Monday, September 10, 2012


Hello gingers! Today, I shaved 24 seconds off of my mile time. And I'm really proud of that.

I'm still not quite to my goal of running a 9 minute mile, but shaving half a minute off my time is really good I think. And just for the record, most of it is uphill. White girl problems.

So I made huge progress for fitness goals. And scholastic goals. I didn't have any real homework this weekend, I'm going to study for my test today, and I talked with one of my teacher's about an issue, and I got it resolved.

I made progress in my social life by preparing my friend's birthday present.

I made progress in my organizational life by writing out my to-do list nicely.

And mentally, I'm pretty average. Borderline bat-poop crazy is usually where I stand.

I cleaned my room this weekend, I think I might write some stuff tonight.

The only place I have not made progress is right here. I have not made any substancial progress with the blog, or my YouTube channel. But I'm going to make it my goal to work on one of those things for 20 minutes every day. Whether it's creating a youtube video, or upgrading the blog, or making something new on it, I will be working on something involving my internet life for 20 minutes every day.

This may mean cutting out some priceless reddit browsing time. But I'm going to do it.


Keep On Making Progress,
Rachael The Ginger

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