Friday, January 13, 2012

The Real Rachael Robinson

Hello gingers! Today is Friday the 13th so I wanna do something fun today!

Most of you reading this are my friends, BUT maybe you aren't! Don't you want to know the REAL Rachael Robinson!?!?! We are going to accomplish that today!

This is going to be like speed dating, ok? You ready? Leggo.

Physical Features: Ginger, 4, 11, 6 1/2 shoe size, brown eyes, average nose, small mouth, average length hair, short, small hands

Clothing style: T-shirts, jeans, converse, hoodies, hats, and occasionally my P.E. uniform

Type of crayon?: Periwinkle

Personality: Crazy, spazzy, ginger, funny, sarcastic, smart, nerdy

What I Look For In A Friend: Humor, loyalty, good taste in music, sarcastic, loves life!

Favorite Possession: My Batman T-shirt :)

Favorite Pastime: Trollin' bro

Career?: Production Manager, History Teacher, or *whisper* YouTube Partner!

Interests: Internet shtuff, batman, music

Hobbies: Blogging, YouTubing, I play guitar sometimes

Music Genre: Pop/Rock but mainly just Mainstream

Biggest inspiration: ShayCarl

Why?: March. 2012

Favorite Viral Video: At the moment, bed intruder

Favorite Song: At the moment, "Say You Like Me" by We The Kings, but that will change tomorrow


Best Friend: At the moment, Shelby idkifishouldgiveoutherlastnamewithoutherpermission

Favorite Teacher: At the moment, Mr. Jentz/Mr. Lista. It's even

Favorite Nerd: Hank Green

Who Do I Wish Was My Science Teacher: Hank Green

Who Do I Wish Was My Language Arts Teacher: John Green

Any other questions?: No I think I'm good

Are you sure?: Yeah, pretty sure.

BUT ARE YOU SURE!?: Well, they can ask them in the comments below!


Well that's it for today! I hope now that we know each other you can come back and visit me tomorrow!

Keep On Questioning,
Rachael The Ginger

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