Hello gingers! I said I was going to talk about YouTube today and I will!
I don't think it will be what I originally intended considering that my thoughts only last a designated amount of time. I really should write things down more often. But that's what blogging is for.
Let's talk about it.
Let's have a discussion.
Let's have a conversation.
That's what youtube is. It's a conversation. It's I-say-this-now-you-say-that. It's much less like TV where it is a mindless, 1 ended conversation that you are subjected to. Youtube is a conversation that involves any party. The creator, the consumer, the supplier, everyone. And everyone is affected by the other. If the creator changes things, it affects the consumer and the supplier. They can choose to supply it or consume it. If the consumer changes it affects the creator and the supplier. The creator has to change or keep the conversation going and the supplier has to do that as well. If the supplier changes the creator has to change and that may affect the consumer as well.
It's a conversation. 2 way. Just the way I like it.
Your opinions can be heard, your feedback is heavily depended on. You are the reason it keeps going.
And I want to change with the rest of the world. I want to start vlogging. I think it will be really fun. But we just have to see what the future holds now don't we?
This probably isn't what my past self was intending but it's good enough.
See you guys tomorrow.
Keep On Vlogging,
Rachael The Ginger
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