Hello gingers! Think about it, today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Today, I would like to talk about this saying which is actually very close to my heart!
Today, is the last day of January. Today, is the last day you have in this month. Today, is the last day you will ever live in January in 2012. How will you spend this day?
Everything starts TODAY! Today, really is the FIRST day of the REST of your life! You can do anything with it! What will you do with the first day, of the rest of your life?
Anything you want to do with your life, you can start today. What is stopping you? Excuses? Not allowed in this vicinity. GTFO.
Today, I am confident. I was not pessimistic about my particular situation in science class. I started singing a song I am in love with right now, and I felt better. I changed that. Today.
Just make the change and the rest will follow.
That's how I've been starting my mornings lately. I've been looking in the mirror and saying, "Today is the first day, of the rest of my life. I'm starting today."
It does really help me. If you're not into all that, that's ok. But just remember your morals. Stay true to who you are. The rest will always follow if you put what is important first.
The secret to life is hidden behind the word cliche.
Go ahead and put in the comments, what you will do to change TODAY!
This is a short blog but I think my intention is clear.
I love you guys so much! I'll see you tomorrow!
Keep On Changing,
Rachael The Ginger
Hey! Imma ginger, if you didn't guess already. Slowly, but surely gingers will take over the world...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
A Productive Type Of Day
Hello gingers! Lots of stuff is happening and it's making me think that this year is going to be one of the best years I've lived on this Earth so far! :)
If you are a semi-long time reader you will know that I am extremely busy. Putting out an original video 3 times a week and a blog every day isn't easy.
If you're doubting me on this, try it sometime. Oh, and add being a full-time student on top of that.
But today, I just felt...good. I had a video up by 7:30 and a blog up semi-shortly after. I love that because that means I can spend time with my family, I can do homework, and I can still watch videos that must grace my eyes before I go to sleep.
It was very, very, productive today and I'm proud of it.
But some days aren't that easy. I get tired and I don't want to film, and edit, and upload, and annotate, and share and all the work that I missed. But, I stick it through. You wanna know why? I really want to make it to the top. I really feel like I am the next generation of YouTube. If any YouTuber has taught me anything, it's that working hard is the only way. ShayCarl started out filming with his webcam and editing and working hard and look at him now. He has started his own company, he has someone edit for him, and he makes a fair amount of money. I will work hard.
But, in spite of it all, I still have bad days. But this guy right here cheers me up.
If you are a semi-long time reader you will know that I am extremely busy. Putting out an original video 3 times a week and a blog every day isn't easy.
If you're doubting me on this, try it sometime. Oh, and add being a full-time student on top of that.
But today, I just felt...good. I had a video up by 7:30 and a blog up semi-shortly after. I love that because that means I can spend time with my family, I can do homework, and I can still watch videos that must grace my eyes before I go to sleep.
It was very, very, productive today and I'm proud of it.
But some days aren't that easy. I get tired and I don't want to film, and edit, and upload, and annotate, and share and all the work that I missed. But, I stick it through. You wanna know why? I really want to make it to the top. I really feel like I am the next generation of YouTube. If any YouTuber has taught me anything, it's that working hard is the only way. ShayCarl started out filming with his webcam and editing and working hard and look at him now. He has started his own company, he has someone edit for him, and he makes a fair amount of money. I will work hard.
But, in spite of it all, I still have bad days. But this guy right here cheers me up.
Every Monday I see his video and get excited!
This guy is NicePeter. You may know him as the "Epic Rap Battles Of History" guy. But he is so sweet! He made a song about sunflowers! I would marry this guy!
He is super busy too, but he is an optimist. Not to say I am not an optimist, but he just has some kind of feel where I am so much happier when I watch his videos. He cheers me up like nobody else.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I was so productive.
He is my inspiration for music as well. He's awesome. Just amazing.
Every time the "Awwwwwwwww" starts at the beginning, I can't help smiling.
So, I challenge you gingers! Find your inspiration! Find what makes you smile!
That's it for today! I'll see you guys tomorrow!
Keep On Smiling,
Rachael The Ginger
Sunday, January 29, 2012
How Nerds Make Their Money
Hello gingers! I know I said I was going to talk about "the face" but I changed my mind.
I'm just going to let you know, it works. Like, unbelievably.
I'm just going to let you know, it works. Like, unbelievably.
It. Really. Does. Work.
Haha, now that I'm thinking about it my friend Emily said that I am a less-explicit, ginger version of JennaMarbles. Rock on!
Hi Bonnie!
So, yesterday my mom was like, "Do you wanna make 40 bucks?"
As any teenager would do I said yes immediately, even though I had no idea what I was going to do. My mom happened to be part of a blog that her and her sisters started to document their running. Recently my mom was the only one posting on it anymore so she left the blog and started her own personal blog. I was left with the tedious task of taking all of her blogs on their and putting them on their own document. It's time consuming and it's not fun to do but I really need to start saving money. You know how much money I have for college? $0. You know how much money I have for a new camera? $0. You know how much money I have for a microphone? $0. You know how much money I have to have a social life? $0. I've been taught by ShayCarl never to get into debt so I won't. I'm gonna work hard.
The main thing is that I'm going to Washington D.C. and New York this spring break. That's going to be super fun! But I'm going to need money and that is what is keeping me from spending.
But, because I am the nerdiest child there is, I am moving blogs to documents for money. Only my mom would give me a job on the computer. It is where I was born to be.
How do you make your money? Feel free to leave it in the comments below!
That's it! See ya tomorrow!
Keep On Being Nerdy,
Rachael The Ginger
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Reading Logs Are "Morally Wrong"
Hello gingers! Welcome to the first edition of "Morally Wrong!"
First off, I would like to say, that if you are a teacher who gives out reading logs, I do not mean to offend you. I am just going to tell you how reading logs are awful, and a disgrace to humanity, mk?
Obviously teachers read my blog.
Reading logs are the worst thing a teacher can give me nowadays. They are a waste of my time. My English teacher gives us reading logs every quarter, and even worse, we have to read 2 books of a certain genre. This quarter it's historical fiction. Now, on a regular day I am a history buff, and I love it. But when you give me a reading log, it's about to get ugly.
We have to read 1,300 pages. It sucks. Bad.
The thing about reading logs, is that they make kids not want to read. Now that I'm forced to read, I don't want to do it. It discourages me, and half the time I just write down books and have my mom sign it.
I'd like to explain that my mom HATES reading logs as well. She feels the same way I do. That's why she just signs it. To make a point? I don't know. But I do know that I forged her signature once because I forgot about the reading log. I told her about it and she said she didn't care. I have the best mom ever.
I guess you could say that reading logs are helpful. Some people do need to be forced to get it done, but it's still a bad thing to do.
They make kids feel like that it's a bad thing to read because they have to do it for school. It makes them not want to read when they are adults.
But, again with the Information Age strong it doesn't really matter. People are going to be reading articles on the internet. With all the social networking and sharing in this day and age, no one will read in like 10 years. It will all be pointless.
But I'm getting off topic. Reading logs are terrible. They are terrible for your morals.
And that my friends is why reading logs, are morally wrong.
Stay Off-Topic,
Rachael The Ginger
First off, I would like to say, that if you are a teacher who gives out reading logs, I do not mean to offend you. I am just going to tell you how reading logs are awful, and a disgrace to humanity, mk?
Obviously teachers read my blog.
Reading logs are the worst thing a teacher can give me nowadays. They are a waste of my time. My English teacher gives us reading logs every quarter, and even worse, we have to read 2 books of a certain genre. This quarter it's historical fiction. Now, on a regular day I am a history buff, and I love it. But when you give me a reading log, it's about to get ugly.
We have to read 1,300 pages. It sucks. Bad.
The thing about reading logs, is that they make kids not want to read. Now that I'm forced to read, I don't want to do it. It discourages me, and half the time I just write down books and have my mom sign it.
I'd like to explain that my mom HATES reading logs as well. She feels the same way I do. That's why she just signs it. To make a point? I don't know. But I do know that I forged her signature once because I forgot about the reading log. I told her about it and she said she didn't care. I have the best mom ever.
I guess you could say that reading logs are helpful. Some people do need to be forced to get it done, but it's still a bad thing to do.
They make kids feel like that it's a bad thing to read because they have to do it for school. It makes them not want to read when they are adults.
But, again with the Information Age strong it doesn't really matter. People are going to be reading articles on the internet. With all the social networking and sharing in this day and age, no one will read in like 10 years. It will all be pointless.
But I'm getting off topic. Reading logs are terrible. They are terrible for your morals.
And that my friends is why reading logs, are morally wrong.
Stay Off-Topic,
Rachael The Ginger
Friday, January 27, 2012
Another Weird Thing That's Happening
Hello ginger! It's a freaking RAD Friday!
First of all, I'm going to talk about the insane revolution I have created.
Ever since I started making videos, and blogging like this EVERYBODY has been joining in! I just think it's really cool that people are seeing some of the power behind the videos and blogs. People are making videos for one another, and VLOGGING even! It's crazy! I have seriously started something! I cannot believe it!
Speaking of such things, my really good friend Delaney has started a blog! You can check it out here!
Your welcome, girl who is not nearly as supportive to me, haha.
And, for more of my boring weirdness.
Today I feel like telling the news so maybe I will.
Don't forget my first "Morally Wrong" is going up tomorrow!!! Are you excited!?!?
I'm probably going to get a Tumblr in the near future. We'll see how it turns out.
I like penguins. And @Jenna_Marbles
On Sunday I will tell you the story of the face! Future self, do not forget!
This song will make your day 1,000 to the power of 1,000 times better!!!!!
Do not be fooled by the thumbnail!
I am really tired of sitting on the computer so I will probably go now!
I will see you tomorrow with the first edition of "Morally Wrong!"
Stay Weird,
Rachael The Ginger
First of all, I'm going to talk about the insane revolution I have created.
Ever since I started making videos, and blogging like this EVERYBODY has been joining in! I just think it's really cool that people are seeing some of the power behind the videos and blogs. People are making videos for one another, and VLOGGING even! It's crazy! I have seriously started something! I cannot believe it!
Speaking of such things, my really good friend Delaney has started a blog! You can check it out here!
Your welcome, girl who is not nearly as supportive to me, haha.
And, for more of my boring weirdness.
Today I feel like telling the news so maybe I will.
Don't forget my first "Morally Wrong" is going up tomorrow!!! Are you excited!?!?
I'm probably going to get a Tumblr in the near future. We'll see how it turns out.
I like penguins. And @Jenna_Marbles
On Sunday I will tell you the story of the face! Future self, do not forget!
This song will make your day 1,000 to the power of 1,000 times better!!!!!
Do not be fooled by the thumbnail!
I am really tired of sitting on the computer so I will probably go now!
I will see you tomorrow with the first edition of "Morally Wrong!"
Stay Weird,
Rachael The Ginger
Thursday, January 26, 2012
For Shelby Idon'tknowifIshoulduseherlastnamewithoutherpermission
Hello gingers! Be prepared for a semi-boring day!
Not to say that Shelby Idon'tknowifIshoulduseherlastnamewithoutherpermission is boring though! I love her! But my separated shoulder keeps me from loving her completely!
First, we are going to talk about this. All of this. This thing that I'm doing right now.
I love you guys. Like, with a deep, burning, passion. You are absolutely amazing, and awesome, and BOMBTASTIC!
I have a total of 247 views! In one month! For a couple day I had over 20 views A DAY! You guys are amazing. Without a doubt.
I am going to do this. I am going to blog everyday for a year. This was a crazy prospect but it is becoming a reality. Once my friends find out about it they're like "What??? You blog every day?!"
It's pretty crazy to watch.
Main point: I love you forever and always.
Some other stuff:
I might not be able to complete the short story a month. I will just change it to "Sporadic Short Stories."
That's good right? Right. Freaking rad.
Shelby! Stop punching me! I have a separated shoulder! The good thing is, you can't punch me through the interwebs, teehee!
Shelby, suggested that today I would talk about things that happened at school today. More specifically, something that was happening with Mr. J's son. So, I will.
Apparently, these girls were calling Mr. J's son. He was asking us if that was kind of normal and that his son shouldn't be freaking out like he was. We said yes, that was normal for 5th grade girls to do. It seems reasonable. 5th grade girls are weird.
So, Shelby I hoped you liked that! It was just for you!
I know this was a weird and short blog, but bus accidents don't happen EVERY DAY! But I do! I'll see you tomorrow!
Keep On Rollin',
Rachael The Ginger
Not to say that Shelby Idon'tknowifIshoulduseherlastnamewithoutherpermission is boring though! I love her! But my separated shoulder keeps me from loving her completely!
First, we are going to talk about this. All of this. This thing that I'm doing right now.
I love you guys. Like, with a deep, burning, passion. You are absolutely amazing, and awesome, and BOMBTASTIC!
I have a total of 247 views! In one month! For a couple day I had over 20 views A DAY! You guys are amazing. Without a doubt.
I am going to do this. I am going to blog everyday for a year. This was a crazy prospect but it is becoming a reality. Once my friends find out about it they're like "What??? You blog every day?!"
It's pretty crazy to watch.
Main point: I love you forever and always.
Some other stuff:
I might not be able to complete the short story a month. I will just change it to "Sporadic Short Stories."
That's good right? Right. Freaking rad.
Shelby! Stop punching me! I have a separated shoulder! The good thing is, you can't punch me through the interwebs, teehee!
Shelby, suggested that today I would talk about things that happened at school today. More specifically, something that was happening with Mr. J's son. So, I will.
Apparently, these girls were calling Mr. J's son. He was asking us if that was kind of normal and that his son shouldn't be freaking out like he was. We said yes, that was normal for 5th grade girls to do. It seems reasonable. 5th grade girls are weird.
So, Shelby I hoped you liked that! It was just for you!
I know this was a weird and short blog, but bus accidents don't happen EVERY DAY! But I do! I'll see you tomorrow!
Keep On Rollin',
Rachael The Ginger
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bus Accidents And The Buzzing Sound
Hello gingers! My life is NOT average! I regret ever saying that!
So, first I would like to say that no one was injured. It wasn't really that serious of an accident but it was super duper fun. Let's start from the beginning.
We were just riding the bus one day as usual. No problem. Well, we were at a stoplight about 500 yards from the school and 150 yards from a hospital. It was probably the best place to crash ever. So, were just waiting and all of the sudden BOOM, we all jolt forward a solid foot and a half. Immediately we started laughing. Because that's what we do. We look back and we see a minivan has slammed into the back of the bus! The hood of that car was crumpled and the bumper was dented. Then something literally called the "Bus Department" came and took our names, numbers, age, and grades. Then, we soon found out the cause of the accident. Two words. Texting teenager. Then the police showed up and everybody was texting or calling their mothers. Then the firefighters came and we began to find this situation hilarious. We all kind of came together. We were all talking to each other when normally it's a pretty quiet bus. We were laughing, and hanging out. We didn't even know each others names and yet we were all able to bond over a bus crash. Funny situations create memories. We all came together. It was a cool thing to watch. Then, everybody started filming with their cell phones and taking pictures of the car. So cool, right? We ended up looking at the back of the bus. Not a scratch. Buses are INDESTRUCTIBLE!
We ended up missing our entire first period but it was well worth it. We had the best story of the entire day. So freaking rad.
And then we went about our normal day but then we went to E.L.T. This is basically study hall for you outside readers. I'm in E.L.T. in Mrs. D's class and it is usually an awful hour long thing. But, as we all got quiet we heard a buzzing sound. It started out with people like "Do you hear that?" and turned out to be "OK, I cannot focus with that noise!" Our teacher eventually got the janitors and they tried to look around for it. They were in the ceiling, checking speakers and other devices in the classroom, and of course, US. They had to check our cell phones and stuff. We ended up going all the way out the room with our stuff to make sure it wasn't us. At this point me and my friends are expecting Ryan Seacrest to come out and be like, "I'm Ryan Seacrest, and your on The Buzzing Sound!" Another theory was that it was a bomb. The buzzing sound was still there so we went back in. Explaining it to the people out in the hall was hard. We were just like "There's a buzzing sound." We went back in and they are still trying to find it. This guy, Conner, came back in and he went in his backpack and it stopped. It was his guitar tuner! He was in the library so he never took his backpack out! My friend ended up writing "The Buzz, 1-24-12" on the table. So freaking rad.
We didn't do anything that day and it was awesome. It was probably the best/weirdest Tuesday I have ever had. It was amazing!
Well I'll see you guys tomorrow! Hoped you like my story!
Stay Un-Average,
Rachael The Ginger
So, first I would like to say that no one was injured. It wasn't really that serious of an accident but it was super duper fun. Let's start from the beginning.
We were just riding the bus one day as usual. No problem. Well, we were at a stoplight about 500 yards from the school and 150 yards from a hospital. It was probably the best place to crash ever. So, were just waiting and all of the sudden BOOM, we all jolt forward a solid foot and a half. Immediately we started laughing. Because that's what we do. We look back and we see a minivan has slammed into the back of the bus! The hood of that car was crumpled and the bumper was dented. Then something literally called the "Bus Department" came and took our names, numbers, age, and grades. Then, we soon found out the cause of the accident. Two words. Texting teenager. Then the police showed up and everybody was texting or calling their mothers. Then the firefighters came and we began to find this situation hilarious. We all kind of came together. We were all talking to each other when normally it's a pretty quiet bus. We were laughing, and hanging out. We didn't even know each others names and yet we were all able to bond over a bus crash. Funny situations create memories. We all came together. It was a cool thing to watch. Then, everybody started filming with their cell phones and taking pictures of the car. So cool, right? We ended up looking at the back of the bus. Not a scratch. Buses are INDESTRUCTIBLE!
We ended up missing our entire first period but it was well worth it. We had the best story of the entire day. So freaking rad.
And then we went about our normal day but then we went to E.L.T. This is basically study hall for you outside readers. I'm in E.L.T. in Mrs. D's class and it is usually an awful hour long thing. But, as we all got quiet we heard a buzzing sound. It started out with people like "Do you hear that?" and turned out to be "OK, I cannot focus with that noise!" Our teacher eventually got the janitors and they tried to look around for it. They were in the ceiling, checking speakers and other devices in the classroom, and of course, US. They had to check our cell phones and stuff. We ended up going all the way out the room with our stuff to make sure it wasn't us. At this point me and my friends are expecting Ryan Seacrest to come out and be like, "I'm Ryan Seacrest, and your on The Buzzing Sound!" Another theory was that it was a bomb. The buzzing sound was still there so we went back in. Explaining it to the people out in the hall was hard. We were just like "There's a buzzing sound." We went back in and they are still trying to find it. This guy, Conner, came back in and he went in his backpack and it stopped. It was his guitar tuner! He was in the library so he never took his backpack out! My friend ended up writing "The Buzz, 1-24-12" on the table. So freaking rad.
We didn't do anything that day and it was awesome. It was probably the best/weirdest Tuesday I have ever had. It was amazing!
Well I'll see you guys tomorrow! Hoped you like my story!
Stay Un-Average,
Rachael The Ginger
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Kids Should Rule The World! (Warning: SMRT BLOG)
Hello gingers! Sounds like a great day for some knowledge in your tank!
So, I LOVE this podcast called "This American Life"
I would recommend it to ANYBODY! It is the most thought-provoking, mind-fudge inducing show that will EVER grace your ears!
You can download it for free on iTunes! Check it out! There website is http://www.thisamericanlife.org/
Freaking rad.
Anyway, they made a podcast called "Kid Politics" which you can watch if you feel like it. You'll probably be a little but lost if you don't. First time and probably last time I will give you homework.
The main question that was brought to my mind was this, "Would it really make a difference if kids ruled the world?"
I mean, kids are deciding their own rules, FOR THE BETTER! They are not just doing what they think is best for them. They are doing what's best for them, AND the people around them. They have set up this democracy that makes so much sense. Most of kids instinct, to me, is seeing that they have a problem and they need it resolved. That's what most people do in this world, right?
Especially with the kids in the Grenada situation. They knew what was common sense. They knew what has been ingrained in their minds from Day 1. They knew how to handle things like they were experts.
I think everything is like this. We are told what is right and what is wrong from a very, very, young age. So, what would the hurt be in letting kids try ruling the world?
It's a cool concept for me to grasp. How would this world be different? What things could kids get wrong? What would be changed?
I also feel like kids don't just see big pictures. They see details. They see individual things. Could this be a setback?
Now, I'm not saying in any way that kids should rule the world (ignore the title) but I am merely asking the question, what would happen?
I'd love to know what you think! Please answer the questions above or tell me what you think!
Hope I got your brain moving! The next SMRT BLOG will be February 7th, 2012! But, see you tomorrow with a regular blog!
Keep On Thinking,
Rachael The Ginger
So, I LOVE this podcast called "This American Life"
I would recommend it to ANYBODY! It is the most thought-provoking, mind-fudge inducing show that will EVER grace your ears!
You can download it for free on iTunes! Check it out! There website is http://www.thisamericanlife.org/
Freaking rad.
Anyway, they made a podcast called "Kid Politics" which you can watch if you feel like it. You'll probably be a little but lost if you don't. First time and probably last time I will give you homework.
The main question that was brought to my mind was this, "Would it really make a difference if kids ruled the world?"
I mean, kids are deciding their own rules, FOR THE BETTER! They are not just doing what they think is best for them. They are doing what's best for them, AND the people around them. They have set up this democracy that makes so much sense. Most of kids instinct, to me, is seeing that they have a problem and they need it resolved. That's what most people do in this world, right?
Especially with the kids in the Grenada situation. They knew what was common sense. They knew what has been ingrained in their minds from Day 1. They knew how to handle things like they were experts.
I think everything is like this. We are told what is right and what is wrong from a very, very, young age. So, what would the hurt be in letting kids try ruling the world?
It's a cool concept for me to grasp. How would this world be different? What things could kids get wrong? What would be changed?
I also feel like kids don't just see big pictures. They see details. They see individual things. Could this be a setback?
Now, I'm not saying in any way that kids should rule the world (ignore the title) but I am merely asking the question, what would happen?
I'd love to know what you think! Please answer the questions above or tell me what you think!
Hope I got your brain moving! The next SMRT BLOG will be February 7th, 2012! But, see you tomorrow with a regular blog!
Keep On Thinking,
Rachael The Ginger
Monday, January 23, 2012
My Life Is Average
Hello gingers! What is your definition of "average?"
So, I'd like to start off this blog by telling you a story. A story about a girl, and a younger brother who is exactly like her.
So, I created a petition to end the seating crisis or period 5 which you can read about here. I was pretty passionate about this issue, and today I saw it hanging on his chalk board. I think he admired my dedication and perseverance throughout the entire thing, haha. I know he secretly admires the spirit I have for history. I even have a shirt that says "I <3 History". Rad, right?
Well, the funny kind of twist to this story is that my brother, started a petition of his own. I didn't even tell him about mine! He made his about how they need to change the fire drill system at his school. His is for much better causes but hey, he's going to be leading a revolution someday for an amazing cause.
We are very opinionated people I guess. I swear, we are going to be leading something someday. I don't mean to be rude or anything but it just comes naturally. Yep, you're looking at a principal bow right here. If you don't know what that is, google it.
Born leader. My friend Whitney today said that if my music teacher couldn't make it back in time for this thing she's doing that I could lead us. I'm proud of my orchestra. We really are awesome.
Now, to address a problem I'm finding.
I'm seeing that my blogs have been kinda boring lately. I'm sorry but school isn't that exciting. The truth is that some of my blogs are going to be super, uber, boring and I apologize in advance. I can't be super, happy, fun-time, ginger ALL the time.
Speaking of boring, don't forget there is a SMRT BLOG tomorrow. Fun!
That's it! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Leaders,
Rachael The Ginger
So, I'd like to start off this blog by telling you a story. A story about a girl, and a younger brother who is exactly like her.
So, I created a petition to end the seating crisis or period 5 which you can read about here. I was pretty passionate about this issue, and today I saw it hanging on his chalk board. I think he admired my dedication and perseverance throughout the entire thing, haha. I know he secretly admires the spirit I have for history. I even have a shirt that says "I <3 History". Rad, right?
Well, the funny kind of twist to this story is that my brother, started a petition of his own. I didn't even tell him about mine! He made his about how they need to change the fire drill system at his school. His is for much better causes but hey, he's going to be leading a revolution someday for an amazing cause.
We are very opinionated people I guess. I swear, we are going to be leading something someday. I don't mean to be rude or anything but it just comes naturally. Yep, you're looking at a principal bow right here. If you don't know what that is, google it.
Born leader. My friend Whitney today said that if my music teacher couldn't make it back in time for this thing she's doing that I could lead us. I'm proud of my orchestra. We really are awesome.
Now, to address a problem I'm finding.
I'm seeing that my blogs have been kinda boring lately. I'm sorry but school isn't that exciting. The truth is that some of my blogs are going to be super, uber, boring and I apologize in advance. I can't be super, happy, fun-time, ginger ALL the time.
Speaking of boring, don't forget there is a SMRT BLOG tomorrow. Fun!
That's it! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Leaders,
Rachael The Ginger
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Secrets And Science Projects
Hello gingers! Shh, that's supposed to be a secret!
Well, this is an awkward way to start of a blog but I've been hiding something from you all. I never told you how the petition went!
-If you have no idea what I'm talking about read this blog. It should clear things up for you-
My wonderful assistant, Sydney, helped me get all the signatures! Thank you so much Sydney! 3 cheers for her! It was all done on Friday at the end of class but we couldn't give it to Mr. J that day. So, on Tuesday, the next day we had school, we put it on his desk at the beginning of class. Too bad Miss Sydney wasn't there for it. Mr. J looked down and immediately had a look on his face that indicated, "Dear Lord" and I knew we had someone succeeded. I couldn't help laughing, because I'm a ginger, and I had to look way from him. Just looking back on it I was laughing. What was really funny is that we were able to organize the entire thing without him noticing. Later that day he told me nothing would be decided this week but he would take it into consideration. He said he would also make us sign a contract stating that if we misbehaved then we would have seating charts.
Everyone says I should be a lawyer but I just don't get it.
I just know how to lead. I can't help it. I wouldn't even say it's in my blood but hey, I will embrace any talents this ginger has been given. I'm just OPINIONATED. I know what I want and 90% of the time I know how to get it.
In all ginger seriousness, you are the best teacher ever Mr. J! I'm only being stupid because I care! <3
Also, what has been occupying my time this weekend, my science project. If you're on 8C and reading this you know exactly what I'm talking about. We have to do these "Energy Books." It's like we have to talk about different types of energy and stuff. It's really stupid and time-consuming. Well, like most of my fellow students, I spent my time in class thoroughly goofing off. Yeah, I have all weekend to do it, no worries. And, I got Friday off to do it. I'm totally fine.
I'm totally wrong.
I was not expecting to sleep til' 3 on Friday, first of all. So, I started my project on Saturday and slaved through it. I finished it today but my stupid printer is stupid, and I can't print it in color at home, So we had to go to FedEx and print it. Meanwhile, I cannot find "WIRED" magazine anywhere! Anybody know where I can get it? So, I hope this project is worth it.
I hope one day in the future if someone asks me how nuclear power works I will be able to answer there question. When, in reality they could have just Googled it on their freaking smart phone!
Can't wait for science tomorrow! *worst sarcasm ever*
That's it for today! Don't forget there is a SMRT BLOG this Tuesday! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Determined,
Rachael The Ginger
Well, this is an awkward way to start of a blog but I've been hiding something from you all. I never told you how the petition went!
-If you have no idea what I'm talking about read this blog. It should clear things up for you-
My wonderful assistant, Sydney, helped me get all the signatures! Thank you so much Sydney! 3 cheers for her! It was all done on Friday at the end of class but we couldn't give it to Mr. J that day. So, on Tuesday, the next day we had school, we put it on his desk at the beginning of class. Too bad Miss Sydney wasn't there for it. Mr. J looked down and immediately had a look on his face that indicated, "Dear Lord" and I knew we had someone succeeded. I couldn't help laughing, because I'm a ginger, and I had to look way from him. Just looking back on it I was laughing. What was really funny is that we were able to organize the entire thing without him noticing. Later that day he told me nothing would be decided this week but he would take it into consideration. He said he would also make us sign a contract stating that if we misbehaved then we would have seating charts.
Everyone says I should be a lawyer but I just don't get it.
I just know how to lead. I can't help it. I wouldn't even say it's in my blood but hey, I will embrace any talents this ginger has been given. I'm just OPINIONATED. I know what I want and 90% of the time I know how to get it.
In all ginger seriousness, you are the best teacher ever Mr. J! I'm only being stupid because I care! <3
Also, what has been occupying my time this weekend, my science project. If you're on 8C and reading this you know exactly what I'm talking about. We have to do these "Energy Books." It's like we have to talk about different types of energy and stuff. It's really stupid and time-consuming. Well, like most of my fellow students, I spent my time in class thoroughly goofing off. Yeah, I have all weekend to do it, no worries. And, I got Friday off to do it. I'm totally fine.
I'm totally wrong.
I was not expecting to sleep til' 3 on Friday, first of all. So, I started my project on Saturday and slaved through it. I finished it today but my stupid printer is stupid, and I can't print it in color at home, So we had to go to FedEx and print it. Meanwhile, I cannot find "WIRED" magazine anywhere! Anybody know where I can get it? So, I hope this project is worth it.
I hope one day in the future if someone asks me how nuclear power works I will be able to answer there question. When, in reality they could have just Googled it on their freaking smart phone!
Can't wait for science tomorrow! *worst sarcasm ever*
That's it for today! Don't forget there is a SMRT BLOG this Tuesday! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Determined,
Rachael The Ginger
Saturday, January 21, 2012
This Is Incredibly Random But Informative
Hello gingers! That is the 26th most random sentence that has ever crossed my keys.
My weekend is going pretty much according to plan. Not much else happening. But, I do find that recently I've been lacking creativity. I know, your completely aghast. A ginger is lacking creativity! I can't even believe it!
Well, because of my complete lack of anything interesting, I'm going to do 2 different things today. I'm going to talk more about SOPA and I'm going to let my brother take over the interwebz! It's so exciting, right?!?!
He informed me that he probably won't have much to say, but that's ok. We are just going to let him try out his luck on this thing we call the internet.
Now, for SOPA. I am very, very proud of this internet we got here. I found the perfect picture to describe it. If I find it I'll show it to you guys.
This guy named Hank Green did the most beautiful summary EVER! He is one of the smartest guys ever and it was just an amazing thing that video was.
My weekend is going pretty much according to plan. Not much else happening. But, I do find that recently I've been lacking creativity. I know, your completely aghast. A ginger is lacking creativity! I can't even believe it!
Well, because of my complete lack of anything interesting, I'm going to do 2 different things today. I'm going to talk more about SOPA and I'm going to let my brother take over the interwebz! It's so exciting, right?!?!
He informed me that he probably won't have much to say, but that's ok. We are just going to let him try out his luck on this thing we call the internet.
Now, for SOPA. I am very, very proud of this internet we got here. I found the perfect picture to describe it. If I find it I'll show it to you guys.
This guy named Hank Green did the most beautiful summary EVER! He is one of the smartest guys ever and it was just an amazing thing that video was.
It gave me a whole new perspective on this whole thing. Absolutely amazing. It was an eye-opener really. Great analogy.
It just goes to show you how much our internet is united. This really is a free internet. We can do amazing things if we join together. I bet that we can change the world for better with the internet.
Now, for my brother. Ladies and gentlemen, David:
hi i am the little bro and am also a ginger. to bad i dont have i soul. i am amazing in evry way by.
So there you go! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Random,
Rachael The Ginger And David The Ginger
Friday, January 20, 2012
My Weekend In Theory
Hello gingers! This blog is going to be me predicting how my weekend will go.
Thursday: I left school around noon because I was sick. I continued to sit on my couch, eat a LOT of food, watch a LOT of Teen Mom 2, and play a LOT of Temple Run. I then wrote a blog about being sick, then listened to a couple podcasts and I fell asleep.
Friday: No school today so I slept in. I was woken up briefly around 8 to see my mom off to work and for my dad to tell me he was leaving to do errands. I would then sleep til' 3 o'clock. Achievement Unlocked: Longest Sleep In. All teenagers want to break that record. Then I get up, get on skype, and watch a lot of videos. Then, I edit the video and upload it. Then, I finished listening to the podcasts I fell asleep listening to the night before. Then I will write a blog. Then I will rock out to ALL OF THE TUNES, and try to make plans for the weekend to come. I will be unsuccessful in doing this. Then, I will give up and go to bed.
Saturday: I will wake up around noon and go downstairs. I will watch videos and try to procrastinate as much as I can with my science project. Then, I will do my ENTIRE science project in 3 hours and go to Office Max. There is a shower somewhere in there. Then I will feel very successful and probably dance a little. Then I will be struck with extreme tired-ness and go to bed.
Sunday: I will wake up feeling refreshed, but also sad that I am NEVER going to be able to go to bed that night. I will tell my mother to make coffee for me tomorrow. Then we will go to a printing place so I can print my science project in color. (STUPID PRINTER!) My mom and I will be extremely lost at some point and have some problems, but we will eventually get it to work. Feeling awesome, I will disregard any idea that I have different homework I still have to do. I will try to sleep but will fail miserably.
Monday: Wake up at 6 feeling awful. Get through Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and start the process over again.
Keep On Dancing,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Friends and family: Do not forget about the task I assigned for Monday : )
Thursday: I left school around noon because I was sick. I continued to sit on my couch, eat a LOT of food, watch a LOT of Teen Mom 2, and play a LOT of Temple Run. I then wrote a blog about being sick, then listened to a couple podcasts and I fell asleep.
Friday: No school today so I slept in. I was woken up briefly around 8 to see my mom off to work and for my dad to tell me he was leaving to do errands. I would then sleep til' 3 o'clock. Achievement Unlocked: Longest Sleep In. All teenagers want to break that record. Then I get up, get on skype, and watch a lot of videos. Then, I edit the video and upload it. Then, I finished listening to the podcasts I fell asleep listening to the night before. Then I will write a blog. Then I will rock out to ALL OF THE TUNES, and try to make plans for the weekend to come. I will be unsuccessful in doing this. Then, I will give up and go to bed.
Saturday: I will wake up around noon and go downstairs. I will watch videos and try to procrastinate as much as I can with my science project. Then, I will do my ENTIRE science project in 3 hours and go to Office Max. There is a shower somewhere in there. Then I will feel very successful and probably dance a little. Then I will be struck with extreme tired-ness and go to bed.
Sunday: I will wake up feeling refreshed, but also sad that I am NEVER going to be able to go to bed that night. I will tell my mother to make coffee for me tomorrow. Then we will go to a printing place so I can print my science project in color. (STUPID PRINTER!) My mom and I will be extremely lost at some point and have some problems, but we will eventually get it to work. Feeling awesome, I will disregard any idea that I have different homework I still have to do. I will try to sleep but will fail miserably.
Monday: Wake up at 6 feeling awful. Get through Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and start the process over again.
Keep On Dancing,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Friends and family: Do not forget about the task I assigned for Monday : )
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Homework, And Sickness, And NEW STUFF!!
Hello gingers! It's hard to think of something creative to say after you say "Hello gingers!" every day. Just sayin'.
I procrastinate a LOT with these blogs. I'm just like "I can do it a later" then, "HOLY CRAP 10:30!!!"
So, I apologize for yesterday's blog. It's fixed up with the links today, but if you checked it out yesterday and you were like "Where are all the clicky things???" I'm sorry.
Now, for a very, very, quick, Quickie News!
I have many new pages up! If you've ever stumbled on this blog and was like "Wha..." now I solved your problem!! There is a new page called "About This Ginger" which you can take a gander at if you would like. There is also a new archive for my short story thing, (which should go up on Monday) and a page for stuff I like right now.
My opinions change every day, so it will be very sporadic, but it's going to be a page where I tell you what's cool in the world. It is different then my "Shameless Promotion" page because it will be like music, and apps, and other nerdy things. Not links for me and my friend's stuff.
I would suggest that you check that out soon, because I like sharing what I think is cool! It might get you interested in something you never thought was possible! It will be kinda like a side blog. I'll see how it works out! :)
Quickie News finished! Achievement Unlocked!
I've made plenty of blogs talking about how busy I am. But, one main factor of that is HOMEWORK! First of all, my math teacher gives us homework every day! And, they always give us HUGE time-consuming projects! I do not like it. I mean, don't they know that I'm a busy internet celebrity! Haha, that was sarcasm. In case you didn't know.
And, I skipped half of school today. If you've spent time looking at the title, then you know that I'm sick. I have NEVER had a headache that bad before. It was terrible.
But, every time I get sick, once I get home I feel better. It's my bodies way of telling me "You need to skip school today!"
That's my life. You can hear about it tomorrow too!
Keep On Improving,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I want to see how many of my friends, ACTUALLY, read my blog! If you see this, write "Rachael The Ginger Is Amazing!" on your hand on Monday. Teachers are also welcome to do this too, haha.
I procrastinate a LOT with these blogs. I'm just like "I can do it a later" then, "HOLY CRAP 10:30!!!"
So, I apologize for yesterday's blog. It's fixed up with the links today, but if you checked it out yesterday and you were like "Where are all the clicky things???" I'm sorry.
Now, for a very, very, quick, Quickie News!
I have many new pages up! If you've ever stumbled on this blog and was like "Wha..." now I solved your problem!! There is a new page called "About This Ginger" which you can take a gander at if you would like. There is also a new archive for my short story thing, (which should go up on Monday) and a page for stuff I like right now.
My opinions change every day, so it will be very sporadic, but it's going to be a page where I tell you what's cool in the world. It is different then my "Shameless Promotion" page because it will be like music, and apps, and other nerdy things. Not links for me and my friend's stuff.
I would suggest that you check that out soon, because I like sharing what I think is cool! It might get you interested in something you never thought was possible! It will be kinda like a side blog. I'll see how it works out! :)
Quickie News finished! Achievement Unlocked!
I've made plenty of blogs talking about how busy I am. But, one main factor of that is HOMEWORK! First of all, my math teacher gives us homework every day! And, they always give us HUGE time-consuming projects! I do not like it. I mean, don't they know that I'm a busy internet celebrity! Haha, that was sarcasm. In case you didn't know.
And, I skipped half of school today. If you've spent time looking at the title, then you know that I'm sick. I have NEVER had a headache that bad before. It was terrible.
But, every time I get sick, once I get home I feel better. It's my bodies way of telling me "You need to skip school today!"
That's my life. You can hear about it tomorrow too!
Keep On Improving,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I want to see how many of my friends, ACTUALLY, read my blog! If you see this, write "Rachael The Ginger Is Amazing!" on your hand on Monday. Teachers are also welcome to do this too, haha.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
SOPA and PIPA: What is it?
Hello gingers! It's good to be educated, right?
So, today is going to be short but I do want to talk about SOPA and PIPA. If you haven't been on the Internet for the past few days, I'd like to fill you in.
I'm mainly going to focus on SOPA because that's the big one.
SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, is a bill currently running through congress to stop online piracy. Piracy is when you steal somebodies work, illegally I might add, and put it on the Internet or exploit it some other way, a lot cheaper. So, if I made a blockbuster movie and somebody filmed it at their house and put it online, that would be piracy. So, SOPA is a good idea in theory.
But, if we dig a little deeper we can see that this is a bad plan all over. This would give judges rights to censor any website or video they want. Right now, websites do get a chance to defend themselves but SOPA would take away that right. This DESTROYS the idea of internet freedom an creativity. Do you like gaming videos? Yeah, if this bill passes those videos could be blocked forever. Even if you have a link to a video on a blog like this, it could be shut down. This bill will put an end to careers. This will ruin everything we love about YouTube creators.
I don't know about you, but I want a free internet.
You may have noticed the blackout today. Many websites have closed down, showing people what it would be like if the Internet was censored. Many people did not put out videos or put out awareness videos instead. I did myself today, as well. You can find this video here.
Congress votes on this bill January 24th and I believe in everybody to stop this. Click here to sign the petition, learn more, and fight for your right to a free Internet. I believe we can do this together.
I am very passionate about this if you can't tell.
Keep On Fighting,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. My friend Logic Box made a blog about this a while back which you can find here.
So, today is going to be short but I do want to talk about SOPA and PIPA. If you haven't been on the Internet for the past few days, I'd like to fill you in.
I'm mainly going to focus on SOPA because that's the big one.
SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, is a bill currently running through congress to stop online piracy. Piracy is when you steal somebodies work, illegally I might add, and put it on the Internet or exploit it some other way, a lot cheaper. So, if I made a blockbuster movie and somebody filmed it at their house and put it online, that would be piracy. So, SOPA is a good idea in theory.
But, if we dig a little deeper we can see that this is a bad plan all over. This would give judges rights to censor any website or video they want. Right now, websites do get a chance to defend themselves but SOPA would take away that right. This DESTROYS the idea of internet freedom an creativity. Do you like gaming videos? Yeah, if this bill passes those videos could be blocked forever. Even if you have a link to a video on a blog like this, it could be shut down. This bill will put an end to careers. This will ruin everything we love about YouTube creators.
I don't know about you, but I want a free internet.
You may have noticed the blackout today. Many websites have closed down, showing people what it would be like if the Internet was censored. Many people did not put out videos or put out awareness videos instead. I did myself today, as well. You can find this video here.
Congress votes on this bill January 24th and I believe in everybody to stop this. Click here to sign the petition, learn more, and fight for your right to a free Internet. I believe we can do this together.
I am very passionate about this if you can't tell.
Keep On Fighting,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. My friend Logic Box made a blog about this a while back which you can find here.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
High-School, Careers, And Writing
Hello Gingers! It's a 3 part blog, yay!
Speaking of 3 parts, this doesn't have to do with anything, but this chick named "DeniseVlogs" put out a 3 part series called "The End."
She is a horror-thriller type of director and I love it! She is very, very, talented and I suggest you check her out!
That was way, waaaaayy, of topic but I had to share it!
Now, high-school. Registration is making me a little frustrated but that's OK. I'll see how everything plays out. I did make a more extensive blog on this topic, where you can find here. It's quite the interesting topic if you're either a) one of my friends or b) have no idea what I'm talking about.
I just don't have a lot of choices. I feel like my high-school years are going to be a cluster-fudge of classes I MUST take or else they WILL NOT LET ME LEAVE HIGH-SCHOOL!
But I'm kind of paranoid, so don't take my judgement too literally.
I've got a few careers in mind, but I definitely have narrowed it down. I said this in my other blog, but I either want to be a 8th grade history teacher, a production manager for a company like Google or YouTube, or maybe possibly have a YouTube Partnership.
I think I would be a good teacher. I could be really cool. I don't know, it's just a thought.
Now, onto writing. I made it one of my new years goals to write 12 short stories. I still need to do one for January. I already have an idea and mind, and I believe it's going to be a good one because I haven't been "inspired" in a long time so yeah. Let me give you a hint though: I have kinda talked about it on a blog before. Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments!
The story will be posted on here when it's finished for a day's blog. ARE YOU EXCITED?!
That's it for today!!!! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Inspired,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. There are going to be some new pages tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Speaking of 3 parts, this doesn't have to do with anything, but this chick named "DeniseVlogs" put out a 3 part series called "The End."
She is a horror-thriller type of director and I love it! She is very, very, talented and I suggest you check her out!
Great, right? If that just scared the bejeezus out of you, I'm sorry. I love this though! She's awesome!
Now, high-school. Registration is making me a little frustrated but that's OK. I'll see how everything plays out. I did make a more extensive blog on this topic, where you can find here. It's quite the interesting topic if you're either a) one of my friends or b) have no idea what I'm talking about.
I just don't have a lot of choices. I feel like my high-school years are going to be a cluster-fudge of classes I MUST take or else they WILL NOT LET ME LEAVE HIGH-SCHOOL!
But I'm kind of paranoid, so don't take my judgement too literally.
I've got a few careers in mind, but I definitely have narrowed it down. I said this in my other blog, but I either want to be a 8th grade history teacher, a production manager for a company like Google or YouTube, or maybe possibly have a YouTube Partnership.
I think I would be a good teacher. I could be really cool. I don't know, it's just a thought.
Now, onto writing. I made it one of my new years goals to write 12 short stories. I still need to do one for January. I already have an idea and mind, and I believe it's going to be a good one because I haven't been "inspired" in a long time so yeah. Let me give you a hint though: I have kinda talked about it on a blog before. Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments!
The story will be posted on here when it's finished for a day's blog. ARE YOU EXCITED?!
That's it for today!!!! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Inspired,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. There are going to be some new pages tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Things To Do And Places To Be
Hello gingers! Today is gonna be a new-sy type day, alright?
Harsh realizations are bad, but let's procrastinate with that just a little bit and do something else!
I've been taking on a lot of new projects lately. It makes me excited, but also just a little nervous. My dreams are to one day be able to do the things I want to do, but right now that's hard to accomplish. with new blogs, and new videos, I'm trying my best. But, all of this started with just taking action. And, with that I'm going to do the things I want to do! Whatever that may imply!
Just on a side note:
Harsh realizations are bad, but let's procrastinate with that just a little bit and do something else!
I've been taking on a lot of new projects lately. It makes me excited, but also just a little nervous. My dreams are to one day be able to do the things I want to do, but right now that's hard to accomplish. with new blogs, and new videos, I'm trying my best. But, all of this started with just taking action. And, with that I'm going to do the things I want to do! Whatever that may imply!
Just on a side note:
This is a video I uploaded not to long ago. One viewer commented saying they would sing this song to different people for different amount of views. The first one is that she will sing it to her dad for 200 views! Let's do this!
You know that "harsh realization" I was talking about earlier? Yeah, well here it is. As, my year starts to become clearer, I see some problems up ahead. This is exciting to say even, but I'm going to tell all you gingers my awesomeness! This spring break, I will be visiting Washington D.C and New York! The only problem, is that I don't have a clear way of how I'm going to blog there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to do it from my phone, and my iPod if there is wi-fi. Stay tuned for more info on that. I just wanted to give a warning because if I do blog, it's probably going to be extremely short. Don't fret because I will post a HUGE recap of the entire trip after.
Just to give you some details on the trip:
Going with one of my favorite teachers
Washington D.C. - White House, Capitol Building, Monuments, Museums etc.
New York- Times Square, Broadway show (most likely Wiked) Museums, etc.
This trip is going to be absolutely awesome, and I can't wait!
One thing I do want to do there is vlog. The only way is to get a new camera. I really hope that does happen. I'm working on it.
That's it for today! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Curious,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Everybody on FaceBook is like "Like this status and I'll make you a video!" haha, all because I made one for one person. LOL
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I'm Turning Into Olive Penderghast
Hello gingers! Movies are awesome, right?
Today, I watched "Easy A" which is just an amazing movie! It stars Emma Stone (my favorite actress) and if you haven't seen it, you're missing out! It's just an incredible movie that I can't even put into words.
To give you a brief synopsis of the movie, it's about a girl in high-school name Olive Penderghast who is pretending to lose her virginity for money. There is a lot more to the story then just that so I definitely recommend you to watch it. This movie has a special place in my heart.
Anyway, back to the main point. I am turning into Olive. From the sarcastic humor, to the ginger-ness its all just a conspiracy. Now, do note that I'm not pretending to lose my virginity for money, its mainly just the humor thing.
It's the witty jokes. Now I don't have any examples because once you start writing something down, you forget what you're going to say.
I love Emma Stone, and her alter-ego Olive Penderghast. Both people are just absolutely awesome and I love it!
Again, if you haven't seen the movie, watch it. It's the greatest story ever told. I love it, and I hope you love it too!
I love the fact that at times, we see our lives as movies. The happy ending, the closing of a story. It's all just what we like to imagine. It's just cool to be like, "Oh, that story could be a movie!" My love and appreciation of film hopefully shows on these blogs, because I want you to know that it's a huge part of my life!
I love movies, and I love you guys too! I'll see you tomorrow!
Stay Appreciative,
Rachael The Ginger
Today, I watched "Easy A" which is just an amazing movie! It stars Emma Stone (my favorite actress) and if you haven't seen it, you're missing out! It's just an incredible movie that I can't even put into words.
To give you a brief synopsis of the movie, it's about a girl in high-school name Olive Penderghast who is pretending to lose her virginity for money. There is a lot more to the story then just that so I definitely recommend you to watch it. This movie has a special place in my heart.
Anyway, back to the main point. I am turning into Olive. From the sarcastic humor, to the ginger-ness its all just a conspiracy. Now, do note that I'm not pretending to lose my virginity for money, its mainly just the humor thing.
It's the witty jokes. Now I don't have any examples because once you start writing something down, you forget what you're going to say.
I love Emma Stone, and her alter-ego Olive Penderghast. Both people are just absolutely awesome and I love it!
Again, if you haven't seen the movie, watch it. It's the greatest story ever told. I love it, and I hope you love it too!
I love the fact that at times, we see our lives as movies. The happy ending, the closing of a story. It's all just what we like to imagine. It's just cool to be like, "Oh, that story could be a movie!" My love and appreciation of film hopefully shows on these blogs, because I want you to know that it's a huge part of my life!
I love movies, and I love you guys too! I'll see you tomorrow!
Stay Appreciative,
Rachael The Ginger
Saturday, January 14, 2012
TCB with the OCD
Hello gingers! Productivity is the best kind of product!
Lately, I've been working hard. Very, very hard. I've been working on all this YouTube and blogging stuff. And, I was thinking the other day that it would just be so much easier if it was a full time job. I would be able to take on more projects, and just be able to do more. That's why I think the YouTube Partnership is so cool! You get paid for making video and being entertaining! That's awesome, right!?
Well, that may just be a long time goal but I want it really bad. It is definitely what I want to do.
My friend told me one time that if you spend 10,000 hours on something you are officially "qualified" as an expert on that thing. I'm just going to say straight out that I am definitely an internet expert.
Takin' Care of Business! I am getting things done. Finalizing e-mails, putting out videos, managing fan-pages and social networks! All while getting average grades! I'm a stud, right?
One thing I hate about myself is that I have to do all of it. It can't be just like a "you can do it later" type of thing. It has to be done right now, because one of your videos is going to get famous overnight and your fan-pages will not be in order! It's OCD and I do not like it, haha. Stupid, irrational things too. Not cool bro, not cool.
But somehow in this crazy world, I'm ok! I'm not dying or anything. That's the goal here, right? Totally.
I posted on FaceBook recently that everybody complaining about their miserable lives, are just posers. I don't think anybody really knows what a hard life is, unless you've lived it. I mean I understand we are a bunch of hormone-ridden teenagers, but still. You don't really have a hard life.
I just downloaded a bunch of new apps, so that's what I will be doing this weekend! What are you doing?
No more complaining, or random blogs tomorrow! Because you know I'll be back tomorrow!
Keep On Living,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Tomorrow's blog is going to be good. You just wait :)
Lately, I've been working hard. Very, very hard. I've been working on all this YouTube and blogging stuff. And, I was thinking the other day that it would just be so much easier if it was a full time job. I would be able to take on more projects, and just be able to do more. That's why I think the YouTube Partnership is so cool! You get paid for making video and being entertaining! That's awesome, right!?
Well, that may just be a long time goal but I want it really bad. It is definitely what I want to do.
My friend told me one time that if you spend 10,000 hours on something you are officially "qualified" as an expert on that thing. I'm just going to say straight out that I am definitely an internet expert.
Takin' Care of Business! I am getting things done. Finalizing e-mails, putting out videos, managing fan-pages and social networks! All while getting average grades! I'm a stud, right?
One thing I hate about myself is that I have to do all of it. It can't be just like a "you can do it later" type of thing. It has to be done right now, because one of your videos is going to get famous overnight and your fan-pages will not be in order! It's OCD and I do not like it, haha. Stupid, irrational things too. Not cool bro, not cool.
But somehow in this crazy world, I'm ok! I'm not dying or anything. That's the goal here, right? Totally.
I posted on FaceBook recently that everybody complaining about their miserable lives, are just posers. I don't think anybody really knows what a hard life is, unless you've lived it. I mean I understand we are a bunch of hormone-ridden teenagers, but still. You don't really have a hard life.
I just downloaded a bunch of new apps, so that's what I will be doing this weekend! What are you doing?
No more complaining, or random blogs tomorrow! Because you know I'll be back tomorrow!
Keep On Living,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Tomorrow's blog is going to be good. You just wait :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
The Real Rachael Robinson
Hello gingers! Today is Friday the 13th so I wanna do something fun today!
Most of you reading this are my friends, BUT maybe you aren't! Don't you want to know the REAL Rachael Robinson!?!?! We are going to accomplish that today!
This is going to be like speed dating, ok? You ready? Leggo.
Physical Features: Ginger, 4, 11, 6 1/2 shoe size, brown eyes, average nose, small mouth, average length hair, short, small hands
Clothing style: T-shirts, jeans, converse, hoodies, hats, and occasionally my P.E. uniform
Type of crayon?: Periwinkle
Personality: Crazy, spazzy, ginger, funny, sarcastic, smart, nerdy
What I Look For In A Friend: Humor, loyalty, good taste in music, sarcastic, loves life!
Favorite Possession: My Batman T-shirt :)
Favorite Pastime: Trollin' bro
Career?: Production Manager, History Teacher, or *whisper* YouTube Partner!
Interests: Internet shtuff, batman, music
Hobbies: Blogging, YouTubing, I play guitar sometimes
Music Genre: Pop/Rock but mainly just Mainstream
Biggest inspiration: ShayCarl
Why?: March. 2012
Favorite Viral Video: At the moment, bed intruder
Favorite Song: At the moment, "Say You Like Me" by We The Kings, but that will change tomorrow
Best Friend: At the moment, Shelby idkifishouldgiveoutherlastnamewithoutherpermission
Favorite Teacher: At the moment, Mr. Jentz/Mr. Lista. It's even
Favorite Nerd: Hank Green
Who Do I Wish Was My Science Teacher: Hank Green
Who Do I Wish Was My Language Arts Teacher: John Green
Any other questions?: No I think I'm good
Are you sure?: Yeah, pretty sure.
BUT ARE YOU SURE!?: Well, they can ask them in the comments below!
Well that's it for today! I hope now that we know each other you can come back and visit me tomorrow!
Keep On Questioning,
Rachael The Ginger
Most of you reading this are my friends, BUT maybe you aren't! Don't you want to know the REAL Rachael Robinson!?!?! We are going to accomplish that today!
This is going to be like speed dating, ok? You ready? Leggo.
Physical Features: Ginger, 4, 11, 6 1/2 shoe size, brown eyes, average nose, small mouth, average length hair, short, small hands
Clothing style: T-shirts, jeans, converse, hoodies, hats, and occasionally my P.E. uniform
Type of crayon?: Periwinkle
Personality: Crazy, spazzy, ginger, funny, sarcastic, smart, nerdy
What I Look For In A Friend: Humor, loyalty, good taste in music, sarcastic, loves life!
Favorite Possession: My Batman T-shirt :)
Favorite Pastime: Trollin' bro
Career?: Production Manager, History Teacher, or *whisper* YouTube Partner!
Interests: Internet shtuff, batman, music
Hobbies: Blogging, YouTubing, I play guitar sometimes
Music Genre: Pop/Rock but mainly just Mainstream
Biggest inspiration: ShayCarl
Why?: March. 2012
Favorite Viral Video: At the moment, bed intruder
Favorite Song: At the moment, "Say You Like Me" by We The Kings, but that will change tomorrow
Best Friend: At the moment, Shelby idkifishouldgiveoutherlastnamewithoutherpermission
Favorite Teacher: At the moment, Mr. Jentz/Mr. Lista. It's even
Favorite Nerd: Hank Green
Who Do I Wish Was My Science Teacher: Hank Green
Who Do I Wish Was My Language Arts Teacher: John Green
Any other questions?: No I think I'm good
Are you sure?: Yeah, pretty sure.
BUT ARE YOU SURE!?: Well, they can ask them in the comments below!
Well that's it for today! I hope now that we know each other you can come back and visit me tomorrow!
Keep On Questioning,
Rachael The Ginger
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Whoa Moments, And Oh Crap Moments
Hello gingers! I am so lucky to have support like you!!!
First off, I just wanted to say thank you. You guys blow me away every day! You read these blogs, you watch my videos, and you just support me! Thank you so much for everything you give me. This has been my dream for a long time, and you guys are making it a reality! I love you!
Shank you. Shank you very much.
The reason the first part of this blog is called, "Whoa Moments," is because I just looked at the view counter. 131 views total! That's amazing! It was totally a "Whoa.." type of moment! Lots of the traffic is coming from the states, but I also have a little bit of traffic from Russia, and Australia! Now, I know the Australia part is my good friend Logic Box, but still! Russia!
So, my question to you, (which you are welcome to answer in the comments below) is, what was your best, or most memorable, "Whoa.." moment? I'm curious to know! Good or bad. Mad or sad. I don't really care. Just as long as you answer!
Oh, and just by the way, I always feel thpecial inthide when thomeone in the hall at thchool thays "I saw your blog! It was really funny!" or "I watched ALL your videos today! They're awesome!" You guys make my day. And then, people like my friend Brooke, who tells EVERY teacher we talk to about it, when there is most likely stuff on here that they just shouldn't see. Hi, Mr. L!
Now, for Part Dos. I usually have 2 parts in these blogs don't I?
Don't you hate that feeling. That feeling of absolute terror. Maybe you forgot something, or maybe you bombed a test and your parents said if you got one more bad grade they'll take your phone away. This is the peak of crisis for teenager, the oddest beings on Earth. I also want you to tell me your worst, or most memorable "Oh, CRAP!" type of moment! Can't wait to read them!
Again, you guys are just SO awesome! You're SO awesome, that I'm going to come back tomorrow!
Stay Awesome,
Rachael The Ginger
First off, I just wanted to say thank you. You guys blow me away every day! You read these blogs, you watch my videos, and you just support me! Thank you so much for everything you give me. This has been my dream for a long time, and you guys are making it a reality! I love you!
Shank you. Shank you very much.
The reason the first part of this blog is called, "Whoa Moments," is because I just looked at the view counter. 131 views total! That's amazing! It was totally a "Whoa.." type of moment! Lots of the traffic is coming from the states, but I also have a little bit of traffic from Russia, and Australia! Now, I know the Australia part is my good friend Logic Box, but still! Russia!
So, my question to you, (which you are welcome to answer in the comments below) is, what was your best, or most memorable, "Whoa.." moment? I'm curious to know! Good or bad. Mad or sad. I don't really care. Just as long as you answer!
Oh, and just by the way, I always feel thpecial inthide when thomeone in the hall at thchool thays "I saw your blog! It was really funny!" or "I watched ALL your videos today! They're awesome!" You guys make my day. And then, people like my friend Brooke, who tells EVERY teacher we talk to about it, when there is most likely stuff on here that they just shouldn't see. Hi, Mr. L!
Now, for Part Dos. I usually have 2 parts in these blogs don't I?
Don't you hate that feeling. That feeling of absolute terror. Maybe you forgot something, or maybe you bombed a test and your parents said if you got one more bad grade they'll take your phone away. This is the peak of crisis for teenager, the oddest beings on Earth. I also want you to tell me your worst, or most memorable "Oh, CRAP!" type of moment! Can't wait to read them!
Again, you guys are just SO awesome! You're SO awesome, that I'm going to come back tomorrow!
Stay Awesome,
Rachael The Ginger
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Balancing Acts, And Almost Dying
Hello gingers! I'm so busy these days.
Today I'd like to start out with a shout out to a a beautiful woman. She is the wife of the man who inspired this all. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Katilette. She posted a video today about her being really busy. She called it a balancing act, between the important things and all the things she is being overwhelmed with. DON'T WORRY! THESE DAILY BLOGS ARE NOT GOING TO STOP! But she just totally summed up what has been my life for the past few weeks. I just wanted to express to YOU the reader, that my life IS a balancing act. I have to juggle school, homework, family commitments, friends, these blogs, and my YouTube channel. Making, editing, and uploading 3 videos a week is hard. I'm not going to lie. And to have these blogs! It's a real challenge. But, if any YouTuber has taught me anything, its that it is really hard! It takes effort and time! You get little success but if you just keep posting it will pay off! So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to work hard. Very, very, hard.
If you want to see the full video you can click here.
Thanks for the support guys. Seriously. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't for the people who I KNEW were reading these everyday. I really do love you guys!
Now, for the almost dying part. Today in P.E. we had to do a workout. And, it's not just like your everyday jog. It's like the worst thing you will ever do, EVER! It was really, really hard, but I guess this is a learning experience? Workouts suck? Yeah, I think that's the lesson here. My whole body feels awful, and sore but I'm still alive! But slightly less alive. In fact, I think I almost died.
By the way, note to self, don't sneeze, laugh, or cough, after workouts. Just a thought.
The petition is slowly progressing. More info to come.
Hugs Not Workouts,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I posted a new video today! It's my longest one yet and I was cracking up watching the final version of it so, IT'S A GOOD ONE!
Today I'd like to start out with a shout out to a a beautiful woman. She is the wife of the man who inspired this all. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Katilette. She posted a video today about her being really busy. She called it a balancing act, between the important things and all the things she is being overwhelmed with. DON'T WORRY! THESE DAILY BLOGS ARE NOT GOING TO STOP! But she just totally summed up what has been my life for the past few weeks. I just wanted to express to YOU the reader, that my life IS a balancing act. I have to juggle school, homework, family commitments, friends, these blogs, and my YouTube channel. Making, editing, and uploading 3 videos a week is hard. I'm not going to lie. And to have these blogs! It's a real challenge. But, if any YouTuber has taught me anything, its that it is really hard! It takes effort and time! You get little success but if you just keep posting it will pay off! So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to work hard. Very, very, hard.
If you want to see the full video you can click here.
Thanks for the support guys. Seriously. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't for the people who I KNEW were reading these everyday. I really do love you guys!
Now, for the almost dying part. Today in P.E. we had to do a workout. And, it's not just like your everyday jog. It's like the worst thing you will ever do, EVER! It was really, really hard, but I guess this is a learning experience? Workouts suck? Yeah, I think that's the lesson here. My whole body feels awful, and sore but I'm still alive! But slightly less alive. In fact, I think I almost died.
By the way, note to self, don't sneeze, laugh, or cough, after workouts. Just a thought.
The petition is slowly progressing. More info to come.
Hugs Not Workouts,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I posted a new video today! It's my longest one yet and I was cracking up watching the final version of it so, IT'S A GOOD ONE!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
If you have happened to stumble upon this blog, please take immediate caution. This is what we call a "SMRT BLOG" This is supposed to be a articulative, though provoking type of thing where we can talk about SMRT things!
So, if this does not tickle your fancy, then your welcome to check out my other blogs!
So let's get started.
Today, because this is my first blog, I want to talk about the significance of firsts. Let's start with this. Do you know the name of the first president? (If you don't live in America, maybe, who was your first leader?) George Washington, right? You knew that right away. Why? Because "first" means a lot more than you think it does.
Speaking of American history, we, as Americans, were the first to claim our independence from the British. Or the first one to write the Declaration of Independence. Our AWESOME social studies teacher Mr. J, was telling us that so many documents after the Declaration of Independence use our famous statements to model their stuff.
It's this idea that first is the only one that matters. People don't even stop to think if that first move was right. Us, as people, just believe that the first is the trump all thing. And that's why we have OCD people in this world to double check.
Whether it's something as little as someone saying "FIRST!" on YouTube comments, or the first pioneer to discover America, or the rest of it. It's not the action, as it is the thought of someone being the first person to accomplish something. Or the first person to stand up, break the barriers and do something different. Doing something no one has ever thought, or done before. It's that little idea that drives me a little crazy.
Now, that "breaking the barrier" stuff doesn't have much to do with YouTube comments, but I'm just saying. Just saying.
I guess this wasn't as long as I expected it to be, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Remember, you can always find an archive for ALL of these blogs under "All of the Stuff" over in the right! The next SMRT BLOG will be Tuesday, January 24th, 2012.
Stay SMRT,
Rachael The Ginger
So, if this does not tickle your fancy, then your welcome to check out my other blogs!
So let's get started.
Today, because this is my first blog, I want to talk about the significance of firsts. Let's start with this. Do you know the name of the first president? (If you don't live in America, maybe, who was your first leader?) George Washington, right? You knew that right away. Why? Because "first" means a lot more than you think it does.
Speaking of American history, we, as Americans, were the first to claim our independence from the British. Or the first one to write the Declaration of Independence. Our AWESOME social studies teacher Mr. J, was telling us that so many documents after the Declaration of Independence use our famous statements to model their stuff.
It's this idea that first is the only one that matters. People don't even stop to think if that first move was right. Us, as people, just believe that the first is the trump all thing. And that's why we have OCD people in this world to double check.
Whether it's something as little as someone saying "FIRST!" on YouTube comments, or the first pioneer to discover America, or the rest of it. It's not the action, as it is the thought of someone being the first person to accomplish something. Or the first person to stand up, break the barriers and do something different. Doing something no one has ever thought, or done before. It's that little idea that drives me a little crazy.
Now, that "breaking the barrier" stuff doesn't have much to do with YouTube comments, but I'm just saying. Just saying.
I guess this wasn't as long as I expected it to be, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Remember, you can always find an archive for ALL of these blogs under "All of the Stuff" over in the right! The next SMRT BLOG will be Tuesday, January 24th, 2012.
Stay SMRT,
Rachael The Ginger
Monday, January 9, 2012
Racist Science Teachers And The Petition To End The Seating Crisis Of Period 5
Hello gingers! Best title ever right? But before we talk about that, its time for another edition of Quickie News!
This person started a blog!
She also has a new blog for anonymous advice! More info on her page!:
Also today I uploaded a new video! I sang and play guitar, so you better go support it!
This song is about my neighbors, and my disliking for them!
Now, to talk about my plans for a new camera. I can't film on my webcam forever. It's just not going to work. So these are the 2 cameras I'm looking at. Please tell me in the comments below which one I should go with!
1) http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-DMC-ZS9-Digital-Intelligent-Function/dp/B005TGKX9S/ref=sr_1_2?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1326080984&sr=1-2
2) http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Ultrathin-Pocket-Camcorder-Enabled/dp/B003WOLM62/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326078429&sr=8-1
If I do end up deciding on a camera sometime soon, I need to do some kind of fundraiser or SOMETHING to raise the money. Broke teenager here. I think I'm going to charge like $1 for a video suggestion. Something like that.
And the last part of Quickie News, SMRT BLOGS! If you don't know what that is, go check out some of my earlier blogs, or go to the SMRT BLOGS page! The first one is tomorrow! Who's excited?!
BAM! Gettin' things done.
So, you wanted a blog?
So, imagine me a little ginger, in Language Arts. Its completely silent in the classroom because we're doing a thing called, "snapshots." So, all of the sudden we hear our science teacher screaming in the team area! (we are in "teams" in school, and its like a pod of classrooms) She was staying stuff like, "THAT IS THE MOST OFFENSIVE THING I'VE EVER HEARD!" and, "STAY OUT OF MY CLASSROOM, AND YOU CAN MAYBE COME BACK TOMORROW, IF I CALM DOWN!" and, my personal favorite, "I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!" Classic Mrs. D. Classic. So, my friend Matt goes out to get his "math homework" and he figures out what happened. I was just thinking that someone called her a female dog. That wouldn't surprise me in 8th grade. But Matt comes back saying it was a guy named Mac. That doesn't surprise me too much, because he's a little bit of a smart aleck. But then what really took me, was that he called her a racist. My first thought was "is that really that bad?", "did she really get that angry over that!"
I got the full story on the bus. Apparently, she said she was going to play in the Harlem Wizards game, (Harlem Wizards are basketball players that do tricks and stuff) and she said, "I'm going to be playing against a bunch of tall, black men so I won't have much of a chance." And then, Mac called her a racist, and Mrs. D flipped out. That's ridiculous. Mac calls everybody a racist. It's just a thing he does!
So, in conclusion, our science teacher is a big fat racist!
Now, for part 2 of the title. Recently, in history, our teacher, Mr. J moved our seats into an assigned seating chart. Our class is very opinionated, so this didn't go over very well. It started with us just standing in front of the door as a way to protest. But we were shot down. Then I was defending some students and my friend Shelby and I came up with "Ground-breaking Logic," which was the fact that its a lot louder for us to shout to talk to each other than it is the whisper when we are sitting together. Ground-breaking huh? Today, I was defending some students, and everybody jumped on the fact that i would make a fantastic lawyer. What can I say? I'm good at arguing. But we are learning about the Declaration of Independence. This tied in HUGELY into what we are doing now. That's right people, we created a petition. Some of us in the class are getting pretty riled up. I'm kind of excited to see where this is going to go. I created the petition and I'm pretty proud of it. There's a quote that I started out the document with and it's pretty awesome.
"As the people rally, the chants are cried. Freedom of seat is near."
This person started a blog!
She also has a new blog for anonymous advice! More info on her page!:
Also today I uploaded a new video! I sang and play guitar, so you better go support it!
This song is about my neighbors, and my disliking for them!
Now, to talk about my plans for a new camera. I can't film on my webcam forever. It's just not going to work. So these are the 2 cameras I'm looking at. Please tell me in the comments below which one I should go with!
1) http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-DMC-ZS9-Digital-Intelligent-Function/dp/B005TGKX9S/ref=sr_1_2?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1326080984&sr=1-2
2) http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Ultrathin-Pocket-Camcorder-Enabled/dp/B003WOLM62/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326078429&sr=8-1
If I do end up deciding on a camera sometime soon, I need to do some kind of fundraiser or SOMETHING to raise the money. Broke teenager here. I think I'm going to charge like $1 for a video suggestion. Something like that.
And the last part of Quickie News, SMRT BLOGS! If you don't know what that is, go check out some of my earlier blogs, or go to the SMRT BLOGS page! The first one is tomorrow! Who's excited?!
BAM! Gettin' things done.
So, you wanted a blog?
So, imagine me a little ginger, in Language Arts. Its completely silent in the classroom because we're doing a thing called, "snapshots." So, all of the sudden we hear our science teacher screaming in the team area! (we are in "teams" in school, and its like a pod of classrooms) She was staying stuff like, "THAT IS THE MOST OFFENSIVE THING I'VE EVER HEARD!" and, "STAY OUT OF MY CLASSROOM, AND YOU CAN MAYBE COME BACK TOMORROW, IF I CALM DOWN!" and, my personal favorite, "I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!" Classic Mrs. D. Classic. So, my friend Matt goes out to get his "math homework" and he figures out what happened. I was just thinking that someone called her a female dog. That wouldn't surprise me in 8th grade. But Matt comes back saying it was a guy named Mac. That doesn't surprise me too much, because he's a little bit of a smart aleck. But then what really took me, was that he called her a racist. My first thought was "is that really that bad?", "did she really get that angry over that!"
I got the full story on the bus. Apparently, she said she was going to play in the Harlem Wizards game, (Harlem Wizards are basketball players that do tricks and stuff) and she said, "I'm going to be playing against a bunch of tall, black men so I won't have much of a chance." And then, Mac called her a racist, and Mrs. D flipped out. That's ridiculous. Mac calls everybody a racist. It's just a thing he does!
So, in conclusion, our science teacher is a big fat racist!
Now, for part 2 of the title. Recently, in history, our teacher, Mr. J moved our seats into an assigned seating chart. Our class is very opinionated, so this didn't go over very well. It started with us just standing in front of the door as a way to protest. But we were shot down. Then I was defending some students and my friend Shelby and I came up with "Ground-breaking Logic," which was the fact that its a lot louder for us to shout to talk to each other than it is the whisper when we are sitting together. Ground-breaking huh? Today, I was defending some students, and everybody jumped on the fact that i would make a fantastic lawyer. What can I say? I'm good at arguing. But we are learning about the Declaration of Independence. This tied in HUGELY into what we are doing now. That's right people, we created a petition. Some of us in the class are getting pretty riled up. I'm kind of excited to see where this is going to go. I created the petition and I'm pretty proud of it. There's a quote that I started out the document with and it's pretty awesome.
"As the people rally, the chants are cried. Freedom of seat is near."
-Rachael Robinson
Awesome, right?! I am ready for this.
So, now you know about the great seating debacle of Period 5. I'll check in with you tomorrow!
Keep Protesting Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Football Is Kinda Stupid
Hello gingers! Cool.
You know what's really weird? Subs for subs. Just think about it.
Just a little side note, for a YouTube video I'm doing, I'm taking viewer suggestions. So, if you would like to see hear your username, and a funny, sarcastic, interpretation of what you wanted me to do in a video, leave a comment on this blog. Awesome.
Another little side note, forget everything I ever said about our collaborative blog. Its supposed to be a secret.
You know, it's really hard to blog when the only computer you can do it on, is 35 ft, away from incessant screaming. It's game-day in Denver, Colorado.
The Denver Broncos are playing the Pittsburgh, Steelers. This is the "win or go home" type of game, so it's very high-pressure. But my mother and father are HUGE fans. But my brother has been taking to disliking any team my dad likes. You can imagine my distress.
All I hear is "NOOOO, SHIT GODDAMMIT!!!!" coming from my parents, and "YEAH, HOLD THIS BALL HIGH, WOOOOT, YAY!" from my brother.
The Denver, Broncos suck. Really, really, bad. Especially with the Tebow-Mania. I just think Tim Tebow is hot.
So now you know the reason why I usually stay in my room all Sunday.
But if you boil down to it, football is just stupid. Just plain stupid. If it was the traditional football, like soccer, then I would be totally fine with it. But this is 'Merica. We're hipsters like that.
It's just some hyped up sport that defines our lives for an entire season. What is it, really? A bunch of sweaty guys hitting each other. What else would you call it? What's the dedication? What it the "love?" I just don't get it, but what do I know.
But it's a source of economy. If America-ness has taught us anything, it's that we love red meat, power tools, beer, and football. Greatest nation on Earth.
So, I guess I won't complain anymore but if I here one more "GET IT, RUUUNNN!" I'm going to lose it. I'll stick with blogging, and cup-stacking.
Keep On Hatin'
Rachael The Gingers
You know what's really weird? Subs for subs. Just think about it.
Just a little side note, for a YouTube video I'm doing, I'm taking viewer suggestions. So, if you would like to see hear your username, and a funny, sarcastic, interpretation of what you wanted me to do in a video, leave a comment on this blog. Awesome.
Another little side note, forget everything I ever said about our collaborative blog. Its supposed to be a secret.
You know, it's really hard to blog when the only computer you can do it on, is 35 ft, away from incessant screaming. It's game-day in Denver, Colorado.
The Denver Broncos are playing the Pittsburgh, Steelers. This is the "win or go home" type of game, so it's very high-pressure. But my mother and father are HUGE fans. But my brother has been taking to disliking any team my dad likes. You can imagine my distress.
All I hear is "NOOOO, SHIT GODDAMMIT!!!!" coming from my parents, and "YEAH, HOLD THIS BALL HIGH, WOOOOT, YAY!" from my brother.
The Denver, Broncos suck. Really, really, bad. Especially with the Tebow-Mania. I just think Tim Tebow is hot.
So now you know the reason why I usually stay in my room all Sunday.
But if you boil down to it, football is just stupid. Just plain stupid. If it was the traditional football, like soccer, then I would be totally fine with it. But this is 'Merica. We're hipsters like that.
It's just some hyped up sport that defines our lives for an entire season. What is it, really? A bunch of sweaty guys hitting each other. What else would you call it? What's the dedication? What it the "love?" I just don't get it, but what do I know.
But it's a source of economy. If America-ness has taught us anything, it's that we love red meat, power tools, beer, and football. Greatest nation on Earth.
So, I guess I won't complain anymore but if I here one more "GET IT, RUUUNNN!" I'm going to lose it. I'll stick with blogging, and cup-stacking.
Keep On Hatin'
Rachael The Gingers
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Cookies And Milk- The Simple Joys
Hello gingers! Let's dive right in!
Just a side note, me and my brother love making wookie noises.
He held me at gunpoint to say that.
In business, businessly matters, LOGIC BOX IS BACK, BABY! Go check out his blog!
Logic Box
In my real bloggy ness. The title is "Cookies And Milk" I wish I could give all of you out there some cookies and milk! I love the 60 of you who have looked at my blog! Your why I do this!
Also, my first comment on yesterdays blog! Thanks so much! I'm getting inspired every day I do this!
Today, my mother made me my favorite cookies! I enjoyed them with some milk, and "That 70's Show" Then I started thinking about these simple joys. I was really happy, and it didn't even take that much! I wanted to express my appreciation for the simple joys. They are what keep me going! If you want to get an exact image of what I'm talking about go check out NicePeter's Best Spot In The Lot.
And now I move on to all of this being boiled down. Happiness is a choice. No matter how much you think about it and try to disprove it, you won't be able to. I will talk about this A LOT more in March when I tell my YouTube story, but for now but think of it that way.
I love you guys! You are inspiring me everyday!
Stay Happy,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I'm sorry short blog is short, there should be a good meaty one tomorrow!
Just a side note, me and my brother love making wookie noises.
He held me at gunpoint to say that.
In business, businessly matters, LOGIC BOX IS BACK, BABY! Go check out his blog!
Logic Box
In my real bloggy ness. The title is "Cookies And Milk" I wish I could give all of you out there some cookies and milk! I love the 60 of you who have looked at my blog! Your why I do this!
Also, my first comment on yesterdays blog! Thanks so much! I'm getting inspired every day I do this!
Today, my mother made me my favorite cookies! I enjoyed them with some milk, and "That 70's Show" Then I started thinking about these simple joys. I was really happy, and it didn't even take that much! I wanted to express my appreciation for the simple joys. They are what keep me going! If you want to get an exact image of what I'm talking about go check out NicePeter's Best Spot In The Lot.
And now I move on to all of this being boiled down. Happiness is a choice. No matter how much you think about it and try to disprove it, you won't be able to. I will talk about this A LOT more in March when I tell my YouTube story, but for now but think of it that way.
I love you guys! You are inspiring me everyday!
Stay Happy,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. I'm sorry short blog is short, there should be a good meaty one tomorrow!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Changes- The Only Constant
Hello fellow gingers! How are you today? Well, shucks! Isn't that swell!
Just to get this out of the way, this is my latest YouTube video!
Just to get this out of the way, this is my latest YouTube video!
You can also check out my YouTube channel!
Today I wanted to talk about interesting things.
All of the interesting things.
All of them.
Ok, I'll get to the point. I'm going to talk about middle school. What a surprise.
In the high-school that I will be attending next year they have these things called academies. They are basically 4 groups. You choose the group you want to go into, and its a guideline to help you with careers, and college and stuff like that. The 4 different academies are:
Bio Health Sciences (BHS)
like nurses, and doctors and stuff
Visual Performing Arts (VPA)
the future actors, and broadway dancers
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
engineers, rocket scientists, and mathematicians
and lastly the academy I will attend:
Leadership, Global Studies, and Communications (LGC)
cops and firemen, missionaries, anthropologists, politicians, historians, producers, broadcasters of the future
Now that you know that, I'm going to back track a little bit.
In 7th grade, everybody wore the same clothes, every body had braces, every body liked the same things, everybody was into the same time of music, everybody was the same person.
It's just so interesting to watch because this year, in 8th grade, EVERYTHING is different! The people are different. We all started forming real opinions. We all branched out from the norm. It wasn't "stick to the status quo" anymore. People are becoming real people. That is insane to realize. There isn't really a status. Everybody is finally free from stereo types. We are all different from each other like it is in the real world. Another reason why teenagers are the oddest form of being ever known.
And you know what? The more I think about it the more I realize, this is what growing up is. We are getting older. We all are growing up.
It's a whole new ball game that i have never discovered before.
Wow. We are growing up.
Now back to academies. One of the best examples of this growing up thing is academies. I thought everybody would want to go to this academy, or that academy, but it's not the case. We all somehow split evenly to every academy. We all have different interests. And this is how we proved it. We are all growing up.
Funny thing life is, huh?
I'm kind of amazed at the whole prospect anyway.
I want you to remember this: The only constant in life, is change.
That quote will ring through the hills forever for me. Not to be to personal, but I get emotional whenever I talk about that. The only constant in this crazy, beautiful, life, is change!
That's it for me today! Like always I'll see you tomorrow!
Don't Stop Changing Gingers,
Rachael The Ginger
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Narrow Misses And High School
Hello gingers! I used to not forget about blog posts, but then I took an arrow to the knee. Sorry guys!
Well, I mean, its still today, its just not as early as I usually post them. I'M A PERSON TO YOU KNOW!!!
Today, was kind of a "monumental" day I guess you could call it? High-school registration has begun people. It has been waiting.
When I had to pick classes for middle school, it was tough. Imagine high-school. Actually, it really isn't that bad. They reassured me that this was not making my life decision. I finally realize that now. I wish I could tell my 6th grade self that.
Anywho, it is really exciting. Personally, I cannot wait to"grow up." Even my parents say that I could've raised myself. I'm ready. I'm ready for excitement.
As an adrenaline junkie, I pride myself with changes. You want to know the truth? The only constant in life, is change. You should write that down. Ground-breaking material here. Next level, SON!
The only pressure I seem to be having is getting the classes I want, but staying in my 8 credit limit. I wish I was Hermione, and I could just use the Time Turner, to get to class. I'm noting that to put on my list of "Why Life Would Be SO Much Better If Harry Potter Were Real."
There is also one more type of pressure. Parents. You know what I'm talking about! There like, oh you should do this, it will help you in life. Blah, blah, blah. I'm going to high-school for a reason!!!! I want independence. I want freedom!
I just want to remind myself here, that at the end of the day, it's MY choice. Nobody else can choose it for me. Nobody else is going to high-school like I am. No one else has the same interests as me. I AM MY OWN PERSON, AND I WILL MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!
Wow. I just ranted. "Achievement Unlocked"
Oh, and just a side note, yesterday when I posted the blog about being sick, these ads were like "Cold and Flu Symptoms" and stuff like that so LOL.
And the last side note, this counselor guy was explaining some of the classes, and one of them is broadway dance. This teacher then goes, "This is real dance. This is what dance is." and almost immediately in my mind I was going, are we human, or are we dancers? So another bonus LOL
That's it for today guys! I'll see you tomorrow if I don't forget about it!
Keep On Ranting,
Rachael The Ginger
Well, I mean, its still today, its just not as early as I usually post them. I'M A PERSON TO YOU KNOW!!!
Today, was kind of a "monumental" day I guess you could call it? High-school registration has begun people. It has been waiting.
When I had to pick classes for middle school, it was tough. Imagine high-school. Actually, it really isn't that bad. They reassured me that this was not making my life decision. I finally realize that now. I wish I could tell my 6th grade self that.
Anywho, it is really exciting. Personally, I cannot wait to"grow up." Even my parents say that I could've raised myself. I'm ready. I'm ready for excitement.
As an adrenaline junkie, I pride myself with changes. You want to know the truth? The only constant in life, is change. You should write that down. Ground-breaking material here. Next level, SON!
The only pressure I seem to be having is getting the classes I want, but staying in my 8 credit limit. I wish I was Hermione, and I could just use the Time Turner, to get to class. I'm noting that to put on my list of "Why Life Would Be SO Much Better If Harry Potter Were Real."
There is also one more type of pressure. Parents. You know what I'm talking about! There like, oh you should do this, it will help you in life. Blah, blah, blah. I'm going to high-school for a reason!!!! I want independence. I want freedom!
I just want to remind myself here, that at the end of the day, it's MY choice. Nobody else can choose it for me. Nobody else is going to high-school like I am. No one else has the same interests as me. I AM MY OWN PERSON, AND I WILL MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!
Wow. I just ranted. "Achievement Unlocked"
Oh, and just a side note, yesterday when I posted the blog about being sick, these ads were like "Cold and Flu Symptoms" and stuff like that so LOL.
And the last side note, this counselor guy was explaining some of the classes, and one of them is broadway dance. This teacher then goes, "This is real dance. This is what dance is." and almost immediately in my mind I was going, are we human, or are we dancers? So another bonus LOL
That's it for today guys! I'll see you tomorrow if I don't forget about it!
Keep On Ranting,
Rachael The Ginger
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The Business of it All
Hey gingers! Today is going to be a pretty quick blog day, because, as you can see from the title, in really super busy. But, I am going to blog! Now, your not expecting it, NO QUIKIE NEWS! I think we finally got every thing covered!
It's the 2nd day of school, and I'm already submerged in work. So ridiculous. But I'm going to persevere with my goal to get a 3.8 GPA. I GOT THIS!
Most of the work is work work. Like making videos, catching up on videos over my vacation, blogging, you know, WORK! But, if ShayCarl has taught me anything, it's that this whole YouTube thing takes A LOT of work! I'm going to do this!
To put the cherry on top, I'm sick. These are the top things I hate about being sick:
You have to breathe through your mouth. It gets really awkward, especially when you eat.
Your nose either a) hurts like a mother or b) hurts like a mother firetrucker!
When you complain, people have NO sympathy for you, even though YOUR SICK!
You feel like you could just die when you wake up!
Is this true for anyone else? Let me now.
I also feel like I'm going to die when I tip back a little too far in my chair when I'm not suspecting it. You know when you have to like catch yourself? Yeah I always feel like I'm going to die. Always.
That was kind of a weird blog, but hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, I'll see you then!
Stay Out Of Sickness,
Rachael The Ginger
It's the 2nd day of school, and I'm already submerged in work. So ridiculous. But I'm going to persevere with my goal to get a 3.8 GPA. I GOT THIS!
Most of the work is work work. Like making videos, catching up on videos over my vacation, blogging, you know, WORK! But, if ShayCarl has taught me anything, it's that this whole YouTube thing takes A LOT of work! I'm going to do this!
To put the cherry on top, I'm sick. These are the top things I hate about being sick:
You have to breathe through your mouth. It gets really awkward, especially when you eat.
Your nose either a) hurts like a mother or b) hurts like a mother firetrucker!
When you complain, people have NO sympathy for you, even though YOUR SICK!
You feel like you could just die when you wake up!
Is this true for anyone else? Let me now.
I also feel like I'm going to die when I tip back a little too far in my chair when I'm not suspecting it. You know when you have to like catch yourself? Yeah I always feel like I'm going to die. Always.
That was kind of a weird blog, but hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, I'll see you then!
Stay Out Of Sickness,
Rachael The Ginger
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
School Again...
Hello gingers! It is Day 3 of my mission! You might call it a "blogathon" Speaking of "Blogathons" go check out Team Blogathon!!!! It's our new callab blog! For more info check out either the "Shameless Promotion" page or the "Stuff I Forget To Say" page! Now, as expected, its time for Quickie News!
I have touched on it before on some of my other pages, but I want to talk about a little page called "What Should I Do Next?" This is a page I made a long time ago but I want address completely what this page is. This page is basically a forum. You can go there and comment about changes to the look of the site. There is more info over there about what specifically I want the conversation to be about, but right here I'd like to tell you that you can comment about new projects I should take on. So tell me guys, what should I do next?
Just a little side note, if your interested in seeing me playing guitar and singing a song about how I hate my neighbors, then tune in to my YouTube channel on Monday, January 9th.
So? Are you asleep? Well I hope this will wake you up:
So, today was the first day of school after break. As I expected there would be a lot more commotion in the morning. Meeting my new Home Ec teacher was interesting. She pronounced my name Rachelle. I was like, really? Is Rachael really that hard to see? She gained her cool points later by singing. When she said 'um' she would sing it like, UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM. It was amazing. Your officially cool in my book Mrs. V. I'm sure that means a lot coming from a 13 year old girl.
Then P.E. Now, if you know me, you know that I am not athletic. AT ALL. So, yeah. I'm nervous about it. Especially with my goal being to get a 3.8 GPA. We'll see how that goes. My teacher is pretty awesome. Very sarcastic. My kind of teacher.
But none of my other classes changed, so the rest of the day was pretty normal. Not much going on. That's been like the story of my life. Never much happening. Someday that will change. Someday my life will finally be what I want it to be. Exciting. Someday...
But nonetheless, school has started once again. Homework has started again. Despising my science teacher to the very core, again. Mrs. D. Because I can't really be accountable for this, and its on the internet, and you will probably never find it, and because I feel like it, I would like to personally tell you that you make almost 2 hours of my day awful. I'm glad I don't have you next year.
So, on that note, I'm going to sign off! I love you guys for consistently reading, and caring about these silly blogs! I'll see you, bright and early, tomorrow!
Happy Schooling,
Rachael The Ginger
I have touched on it before on some of my other pages, but I want to talk about a little page called "What Should I Do Next?" This is a page I made a long time ago but I want address completely what this page is. This page is basically a forum. You can go there and comment about changes to the look of the site. There is more info over there about what specifically I want the conversation to be about, but right here I'd like to tell you that you can comment about new projects I should take on. So tell me guys, what should I do next?
Just a little side note, if your interested in seeing me playing guitar and singing a song about how I hate my neighbors, then tune in to my YouTube channel on Monday, January 9th.
So? Are you asleep? Well I hope this will wake you up:
So, today was the first day of school after break. As I expected there would be a lot more commotion in the morning. Meeting my new Home Ec teacher was interesting. She pronounced my name Rachelle. I was like, really? Is Rachael really that hard to see? She gained her cool points later by singing. When she said 'um' she would sing it like, UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMM. It was amazing. Your officially cool in my book Mrs. V. I'm sure that means a lot coming from a 13 year old girl.
Then P.E. Now, if you know me, you know that I am not athletic. AT ALL. So, yeah. I'm nervous about it. Especially with my goal being to get a 3.8 GPA. We'll see how that goes. My teacher is pretty awesome. Very sarcastic. My kind of teacher.
But none of my other classes changed, so the rest of the day was pretty normal. Not much going on. That's been like the story of my life. Never much happening. Someday that will change. Someday my life will finally be what I want it to be. Exciting. Someday...
But nonetheless, school has started once again. Homework has started again. Despising my science teacher to the very core, again. Mrs. D. Because I can't really be accountable for this, and its on the internet, and you will probably never find it, and because I feel like it, I would like to personally tell you that you make almost 2 hours of my day awful. I'm glad I don't have you next year.
So, on that note, I'm going to sign off! I love you guys for consistently reading, and caring about these silly blogs! I'll see you, bright and early, tomorrow!
Happy Schooling,
Rachael The Ginger
Monday, January 2, 2012
Unlucky Resolutions
Hey gingers! It's January 2nd! Today is my second day blogging of the new year! Of course, as you would have assumed, it's time for Quickie News!
The only thing I really have to say today is about pages. On the sidebar there, there are pages you can click on. I want to heavily encourage you to go look at those. Especially the "Stuff I Forget To Say" page, and the "Shameless Promotion" page. The "Stuff I Forget To Say Page" is announcements that I need to tell you, but i have forgotten to mention in that days blog. It is also kind of a guide to the whole site in general. The "Shameless Promotion" page is a place where you can find links to any of my social networking sites, the collaborative blog, and more so check that out. Oh, I haven't talked about this much but there is also a page called "What Should I Do Next?" I'd like to talk about this page a little bit. It's kind of like a forum where you can leave suggestions for the site. Or new projects you might like me to do. Please head over there and comment. There is a better explanation over there too.
So you've been waiting for something? Here it is:
Happy? Here's the real blog.
It is said that January 2nd is the "Unluckiest Day of the Year." I don't really get that because it's New Year's Day that you have the hangover, you smell like the night before but you don't even know what really happened that night. But I won't argue with holidayinsights.com so its the unluckiest day of the year.
Just thought that was interesting because frankly, I'm having a pretty good day!
It is very amusing though because January 17th is "Resolution Quitting Day." LOL is all I have to say to that! I said in an earlier blog that resolutions are for people who need serious motivation to get anything done. I still stand by that, but I believe the new year is a time to evaluate and set goals. Like a fresh start. People make choices and set goals every day. The new year is just to make that a little easier.
I thought I would share my goals for 2012 on this blog. I have 10 of them and they are not in any kind of order. I will also give you a challenge at the end of the blog.
1) Blog everyday for a year
2) Reach 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel
3) Practice my violin 2 hours every week
4) Learn/write 12 songs on guitar (one every month)
5) Get a 3.8 GPA
6) Go to 10 NJHS meetings
7) Spend 1 day every week self-evaluating with a friend
8) Write 12 short stories (one every month)
9) Read 12 long books (not necessarily one every month)
10) Live every day like it's my last and live by the motto that happiness is a choice
So there you go! Now for my little challenge.
Write out your goals. If you don't write them out they are not going to get done. And put them somewhere where you will see them everyday. So you won't forget about them. Make them measurable goals that you can track. Not just like "I wanna lose weight." It has to be like, "I want to lose 30 pounds this year." Something like that.
Take my challenge, or not. Or just take it with a grain of salt. This is mainly just for me.
I hope you had a good "Unluckiest Day of the Year!" It was pretty good for me!
Stay Lucky,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. The first SMRT BLOG won't be tomorrow, but next Tuesday.
The only thing I really have to say today is about pages. On the sidebar there, there are pages you can click on. I want to heavily encourage you to go look at those. Especially the "Stuff I Forget To Say" page, and the "Shameless Promotion" page. The "Stuff I Forget To Say Page" is announcements that I need to tell you, but i have forgotten to mention in that days blog. It is also kind of a guide to the whole site in general. The "Shameless Promotion" page is a place where you can find links to any of my social networking sites, the collaborative blog, and more so check that out. Oh, I haven't talked about this much but there is also a page called "What Should I Do Next?" I'd like to talk about this page a little bit. It's kind of like a forum where you can leave suggestions for the site. Or new projects you might like me to do. Please head over there and comment. There is a better explanation over there too.
So you've been waiting for something? Here it is:
Happy? Here's the real blog.
It is said that January 2nd is the "Unluckiest Day of the Year." I don't really get that because it's New Year's Day that you have the hangover, you smell like the night before but you don't even know what really happened that night. But I won't argue with holidayinsights.com so its the unluckiest day of the year.
Just thought that was interesting because frankly, I'm having a pretty good day!
It is very amusing though because January 17th is "Resolution Quitting Day." LOL is all I have to say to that! I said in an earlier blog that resolutions are for people who need serious motivation to get anything done. I still stand by that, but I believe the new year is a time to evaluate and set goals. Like a fresh start. People make choices and set goals every day. The new year is just to make that a little easier.
I thought I would share my goals for 2012 on this blog. I have 10 of them and they are not in any kind of order. I will also give you a challenge at the end of the blog.
1) Blog everyday for a year
2) Reach 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel
3) Practice my violin 2 hours every week
4) Learn/write 12 songs on guitar (one every month)
5) Get a 3.8 GPA
6) Go to 10 NJHS meetings
7) Spend 1 day every week self-evaluating with a friend
8) Write 12 short stories (one every month)
9) Read 12 long books (not necessarily one every month)
10) Live every day like it's my last and live by the motto that happiness is a choice
So there you go! Now for my little challenge.
Write out your goals. If you don't write them out they are not going to get done. And put them somewhere where you will see them everyday. So you won't forget about them. Make them measurable goals that you can track. Not just like "I wanna lose weight." It has to be like, "I want to lose 30 pounds this year." Something like that.
Take my challenge, or not. Or just take it with a grain of salt. This is mainly just for me.
I hope you had a good "Unluckiest Day of the Year!" It was pretty good for me!
Stay Lucky,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. The first SMRT BLOG won't be tomorrow, but next Tuesday.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Year, New Happenings
Hey gingers! It's 2012, baby! Let's all blog together before we all die! But before we do that, we ALWAYS have to talk about the news that takes forever to talk about!
First of all, if you haven't noticed, there are a bunch of new pages on the sidebar there. The archives for my new SMRT BLOGS and "Morally Wrong" pages are there. But the main one I want to focus on is the new "Stuff I Forget To Say Page." That page is where I post the stuff that I need you guys to know, but my scatter-brained mind didn't say in the blog post for that day. Please check it out. Daily. Or we are not going to accomplish anything here.
Which brings me to my new projects. I was able to get a level head over my beautiful vacation to Arizona, and I want to re-direct the focus of those new projects.
The SMRT BLOGS are not for me to brag about my intelligence. I want it to be a fun, nerdy thing that I can do every other week. If you want a better idea of what I'm talking about go ahead and check out the vlogbrothers on YouTube. Here's the link:
And now I'd like to clarify the "Morally Wrong." I've decided that I'm going to spin it on the humorous side of things. I'm not really going to complain, but more of just me making fun of it and at the end of that blog I'm going to say, "And that my friends, is why [insert morally wrong thing here] is morally wrong." Personally, I am very excited about that. *nerd*
If you are a "long-time reader" you would know that I am going to blog every day for a year. every single day. 365 days. You can log in every day knowing that I have or will post something.
Now it's not going to be half-assed. It's going to be a full-on blog EVERY DAY! No joke.
I will reveal the reason for this at the END of the year.
Now, (I say "now" a lot), let's move on to a NEW THING! I think I'm going to write a short story. I might post it on here. Just a thought.
If you don't know this already, I like shamelessly promoting things. I have a YouTube channel. New videos every Monday and Friday.
*Shameless promotion* My good friend Logic Box asked Part-Time-Wzard, CamberPic, and myself to co-author a NEW BLOG! You people out there who are like "I'VE HEARD THIS A BILLION TIMES ALREADY!" Well I have NEW info for you! This blog is basically is going to be based around us being young (adolescent) and how that affects our thoughts and opinions. My color is orange so look out for that!
Team Blogathon
P.S. Please leave suggestions for names in the comments. We need a little help.
NEW PAGE! I just thought of it. "Shameless Promotions." Czech it out for this kind of stuff.
Oh, and I'd like to proudly announce that my business e-mail for BUSINESS INQUIRES ONLY, is gingerrebellion@gmail.com
Because I, AGAIN, bored you to death, here ya go:
SUP FOO! WHERE'S THE BLOG! It's here but I think that's gonna be a thing. News we have to go over, and then a cat picture to calm you down.
IT'S 2012! I'm really excited for this year. No freaking joke. It's gonna be a good one!
Speaking of "new," I drove through New Mexico when I was coming back from my vacation. New Mexico is a...interesting place.
Think about this. Ladies, especially, you know that there are usually pads, or tampons in bathrooms, right? You put the quarter in the thing and you get what you need, right? And guys I hope that cleared things up for you if you were confused. If your still confused, go into a women's restroom and look around.
Now think about this. Imagine going to a gas station in a little town called Glorieta. Now your at a Conoco gas station and you go into the gas station to go to the bathroom. There are a bunch of closed doors that say "EMPLOYEES ONLY!" in big letters. Behind one, particularly big door, there is country music being played very loudly and a lot of people speaking Spanish. You see a unisex bathroom, with one toilet and you enter the bathroom. You see a heavy lock on the door and you lock it. As you begin to look around, you see this,

Wow. New Mexico is a great state isn't it? Now, I probably shouldn't offend this state, for the one experience I had in the middle of nowhere, but c'mon. Really? Then I immediately was cautious of what I was doing, because I did not know what had been done in that bathroom. My vacation everybody.
Logic Box has a great story kind of like this, and I'm sure if you asked him he would post it on his blog. Pretty please, Logic Box?
So that's a thing. I hope you had a good holiday, and this new year is going to be great!
I'll see you tomorrow like a ginger,
Rachael The Ginger
First of all, if you haven't noticed, there are a bunch of new pages on the sidebar there. The archives for my new SMRT BLOGS and "Morally Wrong" pages are there. But the main one I want to focus on is the new "Stuff I Forget To Say Page." That page is where I post the stuff that I need you guys to know, but my scatter-brained mind didn't say in the blog post for that day. Please check it out. Daily. Or we are not going to accomplish anything here.
Which brings me to my new projects. I was able to get a level head over my beautiful vacation to Arizona, and I want to re-direct the focus of those new projects.
The SMRT BLOGS are not for me to brag about my intelligence. I want it to be a fun, nerdy thing that I can do every other week. If you want a better idea of what I'm talking about go ahead and check out the vlogbrothers on YouTube. Here's the link:
And now I'd like to clarify the "Morally Wrong." I've decided that I'm going to spin it on the humorous side of things. I'm not really going to complain, but more of just me making fun of it and at the end of that blog I'm going to say, "And that my friends, is why [insert morally wrong thing here] is morally wrong." Personally, I am very excited about that. *nerd*
If you are a "long-time reader" you would know that I am going to blog every day for a year. every single day. 365 days. You can log in every day knowing that I have or will post something.
Now it's not going to be half-assed. It's going to be a full-on blog EVERY DAY! No joke.
I will reveal the reason for this at the END of the year.
Now, (I say "now" a lot), let's move on to a NEW THING! I think I'm going to write a short story. I might post it on here. Just a thought.
If you don't know this already, I like shamelessly promoting things. I have a YouTube channel. New videos every Monday and Friday.
*Shameless promotion* My good friend Logic Box asked Part-Time-Wzard, CamberPic, and myself to co-author a NEW BLOG! You people out there who are like "I'VE HEARD THIS A BILLION TIMES ALREADY!" Well I have NEW info for you! This blog is basically is going to be based around us being young (adolescent) and how that affects our thoughts and opinions. My color is orange so look out for that!
Team Blogathon
P.S. Please leave suggestions for names in the comments. We need a little help.
NEW PAGE! I just thought of it. "Shameless Promotions." Czech it out for this kind of stuff.
Oh, and I'd like to proudly announce that my business e-mail for BUSINESS INQUIRES ONLY, is gingerrebellion@gmail.com
Because I, AGAIN, bored you to death, here ya go:
SUP FOO! WHERE'S THE BLOG! It's here but I think that's gonna be a thing. News we have to go over, and then a cat picture to calm you down.
IT'S 2012! I'm really excited for this year. No freaking joke. It's gonna be a good one!
Speaking of "new," I drove through New Mexico when I was coming back from my vacation. New Mexico is a...interesting place.
Think about this. Ladies, especially, you know that there are usually pads, or tampons in bathrooms, right? You put the quarter in the thing and you get what you need, right? And guys I hope that cleared things up for you if you were confused. If your still confused, go into a women's restroom and look around.
Now think about this. Imagine going to a gas station in a little town called Glorieta. Now your at a Conoco gas station and you go into the gas station to go to the bathroom. There are a bunch of closed doors that say "EMPLOYEES ONLY!" in big letters. Behind one, particularly big door, there is country music being played very loudly and a lot of people speaking Spanish. You see a unisex bathroom, with one toilet and you enter the bathroom. You see a heavy lock on the door and you lock it. As you begin to look around, you see this,
Wow. New Mexico is a great state isn't it? Now, I probably shouldn't offend this state, for the one experience I had in the middle of nowhere, but c'mon. Really? Then I immediately was cautious of what I was doing, because I did not know what had been done in that bathroom. My vacation everybody.
Logic Box has a great story kind of like this, and I'm sure if you asked him he would post it on his blog. Pretty please, Logic Box?
So that's a thing. I hope you had a good holiday, and this new year is going to be great!
I'll see you tomorrow like a ginger,
Rachael The Ginger
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