Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Letter To The President

Hello gingers! Today is going to be a more serious day but I'd like you to read, because I feel it has some information I would love for you to see.

If you had the chance to write 1 letter to the president and KNOW he would see it, what would you write? What do you think he needs to know from you. You, a adult male who works at a packing plant. You, a stay at home mom.  You, a college student soon to reach the ranks of doctors. You, a teenage girl or boy. What would you say to the man in charge?

I feel like with this blog I can say what I have to say. I can let you know what I feel needs to be said and you can decide for yourself. No consequences. It's just a blog.

What if the president ever does see this? If he does I hope he takes everything I say into account. This is coming from a teenage girl who lives in middle class. I live in the 7th richest county in America. But I want to let people know that everybody is struggling. These are just the things that I noticed today. This is what has started to bug me. Education. I'm not going to become a teacher unless this stuff is resolved.

Please take into account that I don't want to offend anybody and I do know I have some international viewers.

So here we go. My letter to the President of the United States of America.

Dear President Obama,

I am pretty much your average teenage girl. I go to school, I hang out with my friends, and I would say I have a pretty good life. I would also say I'm not as educated as I could be but these are the things I experience everyday, and I'd like to share them with you.

I have 3 career choices in mind right now.

1) Production Manager for a company like YouTube, Google, or Maker
2) A YouTube Partner is the YouTube Partner Program
3) A History/Current Events Teacher

I'm going to high school next year, and that's when I'm going to start having to make those tough choices. But I'm looking at #3 very closely. #1 would surely give me better pay, and #2 is mainly just a dream but what about #3? Being a teacher would be so much fun in my mind. I would get to teach people, and talk about what I love, and just have fun. But, I might not be able to do that. We both know education is failing. That's where we connect. Even your typical teenage girl, and the president can be on the same page sometimes.

I live in the Denver Metro Area of Colorado. I live in a relatively small town with about 50,000 people. I go to an amazing school too. But just today I've been noticing things. I've been putting the puzzle together. Outside of our school there is a big board with a marker on it. At the end of it is 50,000 dollars. Nobody really knew what it was. One of my friends was joking that it was the budget cuts.

Then, I was in Home Ec this morning and I found out that some students were getting e-mails about donating money to the school. They wanted 500 dollars per family.

Then, in study hall near the middle of the day we found out that the school would not be providing pencils for our standardized testing this year. Our schools cannot even provide pencils anymore.

What I want to ask is, what happened? It seemed like we were doing fine until something happened. What was it?

All I know, is that that is not okay. We should be putting the most of our efforts to education. We are talking about the future of America. We are holding the future's of millions in our hands.

Teachers are working so hard. Working so hard for this future yet, we seem to be throwing it away. I want to take back this future but it seems impossible by now.

These are my concerns. These are the things I've noticed. These are the painful realizations I've had to make.

Take these or leave these. It's what I have to say. The voice of the people is strong though. Watch out Mr. President ;)

Thank you for reading this if you did. I much appreciate it. And, I know you will fix it.

Rachael Robinson

And for those of you who are just hear for the blog, I will sign off to you as well. I'll see you tomorrow!

Stay Innovative,
Rachael The Ginger

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