Friday, September 7, 2012

CV vs DC

Hello gingers! Today is the big varsity football game!

I have made sure to get everything done so I can just enjoy the game and have a ball. I'm super excited and we are going to kick our rivals right where it hurts, just because we can.

We've already schooled them in tennis and soccer so this shouldn't be that hard. But if we lose, it's not going to be that fun. BUT TOO BAD WE'RE NOT GOING TO LOSE!

And there might even be a little bit of vlogging done at the game. But I didn't tell you that. My evil twin did.

So today, was a nice Friday, and I have absolutely no homework this weekend so that just makes things all the more better. I AM JUST GETTING STUFF DONE TODAY!

The game is going to be rockin', this weekend is going to be great, and life is good right now.


Keep On Schooling Rivals,
Rachael The Ginger

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