Friday, September 28, 2012

Writing Stuff

Hello gingers! I enjoy talking, like a lot.

That's why I blog, that's why I am in speech and debate, and that's why I write little stupid stories that I regret later down the timeline.

No, this isn't the blog you've been looking for.

But I do enjoy writing, and I think I'll be writing some things for this blog and some other projects soon, which is kind of exciting and I think it should maybe get your hopes up a little. Possibly. It probably won't be up for a while though.

But I got this idea, but you can't steal it. I've been quite obsessed with Slender lately, so I thought about writing a story about Slenderman in his perspective. I thought it would be kind of cool. It's probably already been done before.

But those are just my crazy, coffee induced thoughts.

Keep On Having Crazy Coffee Induced Thoughts,
Rachael The Ginger

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