Friday, February 17, 2012

That One Really Sleepy Blog

Hello gingers! Today is going to be sort of short because I'm doing this on my iPod and I'm basically about to callapse in a gingery ball of sleep.

Picture that however you want to.

Washington D.C. is coming up! I'm super pumped for that and there will be more info tomorrow!

Also, tomorrow I'm going to address a little bit of the teenage angst, but mainly how to overcome fear, hopelessness, anxiety, and just living the best years ever!

I dont have much homework this weekend and that's good. But I did miss a video today and I feel really bad about it. I'll make one on Thursday or be punished or something. Leave it in the comments!

I feel like I'm drunk for saying this and I'm just kind of rambling because Im so tired but I do really love you guys. We should celebrate soon for getting 500 hits on the blog! What should we do?

You guys are freaking amazing. I wouldn't be doing this without you guys. You make my heart sing!

No! I don't need help! Blogging is addicted to me!

I'm so tired guys.

Oh lord.

Stay Awake,
Rachael The Ginger

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