Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Recap!

Hello gingers! Today might be the most interesting day but I wanted to talk about it!

Let's start with commercials. These are my Top 5 favorite commercials of the night!

5) Coke Bears

I loved Coca-Cola's take on bringing back the bears and throwing them into a superbowl situation. It was cute, it was entertaining, and most importantly it won number 5 in this ginger's top commercial list!

4) Chevy Silverado Apocalypse


This commercial was very quotable and a great advertisement in my opinion. It captured the trends of today with the apocalypse and made a funny scene, with Twinkies!

3) M&M's Sexy And I Know It

This commercial was hilarious! It was quotable, reenactable, and I loved the introduction to the brown M&M character! Awesome commercial. Good job. 

2) Chrysler's America's Halftime

This was a fantastic piece of art. It was brilliantly constructed and what a better way to get people motivated for our country than a commercial in the Superbowl. It was inspiring and I loved this motivation to get Detroit and the Automotive Industry back into business. 

1) Jerry Seinfeld 

This is the extended version but this commercial was AWESOME! I loved all the references and talking about it with my social studies teacher was making me crack up! This commercial is one of those where your like "what is this for?" but it was amazing! It was absolutely hilarious and I loved every second of it! Best commercial of the night!

Overall, it wasn't a very good commercial game. It was pretty mediocre but these were my favorite commercials. Sure, Volkswagon was alright, and Dorito's even less so, but I don't know. I liked the dog. Don't deny me that. 

What were your favorite commercials? Least favorite commercials? Put your opinions or your own top 5 in the comments below! 

The game was really, really, boring. Giants won! Yay! That's all I really care about. I always like it when the underdogs win. The Patriot's don't need another win. 

Halftime show:

I thought it was really good! I liked the vouge and everything with that! It was so cool to see an old flame with people like LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, and Cee Lo Green. It puts a really cool spin on everything! I honestly loved the halftime show. It was SO much better than last year! What did you think? Please leave your answer in the comments below!

Summary: Game was boring, commercials mediocre, halftime show: killer. 

But that's just me! Please tell me what you think in the comments below!

(Ex: What did you think of M.I.A. giving the finger?!)

That's it for superbowl 2012 and today! But I'll see you guys tomorrow!!!

Keep On Sportin',
Rachael The Ginger

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