Sunday, February 19, 2012

Being A Little Off Can Change A Lot

Hello gingers! This just might be the most complicated, and most topic covering blog in the history of The Ginger Rebellion.

I'm going to have to like write down everything I want to say. Shiz is getting serious.

I'd like to talk about yesterday a little bit. I believe in miracles right now. Something greater than just myself   helped me with that blog. I know it seems stupid but I just can't seem to grasp how it happened. If I had hit "publish post" a second later, my ipod would have died and I wouldn't be able to get the blog on time. Right when I hit "view post" my ipod died. It was the scariest thing since Dumbledore died.

It seems so stupid but it was really nerve-racking. I mean my whole mission is to blog every day for a year and I almost failed the second month. I really have been off, but that almost cost my pride and what I've been working hard for.

Speaking of working hard, I mentioned earlier that we are really close to 500 hits on this blog. Well I looked and we are exactly 46 views away from that. Please tell us what we should do! Should we do a spectacular something! I need to know! Oh, and I'm almost at 1,500 total views on my YouTube channel. It's really exciting for me to watch. Like, is this how every YouTuber felt when they were growing up? I get an email and I get super excited to check if I got a new subscriber, or someone commented on my video, or I got a new Twitter follower. I get really excited! You guys make me feel special inside when you comment and stuff. Like, I'm doing all of it for a reason.

Am I really going to become semi-famous? It's a big question, but it's just my dream. Can I really make it on YouTube? What is going to be the ultimate testament of that? We will just have to wait.

You may have noticed but I think I'm going to stop the SMRT blogs and the Morally Wrong blogs. I wasn't having fun with them. I'm just going to stick with what I like doing. I like the freedom to talk about whatever I want on these blogs. I've been looking back on some blogs and I realized my mission. These blogs are meant for me to document my beautiful teenage life. Not to act like I'm smart. I'm supposed to have fun. These are the best times of my life right now, and I need to have fun with it or I'm going to lose it. It won't be worth it. If you really care about those blogs, please let me know and I'll reconsider.

I'm just going to do those types of blogs when I feel like it. Like the "Letter To The President" blog. That's what I want to do. I want to do what I want. This is my blog.

I'm so demanding.

Im not even like half-way done. If your still here, you are a very loyal ginger.

I just have a lot of stuff on my mind, concerning being a teenager. I never pictured myself as being the sappy teenager with all these problems, and drama. But, I think it happens to everyone. Emotions are strong right now. But that's the thing. Everything is RIGHT NOW. The future doesn't matter. These feelings are right now.

I've been learning a lot about friendships. It's a lesson everybody needs to learn but it's harsh. Friends are kind of weird. You have to learn who they really are. You can make them look beautiful to other people, but you may be blind to who they really are. You get glimpses of what they really are, but they rarely ever register. It's usually a tri-force. You know I had to make the situation nerdy. Your "beautiful" friend can stab your REAL friend in the back but you don't realize that the knife is coming toward you.

One of the worst things that came out of this situation is my trust was broken. I'm not going to trust this "beautiful" person anymore. Ever. But I'm having a hard time trusting anybody else either. I have one person I can go to. She's a real friend, I will never let go of.

I'm always second guessing now.

I've also been thinking about this day and age. It was so easy to send a text message. So incredibly easy. But I knew it wasn't going to be real unless I confronted this person in person.

So the next day, every time I thought about confronting that person, I thought I was going to throw up. That's how nervous I was. But, I mustered up as much courage as I could and I did it. To her face I told her the truth. I fought with her in person. That's really crazy to me. How are my kids going to be?

But she didn't confront me. That's how I knew I came out of this situation stronger than she did. I told her to her face that our friendship is ending. Our friendship is done.

And I know I'm the better person. I could've done so much more. But I didn't. Rachael The Ginger=Better Person.

But I have a true friendship. I'm finding out who my real friends are.

This picture is amazing for the situation.

It's perfect. I love you Arianna!

So, because I've been a little depressed about what the "beautiful" person did to me. I'm a little off. But as the title implies, being a little off can change a lot. I'm forgetting about videos, and blogs. It's ridiculous. I need to get back to myself. I need to be the ginger that I am. Choosing happiness is really my ultimate goal in life. But sometimes it feels like the choice is not even there. But then I just remember. I just remember what my idols have taught me. I MAKE the choice come to me. It's hard sometimes but I know I have the choice. I just need to take it. Life always gives you that choice. Sometimes it's a hard choice to make. It seems like it's not a hard choice to be happy but it is. It is so much easier to feel bad about your life. Just sit there and regret everything you've ever done. It's easy to do that. But if you look through the clouds and work your hardest to get true happiness, it's so much better. That's what I think about at times like this. I get caught up in the whole thing and I take the easy way and just hate myself and my life. I smack myself up a little but and realize that the choice is right in front of me. Take that choice.

How do I get myself to be happy? I do the things I love. I get around people I love, and I talk it out with them. They make me happier. I dance. I sing. I remember the good times in my life. I remember all too clearly that so many more memories will be created. I strive to feel happy about life. I am a lucky person in this world. I'm not as worse off as somebody else. I can try my hardest to make the world a little better. I have a life worth living, not sulking around hating it.

I don't have any time to waste in this world. This is when the phrase "The world is my oyster" comes to mind. I only have so many seconds, and minutes, and hours, and days, and weeks, and years. I might as well use them to my fullest.

Choose happiness. It's all you have to do.

I told you this blog was going to be good. I'm trying to get back to the Rachael I was before. I'm getting stronger every second. I'm healing. Soon enough I will be better.

Now, I want to talk about Washington D.C./New York a little bit. The blogging situation I was talking about is totally resolved. No problem there. I'm going to try mobile blogging. You basically text it and it uploads it to the blog. I'm probably going to test it out sometime this week. I'll give you some kind of warning. I just need to make sure it's going to work the way I want it to.

The trip is getting closer. I'm getting more excited. It's going to be super duper awesome! Can't wait!

I'll keep you informed as I get more information. Cool? Cool.

Longest freaking blog in the history of the world. I bet my computer is going to explode.

I don't have school tomorrow, so be expecting another great blog and a fantastic video! See ya tomorrow!

Just Keep Typing,
Rachael The Ginger

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Rachael my ginger, you stole every word from my mouth. Like turtley. Tomorrow is the day. The day of all seriousness. We can do this. But Rachael, I love you so much. We will live up to our expectations and I'll be right here. Right at your side.

    Arianna (:
