Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homecoming Pt 2

Hello gingers! Just want to talk a little bit about homecoming, because I can.

So I want to get this done now, so I can't skype fondly with my dearest of pals. Because I love that.

Homecoming was fun. I don't really know what I was expecting, but it was really fun. It was what I would call a dance party. I was doing exactly what I would do at home but just in a dress, and in public. Just flipping out and having a party. Oh yeah. And I wasn't alone. I had some friends. Hopefully.

It was a party, it was super hot in the room, and we were all pretty and stuff. It was pretty magical.

And for the slow dance, we swayed with my friend's and watched all the other people have dates. That was also nice.

Fun times were had by all! I really was a good day and I had some really good friends with me! I love all you guys!

Keep On Coming Home,
Rachael The Ginger

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