Sunday, September 9, 2012

Even In The Food You Eat

Hello gingers! Today's topic is about gay rights, but my opinions are staying out of it, and I would hope your's would too.

This is going to be a conversation about the conversation of gay rights, and gay marriage. It will be opinion based, but my view on the matter will not be mentioned.

This is an observation I have made, and I hope you understand that I am not making a stand for either side.

SO, I was eating some Cheerio's this morning and as you may know General Mills supports gay rights. And it just hit me that the choice of what brand of the thing I need to survive can influence my views on serious issues in the world.

We all need food. That is one of the truest statements there ever was. We need it to survive. It is an important part of our social structure. Food is an industry.

And with industries everybody is trying to throw their stuff at you, because food is also an important part of trade. But when food crosses with politics, it's weird.

By simply eating a chicken sandwich you could possibly be advocating the downfall of gay rights. By buying a bag of Oreo's you could be supporting gay rights.

It's crazy to think that the food we put in our mouths affect the views and morals we follow and think about every day.

The very thing we need to survive, can cause huge domestic and international social conflict.

This industry of food, has gotten to our core values as to change who we are, and what we support.

Our idealistic, free market mindset has set the boundaries for which we put issues of civil rights, and in reality, the first amendment.

The politics and conflicts that you have been trying to escape this election, are even in the food you eat.

-Rachael Robinson

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