Hello gingers! Because I'm a friggin' teenager still trying to figure the basic things of life out, today will be a deep blog.
I do not even know how you put up with it. It's all this angst and complaining and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOUR STILL HERE!
But I still have reddit to keep me grounded. If you know what I mean.
Lately I've been thinking about the concept of not being to quick to judge as the title implies. I've been thinking about how us as human's are just so quick. We can take one look at someone, or someone will say one thing and we forever think bad of them, even though we have no idea who they are.
Some examples I have noticed recently involve my bus. I am in middle school but the middle school and the high school are close to each other so both middle and high schoolers ride the same bus. We have had some interesting characters on that bus and I can tell you that.
But just some examples that come to mind is one that includes one very brave I would say, high schooler. I live in a very white, conservative, christian area but one day one very tall African American girl started riding our bus. Some of my friends were very quick to judge and started making fun of her size. When our bus got in a car accident, people on our bus actually started talking to each other. But one day I overheard her talking to another high schooler about how she was struggling with math and how she needed the credits or something. I had been judging her as well at this point but then she said something. She started talking about her daughter. That was really crazy for me.
This chick has a daughter? This girl is a real life teen mom. It's so easy to watch the show and just not think anything of it but to actually see it is a different thing. Who am I to judge her? How am I supposed to know what she has gone through in her life? Her life may be harder than mine. I cannot judge on appearance. Not when the struggles are unknown to me.
Another example was just today on the bus. The tennis team has started riding my bus because by my bus stop there are some tennis courts that they use. Anyway, my bus has started to get crowded again. A high school guy, very tall, asked me to move over. He looked like your typical white gangster and I was instantly judging him. I was thinking that he did weed, or drank alcohol or something. But I thought about it again. Who am I to judge? I do not even know who this guy is, much less any specifics like him doing drugs or something. I have no idea what this guy has been through. How is he any different than me?
What I want you guys to get out of this is that you should strive to be better people. Don't be quick to judge. Give people a chance because you never know who they actually are until you talk to them. If you just give people a chance they may surprise you. It's just one step forward to being better gingers in this world.
Keep On Not Judging,
Rachael The Ginger
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