Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Break

Hello gingers! It's fall break and I've come down with an illness.

It feels like once every few months I'm getting colds and things. I hate it, it's the worst feeling. But I get them all the time. I should eat my vegetables like I'm told. Today was a good day, but very busy and I'm excited to chill and relax tomorrow.

I have these next couple days to actually do something, and I will. In sickness or in health. I'm going to make a layout of all my projects tomorrow, so I can get started on some of them on Monday.

The problem is, is that I get so many fantastic ideas and then I never have the time to actually pursue them. My life ladies and gentlemen.

Have a fantastic, safe, and healthy weekend this fine weekend. I should be making some much more interesting blogs hopefully in the future.

Keep On Making Interesting Blogs,
Rachael The Ginger

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