Sunday, September 30, 2012

Very Productive Sunday

Hello gingers! I'm done talking talk about the holy blog, and it's going to happen when it happens.

But today was actually a very productive day. It gives me hope for myself and how I can stop the cycle of procrastination.

I have this mindset of multitasking but it always just turns into this "doing this fun thing" and doing work. It's not really multitasking, it's just my life.

But I feel like this is my week to power out my best of my best, especially with finals/midterms coming up next week. I'm going to make a clear schedule for myself.

I always have this idea that video minutes are fasting than regular minutes, so if I save my videos for the end of the day, I'll get proper sleep.

But I'm just going to have to see what works.

Keep On Not Procrastinating,
Rachael The Ginger

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