Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Classic Rachael The Ginger Move

Hello gingers! I just spilt water on myself and I'm going to walk you step by step on how that happened.

Sometimes I think I have ADD and other times I REALLY THINK I have ADD because of how distracted I can get so fast. It's kind of ridiculous.

I'm like thinking of one thing and then I think of another and I forget what I'm going to say all the time. I flub words and I do really stupid things just because I'm not paying attention and I don't know what I'm doing.

I think here at Ginger Rebellion HQ we need terminology for these type of things. I'm going to start calling them ginger moves. The slyness that being a ginger is and then freaking messing it all up.

Well I just spilled some water on myself and I'm going to tell you why. It's a riveting story, I know.

So I tipped my cup full of water back to take a drink while I was watching a video.

I was fully intending to drink that water that I tipped back out of the cup. I fully intended for that water to go down my throat and to be absorbed by the body so I could live.

In that process I seriously forgot that I was drinking water and that I needed to swallow to get that water into my body so the water came spilling out and onto my shirt.

I looked like a complete idiot. Ginger move.

Now for our "cool thing on the internet thing" for today I have this. It's not okay for younger views but I think this is one of the most hilarious things in the world. Conroy got me hooked on this guy.

So that's that. I hope you enjoyed it!

Keep On Making Ginger Moves,
Rachael The Ginger

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