier. I dance. I sing. I remember the good times in my life. I remember all too clearly that so many more memories will be created. I strive to feel happy about life. I am a lucky person in this world. I'm not as worse off as somebody else. I can try my hardest to make the world a little better. I have a life worth living, not sulking around hating it.

I don't have any time to waste in this world. This is when the phrase "The world is my oyster" comes to mind. I only have so many seconds, and minutes, and hours, and days, and weeks, and years. I might as well use them to my fullest.

Choose happiness. It's all you have to do.

I told you this blog was going to be good. I'm trying to get back to the Rachael I was before. I'm getting stronger every second. I'm healing. Soon enough I will be better.

Now, I want to talk about Washington D.C./New York a little bit. The blogging situation I was talking about is totally resolved. No problem there. I'm going to try mobile blogging. You basically text it and it uploads it to the blog. I'm probably going to test it out sometime this week. I'll give you some kind of warning. I just need to make sure it's going to work the way I want it to.

The trip is getting closer. I'm getting more excited. It's going to be super duper awesome! Can't wait!

I'll keep you informed as I get more information. Cool? Cool.

Longest freaking blog in the history of the world. I bet my computer is going to explode.

I don't have school tomorrow, so be expecting another great blog and a fantastic video! See ya tomorrow!

Just Keep Typing,
Rachael The Ginger

I Should Know Better Blog. For Real.

Hello gingers! Sorry about the weird post but I have 7 minutes til midnight so I'm freaking ou right now!

As you guessed this is going to be very short and I'm really sorry the blogs have been lacking lately. Tomorrow is going to be so mch better.

And I'm missing videos. What is wrong with me?

Well, I'd really like to than my friend Arianna for supplying me with Internet to make this possible. I would have been really disappointed if I couldn't put up a blog.

So please thank her because she made this possible!

All I really have to say is that I shoulda known. This is my second month into this an I still can't get a handle over it. I guess you could say I've been a little off lately.

3 minutes. I can't believe I made this. I'm very lucky.

See you tommorrow with a better blog I promise!

Stay On Time,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, February 17, 2012

That One Really Sleepy Blog

Hello gingers! Today is going to be sort of short because I'm doing this on my iPod and I'm basically about to callapse in a gingery ball of sleep.

Picture that however you want to.

Washington D.C. is coming up! I'm super pumped for that and there will be more info tomorrow!

Also, tomorrow I'm going to address a little bit of the teenage angst, but mainly how to overcome fear, hopelessness, anxiety, and just living the best years ever!

I dont have much homework this weekend and that's good. But I did miss a video today and I feel really bad about it. I'll make one on Thursday or be punished or something. Leave it in the comments!

I feel like I'm drunk for saying this and I'm just kind of rambling because Im so tired but I do really love you guys. We should celebrate soon for getting 500 hits on the blog! What should we do?

You guys are freaking amazing. I wouldn't be doing this without you guys. You make my heart sing!

No! I don't need help! Blogging is addicted to me!

I'm so tired guys.

Oh lord.

Stay Awake,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, February 16, 2012

One Of Those Angsty Days

Hello gingers! This ginger is a bit depressed so bear with me!

I've always thought that I was a bit different from the crowd. I always thought I could escape the teenage stereotypes. Today, I found out that those stereotypes are inevitable, because it's the truth.

Teenage angst.

It's an epidemic.

If you haven't seen this video, your missing out.

Pretty freaking amazing.

Learning about yourself and others is important. I'm learning about who my real friends are. That's a tough thing when you tend to migrate, and your pretty terrible at picking favorites.

I hate it when people on the internet hide stuff from the viewer because they don't want to reveal too much. But right now, this is MY blog and I will do whatever I want.

You know who you are out there. Your probably not reading this because your so mad at me. Well, I think I got it worse than you. Please acknowledge that your wrong. Do the world a favor and admit what you are.

I want chocolate.

I'm going to give the rest of you a very basic interpretation of what happened.

She told the guy I liked, I liked him and one of the loudest guys in class announced it very loudly.

I know, I know. In a world full of poverty and hunger, this is making me depressed. #FirstWorldProblems

Remember that this is a very basic interpretation. There's more. That might possibly come later. Don't get your hopes up.

I'm such a downer right now. Let's get happy!

Hope that made you happier!

That's it. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :)

Keep On Dancing,
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Letter To The President

Hello gingers! Today is going to be a more serious day but I'd like you to read, because I feel it has some information I would love for you to see.

If you had the chance to write 1 letter to the president and KNOW he would see it, what would you write? What do you think he needs to know from you. You, a adult male who works at a packing plant. You, a stay at home mom.  You, a college student soon to reach the ranks of doctors. You, a teenage girl or boy. What would you say to the man in charge?

I feel like with this blog I can say what I have to say. I can let you know what I feel needs to be said and you can decide for yourself. No consequences. It's just a blog.

What if the president ever does see this? If he does I hope he takes everything I say into account. This is coming from a teenage girl who lives in middle class. I live in the 7th richest county in America. But I want to let people know that everybody is struggling. These are just the things that I noticed today. This is what has started to bug me. Education. I'm not going to become a teacher unless this stuff is resolved.

Please take into account that I don't want to offend anybody and I do know I have some international viewers.

So here we go. My letter to the President of the United States of America.

Dear President Obama,

I am pretty much your average teenage girl. I go to school, I hang out with my friends, and I would say I have a pretty good life. I would also say I'm not as educated as I could be but these are the things I experience everyday, and I'd like to share them with you.

I have 3 career choices in mind right now.

1) Production Manager for a company like YouTube, Google, or Maker
2) A YouTube Partner is the YouTube Partner Program
3) A History/Current Events Teacher

I'm going to high school next year, and that's when I'm going to start having to make those tough choices. But I'm looking at #3 very closely. #1 would surely give me better pay, and #2 is mainly just a dream but what about #3? Being a teacher would be so much fun in my mind. I would get to teach people, and talk about what I love, and just have fun. But, I might not be able to do that. We both know education is failing. That's where we connect. Even your typical teenage girl, and the president can be on the same page sometimes.

I live in the Denver Metro Area of Colorado. I live in a relatively small town with about 50,000 people. I go to an amazing school too. But just today I've been noticing things. I've been putting the puzzle together. Outside of our school there is a big board with a marker on it. At the end of it is 50,000 dollars. Nobody really knew what it was. One of my friends was joking that it was the budget cuts.

Then, I was in Home Ec this morning and I found out that some students were getting e-mails about donating money to the school. They wanted 500 dollars per family.

Then, in study hall near the middle of the day we found out that the school would not be providing pencils for our standardized testing this year. Our schools cannot even provide pencils anymore.

What I want to ask is, what happened? It seemed like we were doing fine until something happened. What was it?

All I know, is that that is not okay. We should be putting the most of our efforts to education. We are talking about the future of America. We are holding the future's of millions in our hands.

Teachers are working so hard. Working so hard for this future yet, we seem to be throwing it away. I want to take back this future but it seems impossible by now.

These are my concerns. These are the things I've noticed. These are the painful realizations I've had to make.

Take these or leave these. It's what I have to say. The voice of the people is strong though. Watch out Mr. President ;)

Thank you for reading this if you did. I much appreciate it. And, I know you will fix it.

Rachael Robinson

And for those of you who are just hear for the blog, I will sign off to you as well. I'll see you tomorrow!

Stay Innovative,
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello gingers! You know that feeling where you swear you had everything done and then you realized you missed something?

It's still before midnight so it still counts though.

This is coming to you from my iPod so don't be expecting much! Sorry!

Shot blog is short. I have good days, and bad days, just like everybody else! I'm human too ya know!

I just mainly wanted to say happy valentines day! I hope you enjoyed time with a loved one or you just had a good day!

People came up to me at random points in the day and handed me food and candy. I had a lot of sugar haha. Pixie Stix are the ashes of fairies. I'm pretty sure of this now.

Funny story actually. I got this balloon thing where you squeeze a thing in it and it blows up by itself. It gets really cold and really weird. Anyway, the balloon was just sitting there in orchestra, and in the middle of the song it popped! It was really loud and it gave everybody a mini heart attack! Funny, right?

I also got Winnie The Pooh tattoos. Thug life.

I feel like a boss with them.

Anyways, bears, beets, BattleStar Galactica.

I just wanted to wish you guys a good holiday! See ya tomorrow!

Stay Lovely My Ginger,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Typical Day...

Hello gingers! Today I'm going to talk about how my day works!

Typically I wake up around 6:30 and get ready and such for school. I get my coffee and I head out the door at 7. I get at the bus-stop and wait. I usually get tot school around 7:25 which gives me like 15 minutes to hang out in the morning. The rest of the school day goes like this:

Home Ec
E.L.T. (Study hall)
Social Studies
Language Arts

Then I leave language arts early to go get my instrument. I get it and walk to my bus. I walk home from the bus-stop and get at home near 3:30. This is where the fun stuff begins. If it's a video day I film right away and get that out of the way. Then I watch videos until a parent comes home. I go upstairs and hang out. Then, I edit, upload and annotate the video. This probably takes me a total of an hour and a half. It's about 7:30 now so I write the blog. Or, watch tv. It depends what night it is. Then, I do homework, take a shower and do that kind of stuff. Then if all my homework is done I watch videos until like 11. But if I don't have homework done then I stay up even later to do it. Then, I sleep.

And the cycle repeats again. This does vary a lot though because different night are in fact different. It's weird.

Hi Sydney.

And now I will briefly explain how an orchestra works. Just for kicks.

We have 5 different sections in our orchestra:

1st Violin
2nd Violin
And String Bass

I am in the first chair of the 1st violin section which is the best of the best.

Everybody has a different part and we are amazing.

But, there's one thing.


This is where you can challenge the person in front of you to get their chair. Your moving up if you win. It's a music challenge and it's pretty scary. The person behind me is good, and I'm nervous.

I don't know.

I just wanted to explain.

That's it for this weird, off-beat, day! Love you guys! See ya tomorrow!

Stay Beautiful My Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meme Hope, And Other Stuff

Hello gingers! Another random type of day so let's get started!

First of all, I hurt my pointer finger so my typing is a little off. Not that it will affect you but I just thought I'd let you know. It will effect a topic later in this blog post.

As some of you may know, I did a blog on my top 5 favorite meme's of 2011. Well, today I found the first really good meme of the year. Things were looking sketchy in the beginning but now I really do have a meme hope for 2012.

This meme is called "Idiot Nerd Girl" and some of my friends *cough cough* Delaney *cough cough* are exactly like this.

Amazing, right? I used a lot of them here but if you want to see the full article go ahead and click here.

It is one of the best things ever. Period. 

The one thing that bugs me is that it's SO true that guys see this as cute. What does a real, legit, nerd get? You guessed it. 

Anyways, single blues aside, love this meme. 

I have school tomorrow, which means a lot of things. One really awesome thing and other bad/scary things. Tomorrow I'm going to explain a typical school day and how an orchestra works. That's my idea right now. 

Tomorrow, we are officially starting rock climbing. Yikes. 

I'm not necessarily scared, but my finger hurts really bad and that is really going to affect things. Hopefully I can just get away with not climbing tomorrow. I don't know. 

Again, another blog about nothing! But there's always tomorrow! 

Stay Nothing-Like,
Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Late Blog

Hello gingers! I have a lot of topics to cover so let's get started!

I know, the blog is late. I've been a bit busy today so I decided to put of blogging until late. It's still before midnight so it still counts.

Today is my brother's birthday party so yeah. That's a thing. Having 5 children 10 and under is a lot of work. Especially when pizza, soda, cake, and ice cream is in their system's. The headache is bound to happen.

I'm actually kind of semi in charge of them and it's hard to keep them quiet when the parent's are asleep.

I also saw Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace today as well. Pretty cool. I don't think the hype was that necessary. I mean it was kind of cool to see it on the big screen but the 3D didn't really add anything. I mean the actual movie was fantastic but you don't need me to tell you that.

In the beginning, when I was just a youtube fangirl, not a YouTuber, iJustine put up one particular video that I clearly remember. I think it was an Ask iJ but I really couldn't tell you for sure. She talked about the main problem with new youtubers (mainly vloggers) is that they feel the need to film EVERYTHING. At the time, I totally disagreed with her. I thought she was crazy because I mean, how hard could it be? Now I get it.

I DO feel the need to talk/film everything on both my blogs and my videos. On my videos I have all these ideas, but by the time I get around to actually filming I can't think of anything. It's a problem. I need to learn to not just disregard my ideas if I can't think of much to go with them. I need to pursue them and just work a little harder to make them funny. I don't know, I just started thinking about that today. It doesn't mean much I just thought I'd talk to you about it.

I'm going to relax and listen to some podcasts. It may help this chaotic day.

Keep Calm And Blog,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, February 10, 2012

Another Great Day In This Teenage Life

Hello gingers! I'm so happy to be living the best years of my life right now!

This week was kind of a stressful week. I had a lot of stuff on my plate and it was just very overwhelming. But, today came around and I just felt so much better. I woke up feeling good. I felt like I could really take on the day. It gave me a new sense of passion.

Everything was done on Friday so I just kind of relaxed. Classes weren't stressful and it was just good.

I had a good day.

These type of days remind me that I really am living the best years ever. Not much stress, not too many problems, and I just am pretty lucky.

I'm growing up in a wealthy neighborhood, with good schools, and a good community in general. I'm doing this and my youtube videos which is just making my life so much better. I'm able to capture and hold and cherish these good times in my life. I will have these memories forever and I'm so happy about that.

I have complained in the past. I'm not an adult. I can't do the things I want to do. But I'm being honest with myself and I'm realizing that I'm doing just fine right now. These great times are not to complain about how they could be better. They are about cherishing the stuff you have.

Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone is like this. I'm just saying this for myself. Not everyone is as privileged as I am, but that's what I want to say. I want to change how I act about that. I should not be taking the stuff I have for granted. I'm a very fortunate individual and I'm recognizing that. I am not trying to brag, or hurt the feelings of others who don't live the life I do.

So, that's my challenge for the blog. Be grateful for what you have. Don't try to think or complain about how it could be better. Happiness is a choice. Choose it.

That's it for today! Tomorrow I will be discussing religion so brace yourself. There will be a warning though. See ya then!

Keep On Loving,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Orchestra Concert's And Literally Nothing Else

Hello gingers! I love being in orchestra. It brings so much joy to my life.

I just wanted to say that our orchestra did amazing! I'd like to thank everybody in it! Thank you so much Mrs. Falkner for still trying to keep us through, even though there weren't the best things happening. Thank you Holly for conducting Moonlight Tango. Thank you Rebecca Meining for helping us with piano accompaniment. Then I'd like to thank all these people:

Ashley B.
Daniel G.
Whitney H.
Elexa S.
Madison S.
Liam W.
Sarie D.
Abigail D.
Lance G.
Luis G.
Alison L.
Madison M.
Diane S.
Megan T.
Hailey B.
Holly S.
Karl B.
Audrea H.*
Christopher W.
Jacob W.
Jonathan H.
Mika S.

*Audrea was especially helpful with emotional support!

And the administrators and staff that helped but on the show!

Thank you guys so much for being absolutely awesome! We are going to rock the last one even harder! You guys make me proud to lead you!

I love everyone mentioned above and we couldn't do anything we are doing without them, especially in the situations we were put in this quarter. We pulled it together and I love you guys!

But I love you guys reading this as well! So I guess I'll come back tomorrow!

Keep On Rockin',
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Early Blog

Hello gingers! It's all early like today!

First off, I'd like to show you this picture. But you have to be able to handle you. Can you? Ok, here you go.

This may be the funniest picture known to man! I don't know about you but I crack up whenever I see it! It's firetrucking amazing right???

Maybe it's just because I can totally picture myself being the dog. I'm entertained fairly easily and I tend to annoy people like that at times. Imma boop your head!

Now, onto the other things. The other things like this being an early blog and the sadness that has come upon me. And news. 

That's a lot of things. ALL OF THE THINGS!

This is an early blog if you haven't noticed already. You might not read these the time they come out but for the people that do, it's very, very, early. This is because of a couple things. I get home around 3:30 and on days that I have videos to make, I film them. But today, my dad came home from Seattle early, so I did not have a chance to film. Currently this means there is not going to be a video today and that is the great sadness. This is the first time ever that I will not be able to put up a video on a scheduled day. :(

So, I decided to be productive and remember that happiness is a choice and I started blogging. I will explain some other things with that as well. 

Tomorrow might possibly be the busiest day of the year it feels like. Here's the situation. I have an orchestra concert tomorrow. Yes, be shocked and awed at the fact that I play the violin. And I'm first chair. Another blog for another day. 

Anyway, I have a concert tomorrow and I have to be there at 6:30. But, I'll probably show up early. 

That's not all. 

My brother's birthday is also tomorrow and he wants to eat out. This means I have to come home from school, get ready, go to dinner, and from dinner go to the concert. The concert goes til about 8 which gives me an hour and a half of time to shower, watch the videos that must grace my eyes before I sleep, do any homework I may have, (I have 2 tests this Friday!), and that's right, put up a blog. Tomorrow's blog is going to be absolutely awful and short. Just going to let you know. SO, I can't even put up a video tomorrow to make up for not having it today. 

This is not fun. 

Oh by the way, remember my friend Shelby? Ya, she wants to be in another blog so this leads perfectly into what I'm going to say. 

In social studies I had said that I have so much more time when I don't have to put up a video. I also said it takes an hour and a half to make one. She then said that I don't have to do a bunch of editing and jump cuts. But then I said that it is REALLY difficult to do a one-taker well. Then she was like, "I could do it." And then I got all angry. I was like "DO YOU WANNA TRY IT!" and of course she said no. Which leads me into my next thingamajig. 

I've mentioned this before and I don't mean to complain but it is not easy. What I'm doing is not easy. Blogging every day. Putting up videos and this whole not putting up a video is totally representing it. 

The hardest thing is that I'm not an adult. I go to school, and I have to do homework and all that junk. But it's also independence. I can't choose to buy a laptop so I can make videos where no one will be around. I don't have the money. I can't have my own place to where I can make a video because I can't bring a big macintosh upstairs. I can't even buy a new camera. I don't have the independence to do that. I'm not an adult. I'm a perfectly normal teenager. And you know, part of the problem is that I don't really tell my parents what I'm doing really. And they wouldn't take it seriously either. It's just this thing I'm doing. I'll grow out of it. 

Ok, complaining over. I am a happy person again. 

And now I forgot the news part but I have to do homework now! I'll see you guys (briefly) tomorrow!

Stay Happy,
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Talk Nerdy To Me

Hello gingers! Talk nerdy to me!

Now, I know I'm a nerd. I know I blog everyday, and I sing weird songs, and I basically aspirer to watch and make youtube videos for a living. It's just common sense that I am in fact, a nerdy nerd nerd.

The nerdiest of them all as I may say myself.

And, I also know the internet fairly well, and most of you are retaliating in your head right now, arguing that you are fairly nerdy yourself. In fact, you might even be nerdier this ginger chick on the internet!

But then, you slowly start to realize that your arguing over who's nerdier, you or a ginger on the internet. You decide that this makes you nerdy by default so you win.

It's all about winning with you nerds. That's all you ever care about.

As you start to contemplate the situation as a whole, as you are now champion of nerds, you realize slowly that you are NOT a nerd. You are perfectly cool. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and a social life, and your a stud in social gathering situations. Maybe you should leave this internet trolling stuff to this girl.

But no. Winning is more important. You must claim to all the lands that you are nerdy. But the popular kind of nerdy. You have a personality which is extremely awkward, yet you are practically irresistible. People want to be around you. A cute kind of nerdy. The one where you joke about not having a life, yet you spend your weekends with your friends. Not writing blogs, or anything like that. But, you somehow are still socially awkward, and make bad jokes and puns that are hard not to laugh at. You make people laugh and feel comfortable around you. You are the pure definition of the popular nerd.

So, you have beaten this so called "internetainer" or that's what she calls herself. You have beaten the odds. You are nerdy yet you have awesome friends and the most average social life there is.

Baby, I know.

I seem to know a lot about you. This is mainly because you and your friends are the ones that read my blogs. That hint of nerdy makes you crave this blog. You need a release from all the pressure of living your teenage life. I get it. :)

But, you still need to finish this chick. I need to prove my nerdy-ness by trolling the comments with it. Go ahead. I dare you. Do your nerdiest. Talk nerdy to me.

Stay Nerdy,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Recap!

Hello gingers! Today might be the most interesting day but I wanted to talk about it!

Let's start with commercials. These are my Top 5 favorite commercials of the night!

5) Coke Bears

I loved Coca-Cola's take on bringing back the bears and throwing them into a superbowl situation. It was cute, it was entertaining, and most importantly it won number 5 in this ginger's top commercial list!

4) Chevy Silverado Apocalypse


This commercial was very quotable and a great advertisement in my opinion. It captured the trends of today with the apocalypse and made a funny scene, with Twinkies!

3) M&M's Sexy And I Know It

This commercial was hilarious! It was quotable, reenactable, and I loved the introduction to the brown M&M character! Awesome commercial. Good job. 

2) Chrysler's America's Halftime

This was a fantastic piece of art. It was brilliantly constructed and what a better way to get people motivated for our country than a commercial in the Superbowl. It was inspiring and I loved this motivation to get Detroit and the Automotive Industry back into business. 

1) Jerry Seinfeld 

This is the extended version but this commercial was AWESOME! I loved all the references and talking about it with my social studies teacher was making me crack up! This commercial is one of those where your like "what is this for?" but it was amazing! It was absolutely hilarious and I loved every second of it! Best commercial of the night!

Overall, it wasn't a very good commercial game. It was pretty mediocre but these were my favorite commercials. Sure, Volkswagon was alright, and Dorito's even less so, but I don't know. I liked the dog. Don't deny me that. 

What were your favorite commercials? Least favorite commercials? Put your opinions or your own top 5 in the comments below! 

The game was really, really, boring. Giants won! Yay! That's all I really care about. I always like it when the underdogs win. The Patriot's don't need another win. 

Halftime show:

I thought it was really good! I liked the vouge and everything with that! It was so cool to see an old flame with people like LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, and Cee Lo Green. It puts a really cool spin on everything! I honestly loved the halftime show. It was SO much better than last year! What did you think? Please leave your answer in the comments below!

Summary: Game was boring, commercials mediocre, halftime show: killer. 

But that's just me! Please tell me what you think in the comments below!

(Ex: What did you think of M.I.A. giving the finger?!)

That's it for superbowl 2012 and today! But I'll see you guys tomorrow!!!

Keep On Sportin',
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl! And Birthdays!

Hello gingers! Today is the superbowl and half of you are trying to read this really quick so you don't miss Madonna. I get it.

I'd like to officially announce that I am team Giants. I always like to root for the underdog. The Patriot's have already had their fame.

It's also my mom's birthday so please wish her a very, special birthday thing in the comments! Whatever you want! I'm sure she loved to hear it!

Madonna was actually very awesome. I regret what I said. And Betty White is everywhere.

Would you guys like me to cover my favorite commercials? Or a recap of superbowl stuff in general? Tomorrow.

Basic stuff: Commercials are cool, LMFAO and Madonna=deadly, I don't really care about the game.

I gotta get to watching commercials but I realize this blog is terribly short. Here is what we are going to do.

Had to! I love the puppy bowl!!!!! The puppy bowl is 82% fluffier, 97% softer, and 558% cuter!!!

See ya guys tomorrow! Love ya!

Stay Cute,
Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cupcakes And Singing

Hello gingers! Looking back on the title just now I feel like this is going to be a very girly post.

My mom's birthday is tomorrow and we got fancy cupcakes for her birthday. They were absolutely delicious and you are currently representing the face that is only evident when one is jealous about another's consumption of cupcakes.

Also, my friend Bree is in Boston right now. If you see this I miss you already!

Now, for the second portion of this weird blog. I love to sing. It's just a thing that gives me joy in life. Now, I'm not even saying that I'm particularly GOOD at it. I just love to sing.

If you know me, you also know that I'm a very outgoing person. I don't just sing in the shower. I sing everywhere especially school. One of the biggest pet-peeves is when teacher's tell me to stop singing. They just continue to suck the life out of my spirit. I always felt like school was a place where I could be outgoing. But when teachers tell me to STOP singing, it ruins my hope. But, I keep on singing. I lurve it.

My friend Bree loves it when I sing as well. You make me feel awesome Bree. I miss you!

I need a song generator. I need a computer to tell me what song to sing when I can't think of any. I think it's called a shuffle button...

I wanna talk about more stuff. Let's try this.

I'm going to have a podcast party tonight! I totally forgot about that! Someday I'm going to be a hipster and be like, "I was listening to podcasts before it was cool."

Just in case you were wondering, I listen to "When The Kids Go To Sleep (WTKGTS)" by Shaycarl and Collete/Katilette Butler. All I have to say about that is, long story. Someday I'll explain it, just not today.

I will give you a brief explanation though:
Shaycarl is a popular internet celebrity who is known for filming every single day of his life with his family and putting it on YouTube. He is 30 years old and he has a wife and 4 kids: Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard, and Rocktard. (Not their real names! Just internet names yet their real names are not known) Shay and his wife Colette (internet name: Katilette) started a podcast to talk about life, family, kids, marriage, etc.

I know that was a lot of information to absorb but bare with me.

I also listen to "This American Life" which I have talked about in a previous blog.

So, you're wondering what a podcast party is? I'll explain.

A podcast party is where I listen to podcasts and think about life, and other mysteries of the world into very, very, late hours into the night. It is the best thing ever.

I have 5 WTKGTS' to catch up on and 1 "This American Life."

So. Freaking. Excited. And. Rad. And. Totally. In. A. Nerdy. Kind. Of. Way.

That's it guys! Tomorrow is my mom's birthday but I'll be blogging!

Keep On Singing,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Day

Hello gingers! Today is a snow day in Colorado!

I don't really know where you live. All I know is that people from Russia, Germany, Australia, and the United States read my blogs. (If I missed where you live, please leave it in the comments below!)

Well, I'm the Denver metro area we have a snow day today! Most people where expecting it! Where I live we are expecting 22 inches of snow! That is the most snow I've seen in one place before!

I'm originally from Arizona so snow was new when we moved here. And, I absolutely hate it. I like snow days, but I hate the snow. It's just wet, and yucky, and cold. I don't even sled like my other friends do. The snow sucks.

And, right away on Monday morning I'm going to have to trudge through the snow in my jeans and get all wet. Not fun.

I didn't even accomplish much today. I slept til 1 and did pretty much nothing else. I did upload the video. That was something I guess.

The snow makes me cranky and irritable. So, I am sorry.

But, I'm gonna make myself feel better and listen to podcasts! I freaking love podcasts! Almost as much as I love penguins!

But wait





And the snow is there!!!!

Keep On Snowing,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Expectations, Nalentive's Day, Promises, And The Freaking Raddest Friends Ever :)

Hello gingers! Today, I'm going to take the title literally and separate the blog into sections by the stuff in the title! Get ready, set, GO!

Expectations: I hope you will guys will be happy today because I know yesterday was very unsatisfactory. I'm so sorry! I was not having a great internet day, as I was on the computer editing, uploading, and annotating for 3 hours! I wasn't real excited to start a blog after that! SO, hopefully today is better!

Nalentive's Day: I bet you realized that I'm not excited for Valentine's Day. So, I suggest you join me in disguising it! The main reason it started was when I wanted to post about Valentine's Day but I didn't want it to show up in the "6,000 people posted about Valentine's Day" on facebook so I changed it. I'm kind of impartial I guess. I don't think it's that big a deal if you don't get a date. I mean, we are in middle school. C'mon.

Promises: I promised my friend Elexa that I would put an inside joke in my video. I forgot Wednesday and I'm not putting it in Friday's. Elexa I will put it in! I just want to save it for another day!

The Freaking Raddest Friends Ever: I would like to thank Makena and Sydney for surprising me for my half-birthday! They made shirts that said "Oh My Ginger: Ginger Rebellionites" So amazing! I love you guys! The freaking raddest of them all! (Don't forget to take the picture so I can post it on the blog, if your reading this)

And that's it! I might have a snow day tomorrow so there might be an early blog! I'll see you then!

Stay Freaking Rad,
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello gingers! Fare warning, today is not going to be a great blog.

I just spent 2 and a half hours uploading 8 videos to the internet! It was my first interactive video though! New things are happening! I'm lovin' it!

So, I'm not really in the mood to write a detailed blog about my life today. I do really love my life though. It is pretty rad.

Like the fact that some of my friends are doing something for me on my half-birthday because my real birthday is too far away. I have the best friends ever.

Recently, my blogs have been very preachy. I've been all "Change your life! Be happy!" I do apologize if that got annoying for you after a while. I've just always wanted to be a leader, or a motivator. I like the idea of that.

I went to a meeting about Washington yesterday. I'm going to get more and more excited. I. Might. Explode.

What kind of music do you listen to? I'd love to know!

I wanna do a survey someday. Like I'll make one and link it on a blog. Would you guys answer it? I wanna know who you are.

iJustine did one and I thought it was cool. That reminds me! I need to check my e-mail.

I'm being very boring today so I'm gonna go now! I love you guys! See ya tomorrow when I'm more interesting!

Stay Non-Boring,
Rachael The Ginger