Speaking of 3 parts, this doesn't have to do with anything, but this chick named "DeniseVlogs" put out a 3 part series called "The End."
She is a horror-thriller type of director and I love it! She is very, very, talented and I suggest you check her out!
Great, right? If that just scared the bejeezus out of you, I'm sorry. I love this though! She's awesome!
Now, high-school. Registration is making me a little frustrated but that's OK. I'll see how everything plays out. I did make a more extensive blog on this topic, where you can find here. It's quite the interesting topic if you're either a) one of my friends or b) have no idea what I'm talking about.
I just don't have a lot of choices. I feel like my high-school years are going to be a cluster-fudge of classes I MUST take or else they WILL NOT LET ME LEAVE HIGH-SCHOOL!
But I'm kind of paranoid, so don't take my judgement too literally.
I've got a few careers in mind, but I definitely have narrowed it down. I said this in my other blog, but I either want to be a 8th grade history teacher, a production manager for a company like Google or YouTube, or maybe possibly have a YouTube Partnership.
I think I would be a good teacher. I could be really cool. I don't know, it's just a thought.
Now, onto writing. I made it one of my new years goals to write 12 short stories. I still need to do one for January. I already have an idea and mind, and I believe it's going to be a good one because I haven't been "inspired" in a long time so yeah. Let me give you a hint though: I have kinda talked about it on a blog before. Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments!
The story will be posted on here when it's finished for a day's blog. ARE YOU EXCITED?!
That's it for today!!!! See ya tomorrow!
Stay Inspired,
Rachael The Ginger
P.S. There are going to be some new pages tomorrow! Stay tuned!
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