Hello gingers! I'm so happy to be living the best years of my life right now!
This week was kind of a stressful week. I had a lot of stuff on my plate and it was just very overwhelming. But, today came around and I just felt so much better. I woke up feeling good. I felt like I could really take on the day. It gave me a new sense of passion.
Everything was done on Friday so I just kind of relaxed. Classes weren't stressful and it was just good.
I had a good day.
These type of days remind me that I really am living the best years ever. Not much stress, not too many problems, and I just am pretty lucky.
I'm growing up in a wealthy neighborhood, with good schools, and a good community in general. I'm doing this and my youtube videos which is just making my life so much better. I'm able to capture and hold and cherish these good times in my life. I will have these memories forever and I'm so happy about that.
I have complained in the past. I'm not an adult. I can't do the things I want to do. But I'm being honest with myself and I'm realizing that I'm doing just fine right now. These great times are not to complain about how they could be better. They are about cherishing the stuff you have.
Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone is like this. I'm just saying this for myself. Not everyone is as privileged as I am, but that's what I want to say. I want to change how I act about that. I should not be taking the stuff I have for granted. I'm a very fortunate individual and I'm recognizing that. I am not trying to brag, or hurt the feelings of others who don't live the life I do.
So, that's my challenge for the blog. Be grateful for what you have. Don't try to think or complain about how it could be better. Happiness is a choice. Choose it.
That's it for today! Tomorrow I will be discussing religion so brace yourself. There will be a warning though. See ya then!
Keep On Loving,
Rachael The Ginger
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