Friday, December 23, 2011

Meme's of 2011!

Hello my gingers! As you may know, (or at least I hope you know) 2011 is coming to a close! This year was amazing and I hope 2012 is just as great! As just a quick update before we dive into the memes of 2011, I'd like to inform you all, that you will be graced with my presence one more time this year! I will be posting tomorrow, on Christmas Eve.

And because I can never organize my thoughts, I have one more thing to tell you before we get into the meme-ness of it all. My good friend "Logic Box" who lives down under has his own blog too!

Logic Box's Amazing-ness

This is the link where you can go to his blog! Make sure you czech it out! My main point to this is that he has created a little thing called "Appreciation Week." It ends today so I'm a little late on this but its basically just a shameless promotion, (because you know I love those) and a good cause. Appreciation Week is to appreciate and compliment your friends and family, because one day you could lose them. I think it's a great thing to do, because I think we underestimate how important they are in our lives. Appreciate everyone you meet, and everyone you love because they have all made you the person you are today.

Now with that taken care of, we can get to the MEMES! If you don't no what a meme is, I'm sorry it will take too long just look it up! I'm going to count down my top 5 favorite memes of the year! I'd love to hear your input in the comments!

5) Planking

4) Y U NO!

3) Nyan Cat

2) X all the Y



And there you go! So that's a thing.

I did make a video on this but I didn't think through the memes I wanted to use so they are different.

Nice thumbnail, right?

I hope you enjoyed this little recap meme thing. Did it make you laugh? Did it make you smile? I think it did a little bit.

Which ones were your favorite? Least favorite? Put your own favorite memes in the comments! I will love to read them! 

Just to wrap things up a little bit, as if I haven't wrapped up enough, I will be posting tomorrow. I don't commit to things very well. Well its more of not thinking things through enough. 

If I do manage to get to a computer in Arizona, I will post updates. Don't expect much though. 

I will be talking about this more tomorrow, but I plan to take on more projects in the new year. Some of them may even include a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW BLOG! (I love teasers!) And I will also like to announce that along with the SMRT BLOGS, I'm going to start (I think, I hope) a series called "Morally Wrong." I do not want to make it as often as the SMRT BLOGS, because it is more negative and I like to be a positive person. OPTIMISM RULES! 

I think those will maybe be a once-a-month type of deal. I'm thinking the 28th of every month. Because its kinda random. And its Quadrant Day. Explanation to come later...

That's all I have to say! I'm sure I've wasted your time enough! 

Happy Meme-ing,
Rachael The Ginger

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