Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Early Blog

Hello gingers! It's all early like today!

First off, I'd like to show you this picture. But you have to be able to handle you. Can you? Ok, here you go.

This may be the funniest picture known to man! I don't know about you but I crack up whenever I see it! It's firetrucking amazing right???

Maybe it's just because I can totally picture myself being the dog. I'm entertained fairly easily and I tend to annoy people like that at times. Imma boop your head!

Now, onto the other things. The other things like this being an early blog and the sadness that has come upon me. And news. 

That's a lot of things. ALL OF THE THINGS!

This is an early blog if you haven't noticed already. You might not read these the time they come out but for the people that do, it's very, very, early. This is because of a couple things. I get home around 3:30 and on days that I have videos to make, I film them. But today, my dad came home from Seattle early, so I did not have a chance to film. Currently this means there is not going to be a video today and that is the great sadness. This is the first time ever that I will not be able to put up a video on a scheduled day. :(

So, I decided to be productive and remember that happiness is a choice and I started blogging. I will explain some other things with that as well. 

Tomorrow might possibly be the busiest day of the year it feels like. Here's the situation. I have an orchestra concert tomorrow. Yes, be shocked and awed at the fact that I play the violin. And I'm first chair. Another blog for another day. 

Anyway, I have a concert tomorrow and I have to be there at 6:30. But, I'll probably show up early. 

That's not all. 

My brother's birthday is also tomorrow and he wants to eat out. This means I have to come home from school, get ready, go to dinner, and from dinner go to the concert. The concert goes til about 8 which gives me an hour and a half of time to shower, watch the videos that must grace my eyes before I sleep, do any homework I may have, (I have 2 tests this Friday!), and that's right, put up a blog. Tomorrow's blog is going to be absolutely awful and short. Just going to let you know. SO, I can't even put up a video tomorrow to make up for not having it today. 

This is not fun. 

Oh by the way, remember my friend Shelby? Ya, she wants to be in another blog so this leads perfectly into what I'm going to say. 

In social studies I had said that I have so much more time when I don't have to put up a video. I also said it takes an hour and a half to make one. She then said that I don't have to do a bunch of editing and jump cuts. But then I said that it is REALLY difficult to do a one-taker well. Then she was like, "I could do it." And then I got all angry. I was like "DO YOU WANNA TRY IT!" and of course she said no. Which leads me into my next thingamajig. 

I've mentioned this before and I don't mean to complain but it is not easy. What I'm doing is not easy. Blogging every day. Putting up videos and this whole not putting up a video is totally representing it. 

The hardest thing is that I'm not an adult. I go to school, and I have to do homework and all that junk. But it's also independence. I can't choose to buy a laptop so I can make videos where no one will be around. I don't have the money. I can't have my own place to where I can make a video because I can't bring a big macintosh upstairs. I can't even buy a new camera. I don't have the independence to do that. I'm not an adult. I'm a perfectly normal teenager. And you know, part of the problem is that I don't really tell my parents what I'm doing really. And they wouldn't take it seriously either. It's just this thing I'm doing. I'll grow out of it. 

Ok, complaining over. I am a happy person again. 

And now I forgot the news part but I have to do homework now! I'll see you guys (briefly) tomorrow!

Stay Happy,
Rachael The Ginger

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