Hello gingers! I've learned that if I don't talk about "deep" stuff, I'm not all that interesting.
Just considering the short blogs lately. Those are caused by me trying to be fun, but summer is a laid back relax time for me. A time when I don't have to be constantly worried about something.
School starts soon. I'm getting my laptop this Sunday.
Things have just been a little crazy lately. Especially surrounding my birthday. The laptop was a huge thing (I know that is somewhere in my house this very second), complications with my dad not going to be here for my actual birthday, and just everything has been this whole production of sorts.
And I make a lot of excuses. I talk myself out of things. Very easily actually. That's something I've learned about myself as well. I've been making short blogs because the laptop will make things easier? Yeah, no. I've been making short blogs because I have nothing to say? Yeah, no. I've been making short blogs because I've been watching a lot of freaking Yogscast? Yeah. Exactly.
I've learned that my trust in people is slim. I've learned that I tend to over-think things. I've learned that I sit in a computer chair too much. I'll go running tonight.
I've learned that I need to push myself harder to meet expectations, but not let the expectation's become my life. I've learned that I love music, but I don't like people telling me what to do.
I've learned that I like "rebelling" but I also like being like everybody else.
I've learned that I'm going to have to look at myself in the mirror a little closer, and find out who I really am.
I've learned that I'm a deep thinker. And when I'm not thinking, I'm not improving. I like taking problems, and thinking about them. Thinking about what I can do about it.
And I think I'm pretty good at thinking. I like thinking about thinking.
I'm doing it right now. And your probably thinking about thinking as well.
Thought is a virus. You can spark so many things in people when you provoke thought. It is mankind's greatest strength, and greatest weakness.
So think about yourself. Learn about yourself. I know I have a lot of learning yet to do.
Keep On Thinking About Thinking,
Rachael The Ginger
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