Saturday, June 30, 2012


Hello gingers! So my summer is about to get a little bit eventful because some of my family is coming over for the holiday.

The holiday, being the 4th of July, being Independence Day for the folks in America. I like to be blog equally for anybody in any country ever in the world. It may be hard if you don't know English though.

I was going to try to translate that whole thing into Spanish but copy and paste was not happening. Sorry my Spanish-speaking amigos.

But anyway, things have been pretty hectic around here considering that we have to get a bunch of cleaned and ready for the guests to arrive. We also have to handle three 10 year old boys which is a lot of work, even for an older sister.

So we are busy yet I'm still trying to find time to mine. Minecraftia.

So that's pretty much it for today.

Keep On Speaking Spanish,
Rachael The Ginger

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