Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl! And Birthdays!

Hello gingers! Today is the superbowl and half of you are trying to read this really quick so you don't miss Madonna. I get it.

I'd like to officially announce that I am team Giants. I always like to root for the underdog. The Patriot's have already had their fame.

It's also my mom's birthday so please wish her a very, special birthday thing in the comments! Whatever you want! I'm sure she loved to hear it!

Madonna was actually very awesome. I regret what I said. And Betty White is everywhere.

Would you guys like me to cover my favorite commercials? Or a recap of superbowl stuff in general? Tomorrow.

Basic stuff: Commercials are cool, LMFAO and Madonna=deadly, I don't really care about the game.

I gotta get to watching commercials but I realize this blog is terribly short. Here is what we are going to do.

Had to! I love the puppy bowl!!!!! The puppy bowl is 82% fluffier, 97% softer, and 558% cuter!!!

See ya guys tomorrow! Love ya!

Stay Cute,
Rachael The Ginger

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