Saturday, July 14, 2012

Annoying People Are Annoying

Hello gingers! I hate when titles are so self-explanatory and leave no room for blogging!

Just kidding. I absolutely love that. Because it makes my job easier. To just say it simply, my brother is having a sleepover tonight with his precious little friend. How fantastic.

I've been posting a lot on ION (I'm the main contributer. I'M CALLING YOU OUT CAMERON.) so you should definitely check it out! I have a blogger roll on the sidebar there that you can just use your clicking mouse to take a gander at. GANDER.

So if you're not sick of me here, you can go over there and definitely get sick of me. Especially when I'm all annoying and informative. I just think I know everything in the world.

In that really deep blog the other day I meant to say something totally different but it turned into that. And I'm really happy about that but I still want to talk about it. Maybe Tuesday.

And if I haven't annoyed you enough, I have to do my stupid outro. See you guys tomorrow.

Keep On Being Annoying,
Rachael The Ginger

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