Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Series Of Sitting

Hello gingers! Today I'm going to talk about traveling now that I'm back home.

So we were eating dinner at the Li'hue Airport and my mom says, "Do we want to go to our next sitting place?" suggesting to the fact that we might want to go to the airport terminal and wait to board our plane.

That got me thinking and I did realize that traveling is just a series of sitting.

You will sit in the car to get to where you need to be to travel. You will then sit to eat here and there and just sit in various places in wherever you are planning to travel. Then, you will commence the actual movement of travel by sitting in an airplane, or train, or car, or subway, or whatever. Then you will sit in a car or whatever to get to your actual destination. Then you will sit in various places in your destination. And then you will start the whole thing over again when you go back.

Traveling is a series of sitting places and staring at various walls.

I really do hate traveling but I'm glad to be back.

Keep On Sitting In Various Places,
Rachael The Ginger

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