Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Peanut Butter

Hello gingers! Peanut butter is like my favorite thing in the world right now.

You know when you get into one of those moods, where you just have one go-to snack and that's it. Yep. Peanut butter is the bomb.

I've actually been getting a surprising amount of things done today, even through my sickness. Which is weird, because sickness is usually my worst enemy with this kind of productive stuff.

I'm even blogging, and doing homework, and listening to podcasts at the same time. This is all just so great. And peanut butter. Peanut. Butter.

You know, I really love British people. They are kind of like the best people in the world. They kind of like formed the world if you think about it. Which is kind of cool. They should feel good.

Peanut. Butter.

Keep On Peanut Butter,
Rachael The Ginger

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