Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shannon The Computer And It Wasn't My Fault

Hello gingers! Remember all those times I talked about how much easier it would be if I had a laptop? SHANNON THE COMPUTER HAS BEEN BORN.

That's right. Her name is Shannon and she is beautiful. She is a 2012 11.6 inch Macbook Air. Totally basic, cheapest one you can get, no extra fancy stuff like extra space or faster Ghz. But I freaking love her. It is fast, it is small, and it's so sleek and cool. This isn't any kind of promotion for Apple, but it should be.

The screen is totally big enough to do what you need to do, and it's totally fast enough to do what you need to do. It got hot one time, and I was downloading a bunch of files that I needed. I love how the keys feel, I love the gestures with the trackpad, and I'm going to get Mountain Lion soon.

Shannon is stunning and if you say otherwise, I will cut you.

I'm going to watch some videos now.

But the other thing. The blogs have been a little wonky lately if you haven't noticed, and my phone JUST started working a few hours ago and they all posted. Sorry about that. But it wasn't my fault.

I'm going to talk about the Olympics tomorrow, I swear. The Dark Ages have ended. They really have.

Keep On Loving Shannon,
Rachael The Ginger

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