Thursday, October 25, 2012

Debate Tournament

Hello gingers! I am going to have a busy Saturday!

I do in fact have a debate tournament this Saturday! It's my second one and I'm nervous again but I'm excited as well! I'm going to be able to improve on so many things and I'm excited to do better than I have done before!

These things are a blast. Everyone is up and ready to go. And we are all alike in a way so we make each other laugh and we have a lot of fun. Last time we danced to Gangnam Style, and we got the entire place staring at us. We got really into it.

And it's just so fun to here others speeches, and see the nervousness in them too. It's really great.

But then after the debate I'm going to a halloween party! It's going to be so much fun, and there are a lot of cool people. I'm just so freaking popular like that.

SO Saturday is going to be very busy, and to be honest here, I'm not prepared for that. But I'll just do my best.

Keep On Having Busy Weekends,
Rachael The Ginger

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