Monday, February 27, 2012

Does Anybody Even Read These This Late?

Hello gingers! Seriously though. Does anybody read these when I actually post them? I don't even know.

I figure out what we are going to do to celebrate for 500 views. Let's make it a surprise though! That will be fun. I'm pretty sure you guys will like it!

Today we talked about debt, and credit and stuff in social studies today. I felt find of stressed because I don't have money for college. I'm hoping for some scholarships and some help from my parents but you never know. After Washinton (where all my saved money is going) I'm going to get serious about saving. And we are starting adsense. I don't think I want it on the blog though. I want it on the YouTube videos. We'll see.

I think I might have ADD. I try to watch this "SciShow" thing but I ways zone out. Like unless it's a 3 or 4 minute video then I'm not going to be able to pay attention at all.

We have chair tryouts in orchestra this Thursday and that may be a cause for some of the lacking of blogginess. Sorry guys but I think you know I love you.

Your absolutely amazing and you blow me away. Every single day. I'm trying and I'll never stop. But you just keep me going.

Wait! I just realized something. We are almost done with our second year together! That's exciting too! I love leap years!

2012 is going to be amazing and it's proving to be so already. Cannot wait for Washington!

See you guys tomorrow!

Stay Gold Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger

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