Tuesday, July 31, 2012

American Women's Gymnastics Team

Hello gingers! I don't believe I talked enough about the gymnasts yesterday.

I'm facing one of the biggest dilemma's of my life right now though. I can't decide whether I should I should watch the team finals live, or watch it on primetime later. It's better quality and it might be a bit more exciting on the big screen or whatever, but when you watch it live you will get to live it with everybody else. I WANT TO BE THE FIRST.

But I swear, this team is amazing. I think we finally have a shot at this. I love all the girls competing and it's become one of my favorite sports to watch with actual context. With rowing, I really have no idea what's going on except for the fact that I want America to cross the finish line first. I have context with gymnastics, and swimming. Especially with individual people like Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte, and Gaby Douglas, and Jordyn Weiber.

I can actually keep up with scores, and what is good and what's bad and qualifying stuff and score stuff and all the fancy jazz. So I like gymnastics. I feel like I respect the sport even though I'm not involved in it in any way, really.

That's what makes me like watching something. It's the moment I realize I can respect what they are doing without actually doing it myself. GO USA. GO FAB 5. YOU GUYS GOT THIS.

So I'm really excited to see what happens. Sorry China/Russia. I know I have a heavy Russian audience too. But we have a strong team coming your way.

Keep On Scoring A Perfect 10,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, July 30, 2012

London 2012

Hello gingers! I don't know what's going on with blogger but I guess we are going to have to deal with Times font if you don't mind.

Type in the comments if you're mad about it. Good to know that nobody is mad about it.

SO, the games of the 30th Olympiad have started and just to be completely honest here for a second, this is officially going to be the first Olympics that I pay attention to. Just throwing that out there. 

But I'm basically loving every second of it. And I can't even pinpoint what I love so much about it but I'll rant a bit and then I'll come to a really deep conclusion about the spirit of patriotism and somehow coming together for really mundane activities. Just kidding about the mundane activities part, I understand that people work really hard and dedicate so much of their lives to a sport.

The opening ceremonies had so much conflict and confusion about NBC kind of being jerks and the opening ceremony being a bit weird, but I thought it was awesome, really. I think they really embraced their country and what they stood for, and what they were proud of, even if that meant James Bond and the Queen jumping out of an airplane. I loved J.K. Rowling and the baddies and the drums. I loved a lot of it. Especially the technology part as well. And Mr. Bean.

David Beckham. David Beckham. David. David. Beckham. David Beckham.

I thought the torch thing was cool. I liked the fact that the young athletes were involved. What an experience that must have been. GO YOUNG ATHLETES.

I also really loved Hey Jude. Man Paul McCartney can do nothing wrong. I believe that.

Onto the games. First of all I would like to send my thoughts out to Missy Franklin of Centennial, Colorado. She is rocking it. You go girl.

I've found that I really enjoy watching rowing. Weird, right? Yeah. Rowing.

And beach volleyball. But that's cool anyway.

I'm getting so emotionally wrapped up in gymnastics, and just all the stories. Because everybody got there a different way, and I bet they are so happy for that. It's not about one athletes stories of success and triumph, it's about them all coming together and broadcasting an event that we will remember for ages.

I am just really starting to love the Olympics. They do in fact bring us together in a way I would have never thought possible. Not just as a community, or a country. But the world is brought together. We are able to celebrate our diversity, with what we do best, competition. We put our best foot forward with the best athletes in the world.

And of course, because I'm from 'Merica, Go 'Merica. I want them to crush everybody else out there. Because America is the best. At everything. No hard feelings?

Told you it would end with patriotism.

Keep On Passing The Torch,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shannon The Computer And It Wasn't My Fault

Hello gingers! Remember all those times I talked about how much easier it would be if I had a laptop? SHANNON THE COMPUTER HAS BEEN BORN.

That's right. Her name is Shannon and she is beautiful. She is a 2012 11.6 inch Macbook Air. Totally basic, cheapest one you can get, no extra fancy stuff like extra space or faster Ghz. But I freaking love her. It is fast, it is small, and it's so sleek and cool. This isn't any kind of promotion for Apple, but it should be.

The screen is totally big enough to do what you need to do, and it's totally fast enough to do what you need to do. It got hot one time, and I was downloading a bunch of files that I needed. I love how the keys feel, I love the gestures with the trackpad, and I'm going to get Mountain Lion soon.

Shannon is stunning and if you say otherwise, I will cut you.

I'm going to watch some videos now.

But the other thing. The blogs have been a little wonky lately if you haven't noticed, and my phone JUST started working a few hours ago and they all posted. Sorry about that. But it wasn't my fault.

I'm going to talk about the Olympics tomorrow, I swear. The Dark Ages have ended. They really have.

Keep On Loving Shannon,
Rachael The Ginger
Hello gingers! More olympics, that I'm falling in love with. Its all so great. Laptop tomorrow! Keep On Sticking The Landing, Rachael The Ginger
Hello gingers! More olympics, that I'm falling in love with. Its all so great. Laptop tomorrow! Keep On Sticking The Landing, Rachael The Ginger
Really your going to post now?
Really your going to post now?
Hello gingers! More olympics, that I'm falling in love with. Its all so great. Laptop tomorrow! Keep On Sticking The Landing, Rachael The Ginger

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello gingers! Creepers are scary. And my phone thinks "creeper" is a real word. Oh yeah. Keep On Creepin', Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning About Yourself

Hello gingers! I've learned that if I don't talk about "deep" stuff, I'm not all that interesting.

Just considering the short blogs lately. Those are caused by me trying to be fun, but summer is a laid back relax time for me. A time when I don't have to be constantly worried about something.

School starts soon. I'm getting my laptop this Sunday.

Things have just been a little crazy lately. Especially surrounding my birthday. The laptop was a huge thing (I know that is somewhere in my house this very second), complications with my dad not going to be here for my actual birthday, and just everything has been this whole production of sorts.

And I make a lot of excuses. I talk myself out of things. Very easily actually. That's something I've learned about myself as well. I've been making short blogs because the laptop will make things easier? Yeah, no. I've been making short blogs because I have nothing to say? Yeah, no. I've been making short blogs because I've been watching a lot of freaking Yogscast? Yeah. Exactly.

I've learned that my trust in people is slim. I've learned that I tend to over-think things. I've learned that I sit in a computer chair too much. I'll go running tonight.

I've learned that I need to push myself harder to meet expectations, but not let the expectation's become my life. I've learned that I love music, but I don't like people telling me what to do.

I've learned that I like "rebelling" but I also like being like everybody else.

I've learned that I'm going to have to look at myself in the mirror a little closer, and find out who I really am.

I've learned that I'm a deep thinker. And when I'm not thinking, I'm not improving. I like taking problems, and thinking about them. Thinking about what I can do about it.

And I think I'm pretty good at thinking. I like thinking about thinking.

I'm doing it right now. And your probably thinking about thinking as well.

Thought is a virus. You can spark so many things in people when you provoke thought. It is mankind's greatest strength, and greatest weakness.

So think about yourself. Learn about yourself. I know I have a lot of learning yet to do.

Keep On Thinking About Thinking,
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Laptop

Hello gingers! I'm getting my laptop in 8 days!

In case you were wondering, I'm getting a 11.6 inch Macbook Air, with 64GB of memory. It's the cheapest macbook out there, but it's going to be very awesome.

So, so awesome.

I've already been thinking about what preferences I'm going to have, and what my wallpaper is going to be, and what skins I'm going to put on it. Because when you think about it, this is going to be my computer for at least the next four years of my life.

I'm getting it for school, but it's going to be much more than that. I'm going to be able to edit videos easier, film videos easier, write these blogs easier, play minecraft.

And do school work. And play minecraft.

So I'm excited. If you can't tell already. And it's kind of hard to picture it. But once I get it I'm going to be bouncing off the walls.

Inventions make things easier, and Steve Jobs, you made things a lot easier.

I hope he's happy.

So soon enough my friends, I will be on my new laptop.

Keep On Making Technology,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello gingers! Minecraft kind of took over priority today! Sorry! Keep On Taking Priority, Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Faith In My Age Group Is Slim

Hello gingers! People are so ignorant. And I don't like it.

Let me start by saying, that I don't hate everybody in my age group. And everybody in my age group is not this way. It's when people in general are this way that bugs me. I hate stereotypes so let's not make this about stereotypes, but more about what I hate in the world. Just kidding.

I made a blog about the hideous disease of ignorance before and if you would like some background information you can read that blog by clicking here.

Ignorance, is horrible. I'm glad we agree on that. But one thing equally horrible is conformism. Now, I'm saying this in a very specific context, so let's not get carried away.

Not so much conformists as just people who will accept anything they hear without questioning it or having a hint of doubt in it's truthfulness. People who will believe anything they hear.

And our age group is (mostly) that. Teenagers get their news off of facebook, and they refuse to believe anything else. If they hear something, it is truth to be upheld by the almighty force of themselves.

And I hate that. A lot.

That's mainly all I have to say. Don't be afraid to question things because everybody else believes it. Constantly accept change, and be able to adapt to new information.

Question the world around you. And don't accept the world the way it is. Keep improving.

Keep On Questioning,
Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blogging Drama

Hello ginger! That's a type of drama I never thought I'd have.

If you are out of the loop, ION hasn't been going very well. But it would take a lot to be out of the loop because I talk about it all the freaking time.

We are looking for new people. We're trying guys.

Sorry this is so short. Family time was necessary today.

Keep On Having Drama,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Secondary Blog? Sounds Pretty Good To Me.

Hello gingers! Don't get excited, it's not what you think it is.

You probably weren't excited anyway, but I'm not starting a new blog (yet). Obviously it was a plea for attention and a descriptive yet vague blog title. That's what makes good movie quotes as well. You can look it up.

I've been watching a lot of Yogscast lately and as I'm typing this I'm typing it in a British accent. What a beautiful life I have, love. Now on to real news.

Real news as in ION. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to put you through this tortuous spiral of self-promotion once again. It's not really self-promotion, as much as it is just news for you guys this time around though.

This blog is where I keep things real, and personal. Nothing is barricaded here and I'm really proud to be able to say that. And I am notorious to let you guys in on things that I shouldn't. Because I really love to talk.

But Logic Box, (Hi, if your reading this), posted on ION about how it's not functional. People have quit, people are not willing to post, and I'm the one really posting. We need new members.

He said that it's basically just a secondary blog for me, but my name wasn't mentioned. I guess I'm just stealing his spotlight :)

And maybe that's what it is. I'm pretty unclear at this point. But one thing I am clear of is that what he said was true. And I've been thinking about all of it for the past couple of days. I just haven't been able to talk to him about it.

So things might be changing on there a bit with me. But this blog will never change like that. This is where I go to be real, and personal as I said before. So if ION doesn't last, just know, that this will.

Thanks guys. You truly are the most awesome people in the world.

Click here to read the blog post that inspired this one.

Keep On Being The Most Awesome People In This World,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Schedule Grief

Hello gingers! My schedule is a little screwed up and it's giving me a little bit of grief!

So basically, the computer messed up my entire schedule, so I have to fight through a bunch of stupid crap, to get my schedule. It's not even okay.

Basically everyone else's is fine, but they were like "Hey, let's give this freshman a hard time" how fun.

I thought the drama was going to be fixed today, but I was wrong. We just learned it was going to have to be fixed a later date. Anger. And rage. Anger and rage.

A fury so strong that I don't even have anything interesting to say. Smoothies are awesome.

Keep On Angering And Raging,
Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chocolate Milk

Hello gingers! Chocolate milk is quite delicious.

My birthday is coming up in a little bit, and I'm going to get my schedule for high school tomorrow and I'm starting high school soon and Minecraft 1.3 is coming out soon!

It's all so crazy and I can't process any of it. So I'm just going to sit here and sip my chocolate milk. That sounds like a good plan.

I'll try to absorb it all by blogging and basking in the failure's of others. Just kidding. I love others.

It's days like this when I say I'm going to get so much done and I'm going to blog in the morning when I wake up. And then I'm not focused. And then I try to do things to help me get focused which just get me more distracted. What a life I have.

Tomorrow I am probably going to have a lot to say about high-school and all those angsty feelings I'm going to have when I get my schedule. Hopefully it won't be like this.

Here's a list of all the blogs I've done on ION to make up for the lack of substance here. You'll be really sick of me by the time your done with this:

Gears and Gadgets: WHEN HIGGS FLY!
VIRAL: VidCon 2012!
The Network: Digg Sold For $500,000
VIRAL: How To Catch A Kangaroo
Game Grenade: The OUYA
The Network: New Facebook Software Tracks Chats and Posts
San Diego Comic-Con 2012!
The Network: Google VS youtube-mp3.org
Gears and Gadgets: 500 Trillion Watt Laser Breaks Records!
Game Grenade: Portal Lego Sets
VIRAL: YouTube Now Offers Face Blurring

So there you go. By the way, if you see orange writing, that's me. That's my color. And of course my tag at the bottom.

Keep On Reading My Words (Please?),
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Being Informative

Hello gingers! Today I would like to share with you my passion for sharing things.

Maybe it's an addiction, maybe it's just fun, but I love sharing things. I love talking and having conversations and telling people things they haven't heard before. I love talking about the world around me because really, what better can we do?

And I especially love sharing the news. I love being able to take that outside source, and have it spark a conversation. I love learning people's opinions on certain issues by talking about the news. I love having it be something that you can just use to bring out the...interesting...in people.

And I've always dreamed about being that outside source that brings people together and tears people apart, and just makes people have those discussions that make progress and possibly, maybe, eventually will make the world a better place by speaking about them. Being the outlet that will make people better citizens by keeping them informed.

Being informative is important to me. Because learning is just about one of the only things we can do in this life, and we should do a lot of. So by sharing information and talking about the news you are learning yourself and hopefully you are helping others learn too.

Live like there's no tomorrow, and learn like you'll live forever.

We are in the Information Age and information is so easy like I talked about here. And I think it's cool to be able to contribute to that.

I like being informative. And I know people out there who like to be informed.

So my friends and I started a blog where we hopefully share enough of the news for you to be informed. Because I love sharing the news. We are just starting out, so we may not be the best but we are trying to be as informative as well as opinionated as possible. Let's start that conversation.

I'm not trying to be really obnoxious and self-promotional but I am really passionate about this stuff and hopefully we can encourage you guys to be too. Your views really help.

Click here if you want to check it out. Thank you so much, you guys. You guys mean a lot.

Keep On Meaning A Lot,
Rachael The Ginger

Monday, July 16, 2012


Hello gingers! I said I was going to talk about YouTube today and I will!

I don't think it will be what I originally intended considering that my thoughts only last a designated amount of time. I really should write things down more often. But that's what blogging is for.


Let's talk about it.

Let's have a discussion.

Let's have a conversation.

That's what youtube is. It's a conversation. It's I-say-this-now-you-say-that. It's much less like TV where it is a mindless, 1 ended conversation that you are subjected to. Youtube is a conversation that involves any party. The creator, the consumer, the supplier, everyone. And everyone is affected by the other. If the creator changes things, it affects the consumer and the supplier. They can choose to supply it or consume it. If the consumer changes it affects the creator and the supplier. The creator has to change or keep the conversation going and the supplier has to do that as well. If the supplier changes the creator has to change and that may affect the consumer as well.

It's a conversation. 2 way. Just the way I like it.

Your opinions can be heard, your feedback is heavily depended on. You are the reason it keeps going.

And I want to change with the rest of the world. I want to start vlogging. I think it will be really fun. But we just have to see what the future holds now don't we?

This probably isn't what my past self was intending but it's good enough.

See you guys tomorrow.

Keep On Vlogging,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, July 15, 2012

An Interesting Observations

Hello gingers! Today my brother sat down and watched a couple videos with me today.

So I started watching the usual videos in my subscription box, just being normal. It included an episode of kids react which I believe he enjoyed. It also included a Trippy video with fireworks and a caseylavere video where all he did was make breakfast. I don't think he enjoyed that one much because the title was a little deceiving. Then we started some of the daily vlogs like the ApprenticeEh vlogs and about 75% through he got up and left. He said the videos were boring. He is accustomed to just watching WWE videos on YouTube.

I thought it was funny that he said they were boring because we all have to start somewhere right? So when I first started watching things like CTFxC and the ApprenticeEh vlogs, I didn't think they were boring. Or maybe I did and I've just developed some loyalty. It's just interesting to see how something I'm so committed too and something that is just part of my life be introduced into someone else's. And they didn't like it.

And that's kind of why I like watching YouTube videos like that so religiously. It's because it's alone. I can make my own opinions or judgements about the video without somebody in real life telling me I'm wrong. It's a discussion (comments and video responses) without confrontation. I love it.

But that's just me. What are your thoughts?

Keep On Having A Discussion,
Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Annoying People Are Annoying

Hello gingers! I hate when titles are so self-explanatory and leave no room for blogging!

Just kidding. I absolutely love that. Because it makes my job easier. To just say it simply, my brother is having a sleepover tonight with his precious little friend. How fantastic.

I've been posting a lot on ION (I'm the main contributer. I'M CALLING YOU OUT CAMERON.) so you should definitely check it out! I have a blogger roll on the sidebar there that you can just use your clicking mouse to take a gander at. GANDER.

So if you're not sick of me here, you can go over there and definitely get sick of me. Especially when I'm all annoying and informative. I just think I know everything in the world.

In that really deep blog the other day I meant to say something totally different but it turned into that. And I'm really happy about that but I still want to talk about it. Maybe Tuesday.

And if I haven't annoyed you enough, I have to do my stupid outro. See you guys tomorrow.

Keep On Being Annoying,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, July 13, 2012

Blogging Because I Can

Hello gingers! How are you guys doing?

Let me just give you a little insight in how hard it is to be on the computer all day. When your house is hot and then you sit in front of a running computer that is emanating heat for hours and hours, it is really freaking hot. Like sweaty hot.

My life is so hard isn't it?

I've been thinking a lot about YouTube and just what I want to do and I think I'll talk about some of that on Monday. I hope you guys understand that I do do a lot of crap and the weekends are kind of my excuse to be all lazy and stuff. Thanks for not complaining.

I have been thinking that maybe I would start a blog that would basically just consist of the deep thinking and stupid crap that you guys don't want to see. And then maybe I could just keep this blog primarily a fun silly thing. But we just have to filter ideas in and out.

I've said it before but NicePeter is my musical inspiration. And I just handed over my money to have him scribble some stuff on the side of a pair of sunglasses. That is the epitome of dedication. I think I'll have a NicePeter party on Monday. That sounds good.

And now I'm just blogging because I can. DEAL WITH IT.

Keep On Blogging Because You Can,
Rachael The Ginger

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hello gingers! Its hit or miss with these blogs these days! Yesterday was really good! Keep On Hitting Or Missing, Rachael The Ginger
Hello gingers! Its hit or miss with these blogs these days! Yesterday was really good! Keep On Hitting Or Missing, Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When Ideas Meet Demand, And Demand Meets Ideas

Hello gingers! The internet is a fast growing place and I would love to talk about it right now.

We live in a world where you can literally get any information you could ever possibly need in the matter of seconds. You want to learn that new hip song on guitar? Done. You want to know the population of Wales? Done. You want to see cute little kittens playing around and being adorable? Done.

Anything you would ever need is readily available for you to absorb. And it's because of you.

And know you're like: What? You're telling me that I'm responsible for cat videos on the internet?

And I'm like: Yes. It's all your fault.

And then you're like: What? I don't believe you.

And then I'm all like: It's your fault that we have all of this information and everything you could ever think of ready at your disposal because you demanded it. You said "I want this to happen" and it happened because people wanted to supply your demand and be helpful to you and many others. For example "I really wish that their was a product I could use that would allow me to talk to other people without actually being there." Boom. Telephone. But people wanted to be able to talk easier and talk outside of their own home. Boom. Done. And people wanted to talk but not actually have to talk. Just send a message quickly. Done.

And the internet is no different. It is full of more demand from more people and it's only going to grow. You demanded cat videos, and you got them.

But in this fast paced world there has to be people to create or deliver the things that you demand. And those people make money doing that because you are demanding it to be so. But the suppliers in this world come in many different forms, whether it's a website, or a blog, or a store, or whatever, it's there for you to consume and create your own opinions on for you to then share with other people. It's an incredible connection.

But then what about the things that haven't been created yet but I'm demanding? Someone in the world is creating it. Right now.

What about people who create things without demand? It's a demand from themselves. A controlling force that allows human kind to put out ideas into action, whatever they may be. They think to themselves that people would like it and it would be really fun to create and see come to life. And when they do people will see them and the demand will rise because they enjoy what someone has created.

It's ying and yang. Without ideas there would be no demand, and without demand, there would be no ideas.

You can't have one without the other and this cycle is what brings the world to life.

Without this cycle there would be no cat videos, or phones, or television, or computers or the internet. Supply and demand, demand and supply.

Put that in your applesauce.

Keep The Cycle Going,
Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello gingers! I posted on ION today! Twice! Make sure to check it out! Keep On Checking Things Out, Rachael The Ginger

Monday, July 9, 2012

In Other News

Hello gingers! It's been a long, long, time coming but ION is finally ready for the people of the world!

So let me do a couple things in this blog: tell you what it is, tell you how I'm in it, tell you where to go, and how to absolutely freaking love it with all your face.

ION, or "In Other News" is where a couple other bloggers and myself are writing different segments and just share our opinion in the world we live in a youngsters.

Last week the first post was posted! We have segments about games, science, technology, minecraft, and most importantly YouTube.

Yessir, you are correct. I will in act be doing a youtube segment on this blog. I will definitely be posting around on other ones too because current events are a passion of mine. But, I love YouTube and I love talking about new YouTubers and new YouTube updates and everything on the internet because I absolutely love it.

And you can love it too. And you will never be a YouTube noob again.

So here's the link. ENJOY.


I will stat posting on their ASAP. We just have to finish up a couple things and get the ball rolling.

Hint: I might even do exclusive videos on there.

Keep On Getting Your News,
Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello gingers! I said Monday was going to be a good one! Just wait til tomorrow morning! Keep On Waiting Until Tomorrow Morning, Rachael The Ginger

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Family Is Leaving

Hello gingers! My family that was over is heading back home tomorrow!

It's sad but it's also good to get back to some normality. I'm gonna get back to the amazing summer that I always plan for but never actually happens.

I love my family and it was a fun time, but I gotta tan and drink smoothies sometime.

So you may know, or you may not but the Higgs Boson particle or whatever has been discovered when we slammed some things together and it's very confusing. And I can't find something that will explain it to me like I'm 5. I'm not a physicist or anything so I can't even understand what Hank Green is talking about. So tomorrow my mission is to actually figure out what it means so I can be all nerdy with it like everyone else.

This is a longer blog but I have a lot to talk about Monday, so hold out for then.

Keep On Discovering Things,
Rachael The Ginger

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello gingers! Today we went to the top of the famous Pike's Peak! It was pretty fun but it was also tiring! Keep On Climbing Mountains, Rachael The Ginger.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hello gingers! Today I saw many snakes and lizards. That means it was a successful day. We named one Barbara. Keep On Naming Snakes, Rachael The Ginger

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hello gingers! No normal blog today but happy 4th! Happy birthday America! We ate happily. Keep On Eating Happily, Rachael The Ginger

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hello gingers! I just want to say in advance, happy 4th! Thats for you American folks. I'll try to blog regular tomorrow. Keep On Eating BBQ, Rachael The Ginger

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hello gingers! Family is still over. Fun times have been had by all. Just having a good time. Keep Having A Good Time, Rachael The Ginger

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello gingers! Relatives are here! Its pretty fun! I'll talk more tomorrow. Keep On Visiting, Rachael The Ginger