First of all, if you haven't noticed, there are a bunch of new pages on the sidebar there. The archives for my new SMRT BLOGS and "Morally Wrong" pages are there. But the main one I want to focus on is the new "Stuff I Forget To Say Page." That page is where I post the stuff that I need you guys to know, but my scatter-brained mind didn't say in the blog post for that day. Please check it out. Daily. Or we are not going to accomplish anything here.
Which brings me to my new projects. I was able to get a level head over my beautiful vacation to Arizona, and I want to re-direct the focus of those new projects.
The SMRT BLOGS are not for me to brag about my intelligence. I want it to be a fun, nerdy thing that I can do every other week. If you want a better idea of what I'm talking about go ahead and check out the vlogbrothers on YouTube. Here's the link:
And now I'd like to clarify the "Morally Wrong." I've decided that I'm going to spin it on the humorous side of things. I'm not really going to complain, but more of just me making fun of it and at the end of that blog I'm going to say, "And that my friends, is why [insert morally wrong thing here] is morally wrong." Personally, I am very excited about that. *nerd*
If you are a "long-time reader" you would know that I am going to blog every day for a year. every single day. 365 days. You can log in every day knowing that I have or will post something.
Now it's not going to be half-assed. It's going to be a full-on blog EVERY DAY! No joke.
I will reveal the reason for this at the END of the year.
Now, (I say "now" a lot), let's move on to a NEW THING! I think I'm going to write a short story. I might post it on here. Just a thought.
If you don't know this already, I like shamelessly promoting things. I have a YouTube channel. New videos every Monday and Friday.
*Shameless promotion* My good friend Logic Box asked Part-Time-Wzard, CamberPic, and myself to co-author a NEW BLOG! You people out there who are like "I'VE HEARD THIS A BILLION TIMES ALREADY!" Well I have NEW info for you! This blog is basically is going to be based around us being young (adolescent) and how that affects our thoughts and opinions. My color is orange so look out for that!
Team Blogathon
P.S. Please leave suggestions for names in the comments. We need a little help.
NEW PAGE! I just thought of it. "Shameless Promotions." Czech it out for this kind of stuff.
Oh, and I'd like to proudly announce that my business e-mail for BUSINESS INQUIRES ONLY, is
Because I, AGAIN, bored you to death, here ya go:
SUP FOO! WHERE'S THE BLOG! It's here but I think that's gonna be a thing. News we have to go over, and then a cat picture to calm you down.
IT'S 2012! I'm really excited for this year. No freaking joke. It's gonna be a good one!
Speaking of "new," I drove through New Mexico when I was coming back from my vacation. New Mexico is a...interesting place.
Think about this. Ladies, especially, you know that there are usually pads, or tampons in bathrooms, right? You put the quarter in the thing and you get what you need, right? And guys I hope that cleared things up for you if you were confused. If your still confused, go into a women's restroom and look around.
Now think about this. Imagine going to a gas station in a little town called Glorieta. Now your at a Conoco gas station and you go into the gas station to go to the bathroom. There are a bunch of closed doors that say "EMPLOYEES ONLY!" in big letters. Behind one, particularly big door, there is country music being played very loudly and a lot of people speaking Spanish. You see a unisex bathroom, with one toilet and you enter the bathroom. You see a heavy lock on the door and you lock it. As you begin to look around, you see this,
Wow. New Mexico is a great state isn't it? Now, I probably shouldn't offend this state, for the one experience I had in the middle of nowhere, but c'mon. Really? Then I immediately was cautious of what I was doing, because I did not know what had been done in that bathroom. My vacation everybody.
Logic Box has a great story kind of like this, and I'm sure if you asked him he would post it on his blog. Pretty please, Logic Box?
So that's a thing. I hope you had a good holiday, and this new year is going to be great!
I'll see you tomorrow like a ginger,
Rachael The Ginger
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