Hello gingers! Productivity is the best kind of product!
Lately, I've been working hard. Very, very hard. I've been working on all this YouTube and blogging stuff. And, I was thinking the other day that it would just be so much easier if it was a full time job. I would be able to take on more projects, and just be able to do more. That's why I think the YouTube Partnership is so cool! You get paid for making video and being entertaining! That's awesome, right!?
Well, that may just be a long time goal but I want it really bad. It is definitely what I want to do.
My friend told me one time that if you spend 10,000 hours on something you are officially "qualified" as an expert on that thing. I'm just going to say straight out that I am definitely an internet expert.
Takin' Care of Business! I am getting things done. Finalizing e-mails, putting out videos, managing fan-pages and social networks! All while getting average grades! I'm a stud, right?
One thing I hate about myself is that I have to do all of it. It can't be just like a "you can do it later" type of thing. It has to be done right now, because one of your videos is going to get famous overnight and your fan-pages will not be in order! It's OCD and I do not like it, haha. Stupid, irrational things too. Not cool bro, not cool.
But somehow in this crazy world, I'm ok! I'm not dying or anything. That's the goal here, right? Totally.
I posted on FaceBook recently that everybody complaining about their miserable lives, are just posers. I don't think anybody really knows what a hard life is, unless you've lived it. I mean I understand we are a bunch of hormone-ridden teenagers, but still. You don't really have a hard life.
I just downloaded a bunch of new apps, so that's what I will be doing this weekend! What are you doing?
No more complaining, or random blogs tomorrow! Because you know I'll be back tomorrow!
Keep On Living,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. Tomorrow's blog is going to be good. You just wait :)
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